DHL delivery to Aliexpress: fast or slow, paid or free, shipping speed in the Russian Federation, where to receive the parcel

Published by B. Aliexpress
17 Sep 2017.

The article tells about DHL Express delivery to Aliexpress.

Popular Chinese online store Aliexpress"Offers many amenities to its customers, including various ways of delivery. Delivery to " Aliexpress»It may be paid and free, fast and not ambulance. Today we will talk about the delivery service " DHL EXPRESS."Operating with the store" Aliexpress».


DHL delivery on Aliexpress

Delivery delivery to "Aliexpress" using the DHL Express delivery service

Company " DHL EXPRESS."It is a commercial transport service that deliver parcels, including express delivery. The company has a huge army of customers worldwide in more than 200 countries. IN " DHL EXPRESS."It works several hundred thousand employees.


DHL delivery on Aliexpress

« DHL EXPRESS."Do not stand still and is constantly improving, introduces new technologies and improves the quality of service. For example, the company uses the most favorable shipping routes, seats energy-efficient warehouses and applies various types of transport: trains, ships, airplanes, cars.

In other words, " DHL EXPRESS."It has significant authority among all the world's transport companies.

"DHL Express" on "Aliexpress"

« DHL EXPRESS."Works with various organizations, enterprises, legal entities and individuals. Order delivery of the parcel through " DHL EXPRESS.»It is possible in the online store" Aliexpress».


DHL delivery on Aliexpress

In this case, the delivery from China to the Russian Federation and other CIS countries is carried out quickly and efficiently. True, first the delivery of goods to individuals to Russia refused to do, but now everything has changed. Users " Aliexpress»When placing orders can resort to help" DHL EXPRESS.».

Delivery speed on "Aliexpress" through "DHL Express"

As a rule, goods ordered to " Aliexpress", Delivered with" DHL EXPRESS." fast enough. From China to the large cities of Russia, the parcel goes about 5 days. By region, delivery time ranges from ten days to two weeks. But there are cases when the transport company holds the parcel.

How much is the delivery on "Aliexpress" through "DHL Express"?

This delivery method is quite expensive. If the client orders express delivery, it will cost more than EMS delivery. For example, the first 500 grams of goods will cost $ 40, and every subsequent pollogram is seven and a half dollars. In addition, the client can still pay extra for the parcel when it is obtained, if the circumstances will require.


DHL delivery on Aliexpress

How to track the parcel on "Aliexpress" sent using "DHL Express"?

All parcels delivered " DHL EXPRESS."Can be tracked on the company's website on this address.


If you have the opportunity to order a parcel to " Aliexpress"Without using" DHL EXPRESS.", Most likely, you will not hurt it. There are many negative reviews about " DHL EXPRESS." In addition, the company's services are quite expensive. In addition, this firm is very popular among the intruders. They often send letters on behalf of the company with a proposal to deliver the parcel.

Video: delivery of orders with What delivery service to choose?

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