CLASH OF CLANS - Passage of Android game: Secrets

Published by B. Android
15 Jan 2017.

CLASH OF CLANS is one of the most popular Android games. According to the statistics of the developers of this strategy, over 40 thousand people play it every day and the application of this game is in the tops of Play Market and the App Store. In this article, we will talk about the secrets of Clash of Clans.

The first steps in any game are very important. If you make mistakes at first, it is not always, later, they can be corrected. Therefore, we will not only reveal the secrets of passage Clash of Clans.But also point out what mistakes it is desirable to avoid.

Do not remove the initial shield

Tip # 1.

Tip # 1.

The initial shield (protection) can not be removed until he himself will disappear. Even if you really want to know what will happen next, you should not press "selection". Other players will make from your world an "attraction of unprecedented generosity." Where your account will become a provider of valuable resources. And they are extremely difficult. If your fists are "scratching", then for curbing the dust, it is best to use a single company. In the meantime, you have an initial beginner protection. Try to develop at the maximum.

Builders should always work

Do not let the builders sleep. They should always work. It is from their work that the development of your city depends. Clash of CLANS Success Recipe - Permanent Ratio of Resources and Construction of Buildings.

It is impossible to spend crystals on nonsense

At the initial steps of this game, many make a mistake and spend crystals on what can do without it. But it is advisable to spend only on builders. They should be at least five. And if you spend the crystals to an accelerated construction or other actions, it is unlikely that you can quickly accumulate on, not only on the fourth, but also on the fifth builder.

Buy gemmore at the beginning of the game

Tip # 2.

Tip # 2.

Yes, the developer of this game will not like this advice. However, if you buy hemma and start spending them at the first pores of the game, they will very much. But, you will begin to twist more experienced players who have developed without donat. They achieved everything themselves, and their experience and knowledge will play against you. Multiple defeasions and interest in the game will be lost. And this is not only the time spent, but also the money thrown into the air.

Choose a strong clan

Strong clan is not only the opportunity to develop faster at the expense of Soklanov. But the opportunity to get advice from more experienced players. In addition, a friendly atmosphere always reigns in strong clans. Yes, and playing such clans is always more interesting. Therefore, try to find such a clan. It will be difficult to do it, but still possible.

Clan fortress place in the center

Of course, this placement of the clan fortress is no longer a secret. But if you suddenly do not know about it, then we advise you to do this. In CLASH OF CLANS, such a placement of the fortress significantly makes it difficult to the actions of attacking and strengthens the actions of the defendants.

Look for and robbed abandoned bases.

Tip # 3.

Tip # 3.

Replenish gold reserves best farm. But it is more profitable to rob weak enemies. A good sign of a weak opponent is the leased mines at empty storage facilities. Even better, when there are a lot of stumps, trees and shrubs near the base. This suggests that the opponent has not appeared in the game for a long time, which means his base is a tallest piece.

Do not develop the Town Hall to the detriment of another infrastructure

Town Hall need to develop simultaneously with the rest of the bases of the base. If they are developed to the detriment of them, they will attack the leased players, and you will not be able to withstand them with your base and army.

Alignment: Town Hall

If you are looking for an optimal arrangement, then the best thing to put in the corner. So you will not lose less resources and cups when attacking. By the way about the Cups, with a weak army, you do not need. Just throw them off by attacking one unit on the enemy database. It will help you to be at the level of equal rivals for you. And you can heroze when you already develop well.

30 seconds before attack

Tip # 4.

Tip # 4.

Half a minute, which is given to preparing the attack on the base of the enemy are very important. If you calculate everything correctly, you can demolish the opponent's bases more often than with the mindless release of troops. This time does not need to spend to sip the breath of coffee before watching the battle. Inspect the opponent's base, find its weaknesses, calculate the trajectory of the movement of your army and only after that release troops.

Lightning against Mortira

There was a time when using a lightning could be significantly increased its attacking potential. But, today it is best to use the lightning for the conclusion of the enemy's Mortira. After that, it is possible to farm with the database using archers.

Best farm

The question "Where is the best farm?" Specify all players in Clash of Clans. Answer it is very simple. It is everywhere. But, open a little secret, the farm starts from the second silver and continues until the first gold.

In the clan share the arms

Tip # 5.

Tip # 5.

If your Soklanians do not ask for a specific type of wax, then share the lunas. They are well suited for both attack and for defense. In addition, they can cause damage, both land and air beings.

With a long absence, take it out for the fence

It happens that you need to leave your database for a relatively long time. If you want to save most of your resources, take a set for the fence. When it is destroyed, you will receive a 12-hour shield. At this time, your base will be closed for the farm of other players.

Clash of clans is a rather interesting game. And, the above-described tips and secrets can be continued for a very long time. If you know others, you will definitely share them in the comments. The most interesting of them we will impart into this article.

Video. 5 best secrets and chips for CLASH OF CLANS

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