Two-step test Apple ID: where to enter the check code? How to get a two-factor authentication of Apple ID?

Published by B. iOS.
11 Oct 2016.

In this article, we will discuss the question of two-stage authentication, as well as adding devices to the list of trusted.

Thanks two-stage check your Apple. Id will be reliable protected from hacking. For her activation you will be to come check the code by sMS or on the self telephone after authorization through Apple. Id. Even when hacking your his password an attacker have to yet take up yours telephone or number.

First we need to give answers on the check questions. it done directly on the site. Apple. Id.



My Apple ID.

Or through whatthat time lighten window on the smartphone about necessity checks.

Security check iPhone

Security check iPhone

To secure account Apple. Id, log in in service and Complete control checks using answers to questions.

the confirmation security

For first purchase from new devicesYou will also check through answers to questions for confirmation ownership account. If a you not remember answers, that tell me them on the

Here lighten selected questions, on the which we need to give right answers.


Control questions apple id

Reset controls questions Apple. Id

  • Log in on the, I. after authorization open immediately section «Password and safety« and click on the «Shipping data for reset parameters security by electronic email«.

Reset Safety Settings Apple ID

  • You on the mail will come letter from instruction, as reset parameters security.

Apple ID Reset Parameters Instructions

  • Click by link in message «Performance reset now«. By the way, she is act in flow three watch, so check out perform restoration per this is time.
  • If a such request from you not reported and you though, what this is done whothat strange, that on the perform reset password.

Reset Password Apple ID

  • Now after reset controls questions choose new and enter for them answers, but more them not forget.



Control questions apple id

  • Here same for necessity you you can change its own password from Apple. Id. For of this choose «The change password«.

Change apple ID password

  • Enter additional mail and for necessity you will be able to send links, to confirm personality or change information in accounting entries. Others data you go here not will be.

Backup E-mail Apple ID

  • Enter additional email, specify date his birth and click «Preservation«.

Successful Change Apple ID Password

Activate «Two-stage check Apple. Id«

  • Now go in tab «Password and safety« and give answers on the check questions, to for necessity can it was disable check.

"Password and Security" Apple ID

  • Choose «Proceed«.

Thanks two-stage check account gets additional protection, what warns access third persons even for presence password.

  • Choose «Proceed«.

Safety Settings Apple ID

With double-factor enabled authentication, that for execution such action as, eg, change accounting data, authorization in icloud. or payment applications in iTunes. or App. Store. from new device, you need to will be perform the confirmation personality through trusted device.

  • Enter data for authorization Apple. Id. On the one of device will arrive the code checks. Enter his in special field and confirm, what included really you.
  • Besides total oooer provided key for recovery, which can take advantage, to for lOST password can it was to come in in its own account.
  • Continue operation.

Two-step test apple id

  • If a two-stage check activated, that change whator you will be able to after identification.
  • Ourselves questions write down noway not we need, so as selection replies here everything equally not works.
  • Reset password perform you can only you.
  • With a password loss his reset from use key recovery and check gadget.
  • Click on the «Continued«.

Configure two-stage Apple ID

Activation two-stage checks

Before than activate option we need make sure in compliance several conditions:

  • W. you installed password
  • You have access to check device
  • W. you recorded by key recovery

If a you lost password, that for create new you not do well without key recovery and device for checks. Itself company Apple. not can perform reset or the change your his password.

To use third party applications  in icloud., to example, for mail, address books or calendar, you need passwords.

  • Choose «Proceed«.

Activation of two-factor test apple ID

  • You lighten message, what activation will be produced through three day.
  • Click «Ready«.

When can you make a two-step apple ID?

Three-day expectation made for togo, to if a suddenly w. you stolen telephone and maulian i decided to do two-stage check for full losts you access to Apple. Id, you we managed block device and simmap. So maulian not will be able get to before yours data.


How to configure a two-step apple ID check?

  • On the electronic mail you will arrive inquiry on the activation two-factor checks Apple. Id, to you were in course, special if a this is made not you.

Request for switching on two-stage applications Apple ID

  • Through three day on the your electronic box will come message, what now can tune two-factor authentication.

Resolution Configure two-stage Apple ID

how tune two-stage check for Apple. Id?

  • On the page «My Apple. Id« log in and go in section «Settings and security«, to complete input parameters.

Answers to Test Questions Apple ID

  • To confirm personality answer on the controls questions.


  • Choose «Proceed« and will begin setting.

Editing Apple ID

  • Click «Continued«.

Beginning of a two-stage apple ID

  • Yet time «Continued«.

Amendments to Apple ID

  • Now «Proceed«.

Important information apple id

Step 1. Set up checked devices

Such device required for identification personality. You should have although would be one permanent telephone number, to accept messages.

  • Choose «Addition rooms phone«.

Verified devices for two-stage applications Apple ID

Write number, where to you will be able to to accept sMSmessage. Not before private, this is mog eT. be number friend, whom you trust.

  • Click «Further«.

Binding numbers for two-stage check

  • Confirm its own number phone. You will come check the code, which the we need enter in relevant field.

Phone confirmation for two-stage check

  • Now your number will be tied. the confirmation personality will be implemented through anyone device from activated option «To find iPhone.«.
  • If a she is included, that choose «the confirmation«.

Added numbers for two-stage check

  • On the gadget will come check the code.

IPhone check code for two-step test

  • Enter his in field, to perform the confirmation devices click appropriate button.

Enter the check code for a two-stage check

The first step settings is over. Go further.


Enter the phone number for two-stage check

Step 2. Print key recovery

Key recovery It is very important, since if necessary, you do not restore password without it. therefore keep his need to special carefully. By the way, keep his on the PC not recommended.


Recovery key for two-stage applications Apple ID

Choose printout key through pDF. printer or simply save ready file in it is same format. Yet his can write on paper  and hide.

Step 3. the confirmation key Recovery

  • Enter obtained key in special field, to system moved, what you his save.

Entering the recovery key for two-stage check

  • Further confirm act.

Step 4. Turn on self check

For active check, to can it was introduce change you need to:

  • Have password
  • Check device
  • Key for recovery

For утер password not do well without key recovery and check device.

A responsibility per preservation key holds fully on the you.


Enable two-stage check

  • Put mark, what you accept the above conditions and click on the «Turning ontwo-stage checks«.
  • Now option active. Choose «Ready«, to complete operation.

Two-step test Apple ID is enabled

On the electronic mail will come letter, what now function activated.

Now for payment apps in store or authorization in icloud. from new device, you have to confirm possession account through Trusted gadget.

Not forget about key recovery, which the important for утер password or office gadgets for confirmation.

To change password or restore key, but also for office devices, perform entrance in «My Apple. Id«.

If a danis from Apple. Id seized maulian, that immediately change password.

If a authentication activated, but you not deli of this, that refer to service support companies Apple..

Apple ID - two-stage check

Also check can be disabled on the this same page and created new controls questions.


Apple ID Security

Everyone time, changing accounting data, you will be to come inquiries for confirmation.

Now Apple. Id located under reliable protection.


End of the configuration of a two-stage apple ID

How to disable two-step authentication?

In general, by itself, such a check is an excellent way to protect your Apple ID from intruders, but after its inclusion, users notice certain inconveniences. For example, the mail client has to generate a special password, and it is generally spent more time to work with the account. Therefore, sometimes people turn off.

  • Open in the browser
  • Log in and leaf down to the section "Security"
  • Choose "Disconnect two-stage check"
Disable two-stage applications Apple ID

Disable two-stage applications Apple ID

  • Specify new secret questions so that they act as protection instead of entering the code
  • You can now close the data editing window. Apple ID

After turning off this method of authorization, you will log in in your personal account only using the password.

Video: Set up a two-stage iPhone check. Protection against hacking

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