What is a paypal account on AliExpress? How to find out your PayPal account on Aliexpress?

Published by B. Aliexpress
Nov 8 2016.

Shopping in the online store Aliexpresstoday make many people. At the same time, unfortunately, the number of disputes is becoming more and more, as customers send defective goods or they do not reach at all.

The reason for this may not necessarily be poor-quality goods, but also fraud from the sellers. How it all happens, let's talk later.

How to find out your account in Pay Pal?

Pay Pal on Aliexpress

Pay Pal on Aliexpress

In Russia, this payment system is not so popular yet, but many Internet users have already connected to it. The advantage of the system is that it is common worldwide. Russian companies cooperating with partners from abroad are more convenient to conduct calculations through this system. The Commission for the sender will be absent, and the percentage is charged from the recipient.

Pay Pal accounts

Those who only registered in the system are immediately wondering - and how to find out your account? No matter how unusually sounded, but there are no accounts. The principle of operation here is a little different.

Identification in the system

How to pay for Pay Pal to Aliexpress?

How to pay for Pay Pal to Aliexpress?

To understand what PAY PAL is, it is necessary to consider that the money here appeals on two levels:

  • Account. Due to legislation in Russia is not used
  • Bank card fixed for account

So, if you wondered about viewing the number of the account number, then you should not be surprised that the account will be zero, since basic transactions are carried out through the map.

All payments in the system are made using email addresses. It is indicated during registration and is transmitted to the counterparty. This is all the necessary information that is needed for the transaction.

Since the user is binding the card during registration, then the account number must be recognized directly in the bank. But, as a rule, such data is not required for operations.

How many accounts can be in Pay Pal?

System users are also interested, is it possible to open several accounts? In principle, this is possible. Personality is identified by several indicators, including according to the data provided by the Bank.

The latter check their customers on passports and other documents. Therefore, in the presence of an account in the Pay Pal system, a snack of multiple cards is possible.

Moreover, the user can make a personal and business account for himself.

How to pay for Shopping on Aliexpress via Pay Pal?

Payment for shopping for Aliexpress

Payment for shopping for Aliexpress

Today, many active Internet users have such a question. And here immediately begin difficulties, as it is pretty difficult to carry out such a payment. What is the problem?

To date Aliexpresshe is the largest store Runet. Users attract the cheapness of goods and high quality work. More people come here, but what about Pay Pal?

Today's relationship Aliexpressand Pay Pal is quite complicated. The thing is that they stopped cooperating, because other systems offered more favorable working conditions.

Previously, payments through this system were something dubious and did not have protection. Therefore, because of this, users suffered, which led to the loss of trust and to Aliexpressand Pay Pal. If for the last cooperation with Aliexpressit was advantageous, then for the Internet site itself, it was "sideways", since she lost authority, and accordingly, buyers.

How did the fraudsters work? They proposed to make a prepayment and promised to deliver it at a specific time. This naturally did not happen. At the same time, none of the systems could not help anything, because payment was carried out bypass Aliexpress. Of course, and to scammers it was not to reach out. Turns out that Aliexpressin general, it was not aware of the transaction, and for Pay Pal it was the usual operation, like many others. Of course, there were so many honest vendors, but there were more scammers. therefore Aliexpressstopped working with Pay Pal.

But still, you can make payment through this system. Its meaning is to first make a transfer to another payment system and from there you can make a payment. As a rule, problems with the translation does not happen, but an additional commission will be charged.

Disputes and refund with aliexress on Pay Pal

Dispute on aliexpress

Dispute on aliexpress

Suppose this situation that you did not receive the parcel in the agreed period and the seller suggested that you transfer money to Pay Pal and close the dispute. You register, send data and you really come money. You close the dispute and, it would seem, everything was decided to love. Sometimes, of course, it happens, but most often happens next that's what.

A few days later on the Pay Pal website, the seller starts the dispute and returns tools back. How can this happen? During this transaction, you must pay attention to one moment. The system has two types of calculations:

  • Payment of goods, that is, translation of funds from the buyer to the seller
  • Exchange of means between users

Scammers use the first scheme, and it turns out that you are the seller, and they are deceived buyers.

In other words, he can easily refer to that funds are made, and the goods are not received. In this case, the administration always solves questions in favor of "buyers" and returns funds.

Therefore, when you come money, carefully examine the payment.

First, you must get the whole amount without a fee. If you get money for payment of the order, then you need to immediately refuse it, pre-making screenshots. Next, sharpen the dispute on Aliexpress And attach the images received.

So the funds will be returned, and the site administration will punish the intruder.

Agree on the transaction is only when in the target goal you will see - exchange between users.

Before using Pay Pal on Aliexpressit is worth thinking thoroughly, whether to do it. Never hurry to close the dispute and confirm receipt of the parcel.

Video: PayPal detailed instructions! Protect your payments!

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