What is Viber on the phone, why is it needed, how does it work? How to use Viber on android and iOS?

Published by B. Mobile Internet / Useful advice
8 Jul 2016.

Mobile application for calls and messages.

Social Networks, Smartphones and Internet Steel inalite Part of our life. Imagine a day without your gadget and Internet? Can you? And a week, month? I think it is unlikely.
One way or another, if earlier communication on the Internet was limited only by a couple of social networks (all known facebook and in contact with). Now developers i T-content Bulit us unprecedented diversity. For example, many applications for mobile phones have been created lately with which you can communicate. Of the pretty large range I would like to allocate Viber.

Why Viber ?

Viber is very comfortable and simple messenger. In which the functions of such social networks as vKontakte, fassbuk and tweeter. Here you can forward each other Messages , communicate in the conference, as well as make video call.

Also in vyber There are public chats, such an alternative twitter, you can to read Messages of famous people, without the possibility of writing messages. Unfortunately, viber You can not install on the computer. No version for PC , Perhaps the only minus application.

In addition to the above functions You can make calls to home phones, this service is called Viber Out. And is paid. The cost of this service is directly curled from the country to which calls occur.


Before the appearance Weber Many users actively used Skype. But sometimes quality communication During calls, leaves much to be desired. Viber In this regard, much more pleasant. Here very high quality sound. In addition, Skype and others messengers Very strongly discharge the battery.

I do not know what it is connected with, but Viber Much less energotheatAnd it is extremely important. Most users are very actively using their smartton: call, respond, surf the Internet. A very comfortable thing in the application is synchronization with telephone contacts.

Do not have to find out from whom there is an application. Viber doing this automatically And, accordingly, with those who have the application installed can be rewritten or calling. By the way, then I understand why Viber comes better for the working conversation than social network.

You do not spend time on viewing tapes or other dialogs, the alert will give you a signal when the message comes and you can quickly react. If in conditional In contact with You do not open the application, you will not be able to find out what someone wrote to you.
So, let's summarize. Viber - A very simple and convenient messenger, which is distinguished by an interesting design and ease of use.

Conclusions for application

  • application does not require a lot of charge
  • Fast and Simple Registration
  • Download free and for full use not You need to buy something in the application itself. Embedded purchases are, but they only expand the spectrum of the already functional application
  • Lack of advertising
  • Automatic synchronization with the subscriber's phone book
  • Excellent sound quality

How to use Viber on android I. iOS.?

As we have already found out Viber attachment very simple. And its use on different platforms does not have any cardinal differences. In the case of using the application on android you just download it to Play. Market.'E., Installation will pass automatically.

  • The application does not request some logins and passwords. So you can not be afraid to lose something or forget, they do not obidity. After installation and authorization Viber will do sync with your phone book and will be ready to use
  • Exactly the same principle of operation and installation, the application is carried out on IOS.. Just download the application you will not Play. Market.,but in App. Store.. Appendix on both platforms is an freeBut with the possibility of built-in shopping. For example, if you want to make calls to home phone numbers, you will need to replenish the application to a certain amount of money. Depending on how often you are going to make such calls.

Video: How to install VIber on the phone?

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