Delivery Premium Shipping on Aliexpress: What is it, how to track? Why do you need passport details for sending an order with Aliexpress?

Published by B. Aliexpress
7 Jul 2017.

The article describes the delivery method "Premium Shipping" on " Aliexpress«.

Popular online store Aliexpress"Provides its customers with a lot of services, not counting the cheap prices for many products. Among these services there are various delivery methods. In this review we will talk about such delivery as " Premium Shipping." on the " Aliexpress».


Delmium shipping to Aliexpress What it is, how to track why you need passport data for sending an order with Aliexpress

Shipping "Premium Shipping" on "Aliexpress"

Delivery " Premium Shipping."Is a delivery method that is carried out directly by the company itself" Aliexpress"And it works in Ukraine, in Russia and Estonia. That is, responsibility for delivery takes upon itself, for example, not " Post office"If the goods ordered a citizen of the Russian Federation, and the online store.

The main feature " Premium Shipping."It is that in this case the product will come to the buyer within 1-2 weeks. The goods are delivered as follows: First, the seller accepts the order, then the goods be afraid to the warehouse, and then after registration of all the necessary documents, the goods are transferred to the courier, which, in turn, will take it to the buyer.


Delmium shipping to Aliexpress What it is, how to track why you need passport data for sending an order with Aliexpress

The parcel, as it should be, can be tracked via the Internet, because the buyer should not worry that his goods will disappear somewhere on the road. The parcel is assigned to its mail track number, which begins on " Ro."And ends on" EE».

What do you need any passport details on "Aliexpress" when sending parcel by the delivery method "Premium Shipping"?

Users who have already received parcels from " Aliexpress"When delivery" Premium Shipping."They say that for this it is necessary to provide its passport details. Of course, one should not show your passport to anyone, so some people can alarmed when they receive a letter indicating the need to provide passport details. In addition, in the online store " Aliexpress"This is not said anywhere.


Delmium shipping to Aliexpress What it is, how to track why you need passport data for sending an order with Aliexpress

But nevertheless one should not worry about this.

  • First, without passport data it will simply be impossible to send any parcel, as it will not be able to pass customs, and it is handing it only upon presentation of documents certifying the person.
  • Secondly, the firm, sending parcels, keeps all confidential data in the secret, as it should be done by law.

Also in the postal service sent by the letter states, for what reason the passport details are necessary. It is indicated that the customs itself is required. In addition, in the letter there is a link for which you can go on the Internet to the site to introduce the necessary data. The goods can be monitored after it pass through customs.

How to track the parcels from "Aliexpress" when delivering "Premium Shipping"?

In order to start tracking the parcel sent to the buyer, should pass to seven days after ordering. To track, you need to do the following:


Delmium shipping to Aliexpress What it is, how to track why you need passport data for sending an order with Aliexpress

  • Next, on the new page, click on " More details»

Delmium shipping to Aliexpress What it is, how to track why you need passport data for sending an order with Aliexpress

  • Information on your parcel will be available in front of you: where was sent, in which city is at this stage and so on. Each time the information will be updated as the parcel moves to your city.

Delmium shipping to Aliexpress What it is, how to track why you need passport data for sending an order with Aliexpress

  • In addition, you can track your parcel along the track number, for example, on that website. Here you will need to enter the track number in the corresponding field specified in the screenshot, and click on the search button.

Delmium shipping to Aliexpress What it is, how to track why you need passport data for sending an order with Aliexpress

Reviews about the delivery method "Premium Shipping" on "Aliexpress"

As for feedback on the delivery method " Premium Shipping." on the " Aliexpress"They are not very different from feedback on other delivery methods. As it turns out, " Premium Shipping."It is not the most accelerated, but not the slowest delivery of the parcel to your home. Often, people complain about what you need to provide our passport details, but we have already told about it above, it is not worth it.

Video: Aliexpress Premium Shipping


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