Do Aliexpress delivery to the Crimea? Delivery of goods with Aliexpress to Crimea: Methods, Description

Published by B. Aliexpress
20 Oct 2017.

The article describes how to order goods on " Aliexpress" to Crimea.

Online store " Aliexpress."Two years ago, I closed access to the registration on my site to users living in the territory of the Republic of Crimea, that is, after in 2014 the Republic became part of the Russian Federation. In addition, some restrictions on orders were established by citizens from the so-called "unfavorable" regions. Of course, it affected Krymchan.


How to order a product at "Aliexpress" with delivery to the Crimea?

All orders decorated and paid by the inhabitants of Crimea and Sevastopol were canceled (before the parcel was packed), and further payment operations are limited. " Aliexpress."Explained such actions by the fact that America imposed sanctions to Russia because of the so-called" Annexia "of the Crimea in the Western media.

And the thing is not so much in the policy of the PRC. China does not support sanctions against Russia and the Crimea. The fact is that most of the shares " Aliexpress."Belongs to investors who agree with the United States on sanctions against the Russian Federation.

In such a situation, the inhabitants of the Crimea are interested in a number of issues. Is it possible to deliver goods from " Aliexpress." to Crimea? And if so, how to carry out such an order? Let's talk about it in our review.

What are the ways to order delivery of goods from "Aliexpress" in Crimea?

Several answers to this question found the Crimean themselves. We list what you can do if you, living in the Crimea, you wish to order a product to " Aliexpress.»:

  • Ask your friends, friends or relatives who live in other regions of the Russian Federation, order a parcel to " Aliexpress."And after receiving it to send to the Crimea.
  • When placing an order for " Aliexpress.»Specify the inaccurate shipping address
  • Agree with the seller for " Aliexpress.»Send parcel to Crimea, because not all sellers do not have the US policy above their personal income.
  • Order goods through the postal service " Our mail»

So, consider all the above situations.

Order goods to "Aliexpress" for delivery to Crimea through friends from other regions of Russia

This method, of course, will help those who have good friends, familiar or relatives in other regions of Russia. If they agree to help you, then do the following:

  • Agree with friends / relatives on this issue and list them for the delivery of the parcel from their region to the Crimea.
  • Register your friend / relative to " Aliexpress."(It may be necessary for his passport if you order delivery by a commercial transport company, otherwise order free shipping).
  • Tell an order with delivery at your friend / relative and pay for the order.

Remember that your friend or friend from another region of the Russian Federation should apply only for a minimum of effort - simply attribute the parcel to the mail and redirect it to you.

Order a product to "Aliexpress" for delivery to the Crimea through an invalid address

If you make a mistake when specifying the address, the parcel may not reach you. But smart users translated it in their favor.

Everything is done quite simply and has nothing to do with the crime. If you live in Crimea and make an order for " Aliexpress."You need to specify your address a little wrong. His street, house number and apartments should be indicated as it is. The most important thing is to specify the index correctly. It is on the index that all postal services are focused.

The only one where you must "sculp" is in the instructions of your area of \u200b\u200bresidence. If you are from the Crimea or Sevastopol, then in the Count "Region / Region" specify the Krasnodar region. The fact is that the staff of Russian mail is aware of what snag. If they see the parcel with the Crimean Index and all other data (Country, City, Street, House, Apartment), they will send it at this address, not paying attention to the incorrectly specified item "region".

Order goods to "Aliexpress" for delivery to Crimea through the seller


How to order a product at "Aliexpress" with delivery to the Crimea?

If the above options cause you any difficulties, you can use the appeal directly to the seller on " Aliexpress.».

As you know, goods in the online store " Aliexpress.»Offered by different sellers. Sellers are the same users. " Aliexpress.", Like buyers. Buyers attend the site to buy goods, and sellers - to sell it. That is, if the store itself " Aliexpress."Officially refuses to accept orders from citizens of certain regions of the world, then sellers can look at this situation a little in their own way.

It's not a fact that the seller agreed to send the parcel to the Crimea, but also to deny the opposite is also wrong. It all depends on how you agree with the seller. It should be borne in mind that business is interested only in commodity relations, and various political principles here are often only an aggressive circumstance.

If the seller is a Chinese, it is unlikely that he will be worthily applies to the foreign policy of a foreign state, when it does not recommend selling goods from China, for example, in Crimea.

So, try to contact the seller on " Aliexpress.»When placing an order by the inhabitants of the Crimea:

  • As usual, select the product you need and put it in the basket. You can initially specify a completely different address, but do not rush to pay for the order.
  • Contact the seller Click on the yellow converter on the product page. In English (use online translators), state your problem. In particular, explain that you are very interested in his product, but you interfere with buying it some circumstances. If the seller agrees to sell you the goods, specify him your exact Crimean address.

How to order a product at "Aliexpress" with delivery to the Crimea?

Order goods to "Aliexpress" for delivery to Crimea through "Our Mail"

Last year, mail service was involved specifically for residents of the Crimea, as well as Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics. Our mail»To deliver goods with" Aliexpress.».

To take advantage of this method, do the following:

  • When placing an order in delivery methods, select the Russian service " Our mail»
  • Next, register on the official website. " Our mail"Specify all your data along with the address, as well as enter the payment information (track number).

How to order a product at "Aliexpress" with delivery to the Crimea?

We consider that this service is not free. First, the goods go from China to Russia, for example, in Rostov, and then through the territory of Russia goes to Crimea. In the latter case, you will have to pay up to 300 rubles. For 1 kg weighing parcel.

Now in more detail. When you draw a parcel to " Aliexpress.", Specify in your" Personal Cabinet" In chapter " Delivery address»The following data:

  • The name of the recipient will be " Our mail", As well as your initials
  • As the delivery address is the address of the postal branch " Of our mail»
  • The region is a region (for example, the Rostov region), where the above-mentioned post office is located.
  • The city is the same as in the previous paragraph
  • Next, specify the index of this post office and your phone
  • We draw up and pay for the order. Expect to receive a track number

After that, on the site " Our mail»We indicate information:

  • His initials
  • Your phone
  • Your full Crimean address
  • Online store name (" Aliexpress.»)
  • Link to your product and its amount
  • Track number

After that, the parcel from China will first go to the post office " Our mail"And from there will come to your Crimean address.

In custody

We also recommend that you read the following articles on our website:

Video: How to place an order with "Aliexpress" in Crimea? Delivery of the order with Aliexpress in Crimea


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