What is torrent, and how to use it? What is a tracker, and how to use it?

Published by B. Windows / Mobile Internet / Useful advice
21 Sep 2017.

If you do not know what torrent is and torrent tracker, read the article. It describes everything in detail about these and other terms associated with downloading files from the Internet.

Often among Internet users you can hear such a phrase: "download in torrent". But there are people who do not know what "torrent" is and how it helps something to download from the network. In the following article, we will consemble this question.

What is torrent, and how to use it?

What is torrent, and how to use it?

What is torrent, and how to use it?

Torrent is a systemic technology that allows you to exchange video, audio and other file folders. It is based on a special BitTorrent-protocol file and P2P principle. If you need to learn how to use this system, you need to know some definitions:

  • BitTorrent - These are certain network rules that are used while downloading folders.
  • Torrent client. - Utility created by system administrators for sharing folders between Internet users by bittor.
  • Torrent tracker - This is an online portal that managing the exchange process between individual programs. In simple language of the usual Internet average man, torrent tracker is a resource on which you can download yourself to your computer or laptop movies, music and other file folders. Many torrent trackers prohibit download files if a person does not participate in mutual file sharing. On such sites, folder files are stored and distributed.
  • Torrent file. - This is a folder in the form of a file with a special extension. The file loading process begins after its download from the resource and open it through the client.
  • Distribution - This is the process of downloading folder files through the torrent site.
  • Rating - This is the degree of user activity. Its calculation occurs according to the formula: the scope of the downloaded folders / the amount of file documents that have been shipped. If the user has a low rating, then this suggests that he just downloads and does not ship anything. Such users are usually limited in their actions on the tracker site.
  • Feast - Internet user who shall exchange files.
  • SID - Internet user who downloads and ships files.
  • Lich - A participant who only downloads, but does not give his files.
What is torrent, and how to use: Popular site

What is torrent, and how to use: Popular site

Torrent trackers usually allow you to download folders only after registration. But there are such portals that do not need to create an account and have a high rating. For example, tracker Rutor Peers among themselves even call it free, as any user can download files without registration and rating. Instructions, how to use this site:

Go to the main page and in the search bar "Guide" Enter the desired query. Click "Search".

What is torrent, and how to use them: Search

What is torrent, and how to use them: Search

The following page will open the results of the search process. Select any available file suitable for your requests, and click on it. Now you need to download the folder. Click on the link at the top of the screen.

What is torrent, and how to use it: click on the link

What is torrent, and how to use it: click on the link

Wait until the download is over. Now you need to unpack it with a torrent client. To do this correctly, you only need to click on the file folder twice. The program will propose to make a choice of document to save the data.

What is torrent, and how to use it: click

What is torrent, and how to use it: click "OK"

After selecting the folder, and the location of it, click "Okay". The download process will now begin. A new window will appear on your PC monitor - do not close it.

What is torrent, and how to use it: the download process

What is torrent, and how to use it: the download process

When the download process is over, you can see the desired file document in the folder that you specified before downloading. Now you know what torrent is and tracker, and how to use them. Swing movies, music and other files - quick and easy!

Video: How to use torrent?

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