What is the repair and exchange warranty on AlExpress? Do I need to buy a guarantee for Aliexpress?

Published by B. Aliexpress
19 Nov 2016.

Russian buyers have always been afraid to buy mobile equipment on Aliexpress for the reason that she had no warranty service. After all, even though the seller will be good and the gadget will work perfectly, there is always a possibility that it will break in half a year, and even at all a week. There can be someone as lucky.

Even the best seller can strangle - he has a lot of orders and sometimes a defective product can slip. Good stores always agree to the opening of the dispute and return money, but still it is not profitable to both parties. The seller will lack part of the amount, and the buyer will be upset, because the money is spent in vain, and the new phone can not be bought.

Survived Services - Repair Warranty and Exchange Guarantee for Ali Spress

To solve a serious question with marriage and breakdown Aliexpress introduced new services - Repair Warranty and Warranty exchange Mobile devices in Russia. And this is a completely logical step, as you send the technique in back to China very expensive.

According to the present, such a service can only be the smartphones and planets will be repaired or varying near the buyer's house, so that you don't have to wait for months while the gadget goes to China, where it will be exchanged or repaired and will be returned back.

Immediately it is worth saying that all these services can be used provided that they are defective - have electromechanical defects that manifest themselves during normal use.

How to get a guarantee for Aliexpress?

Of course, no one will be free to repair your gadget. Therefore, you can buy a guarantee for an additional fee when purchasing a smartphone or tablet on Aliexpress.

In the description of the goods during the choice of color, modifications and configuration of the device, you can additionally purchase a guarantee for repairs or an exchange of equipment. Opposite each additional option, its price will be indicated.

Guarantee cost

Guarantee cost

Moreover, you can still choose a company that will repair. At the moment Aliexpress Works with two companies:

  • Tomrepair.
  • WiseTech-Service.

Both parts are authorized and the cost of the guarantee when buying insurance they have the same.

Repair Warranty

Just "Repair Warranty" No one will sell you. Only with the phone. If you change your mind, then before starting the warranty, money can be returned.

What is a repair warranty

What is a repair warranty

Be careful! Warranty on smartphones and tablets purchased on Aliexpress, starts its action from the 16th day after receiving the order by the buyer. For 15 days, if a defect is detected, then you need to contact the seller and start the dispute. Within 7 days after receiving the order, you can return the device back to the Aliexpress store.

If you are able to cancel the order in a timely manner, then the seller will be transferred to the phone (even if the money will be transferred to the phone and the means for the phone and warranty will be automatically returned.

Repair warranty can be purchased for a smartphone or tablet operating on any platform. If you buy a push-button phone, then it is impossible to buy a warranty repair.
If you bought a device to which insurance is distributed, then you need to apply for warranty service of your technique.

For this:

  • Sign by Aliexpress In your personal account
  • Open "My orders"
  • Find the desired item to make a guarantee
  • Choose "Take advantage of the guarantee"
Using a guarantee

Using a guarantee

  • After that, you will transfer you to a page where the service center data provided to insurance will be displayed.
  • Fill out the proposed form where you need to give a description of the problem and specify the data of your technique that is needed.
Fill form for repair

Fill form for repair

Wistech-Service Service Center

WiseTech-Service. Offers the services of local service centers operating in Russian territory. Today they are 67 and all of them are located in large cities and not very. Gradually, this list, of course, will expand.



That is, if you have a problem with a tablet or smartphone, you just need to contact the nearest service center. If you have no such in the city, you can send the device by mail to Moscow. If your case is really warranty, then the shipment is compensated for you.

Stages of repair

Stages of repair

Without warranty cases, the company is also engaged, but at the expense of the buyer.
Repair is performed within 5-20 days. Plus, add shipping time and expectations of spare parts. If the wizard did not come out to fix your device even in 20 days with all the necessary details, it will be recognized as unfit. The same situation will be in the case of sending a device with the same problem several times, that is, the defect eliminate you, and it appears again.

If your product is impossible to fix it, then you may require it to replace or refund. Although here will be taken into account how much time you use the device:

  • up to 6 months - 100% of the cost of goods
  • 7 months - 90%
  • 8 months - 80%
  • 9 months - 70%
  • 10 months - 60%
  • 11 months - 50%
  • 12 months - 40%

Tomrepair service center

  • Looking at the site of this service, you might think that it was created by a schoolboy who knows Russian poorly. Find an answer to the question of interest here is complicated, but you can get "Online consultation".
  • That the company is a partner Aliexpressyou can understand the logo on the page with partners in the section "Online consultation". Perhaps in the future there will deflate information about the warranty service, but so far it is not.
Tomrepair - Partners

Tomrepair - Partners

  • In the Moscow service center from the regions, clients are sent for their own expense. If the case refers to the warranty, the company will reimburse the costs.
    The technique is repaired for 2-5 days. Although sometimes the term can delay, but for how much it is unknown.
  • If suddenly randomly technical experts decide that your gadget is properly, it will be sent to you back. It is free, but for the consultation will have to give 600 rubles. It seems like a false appeal.
  • Return money if you cannot repair the gadget, it is possible, but only by singing the condition of the three-time treatment of the same problem. Only after the third situation will be sent to you minus the cost of sending.
  • Perhaps the company has highly qualified specialists and works fine, but they are not very accessible to information.
  • For example, not everyone will understand the phrase: "We can re-repair twice after the first." And then just goes about the fact that after the third repair for the gadget will be returned to the money.
  • But Tomrepair. It has the ability to deliver by courier in Moscow, although not free. If you are a busy person, then for you it is the best opportunity to save.

What cases are not considered warranty?

  • External defects and damage - crack, chip, deep scratch, deformed parts, damaged cables, broken control buttons.
  • Explicit traces that the device has fallen into water or stored in conditions of high humidity, pollution from food and beverage, improper transportation, connection, use and storage.
  • Incorrect testing of goods, including changing the design or installation of an inappropriate software (firmware).
  • Pre-repair in another service center.
  • Damage that appeared as a result of force majeure circumstances.
  • No labeling or its damage.
  • Violation of the control seal, which is installed by the manufacturer.
  • Natural wear.
  • Subjective warranty period.
  • Compensation of funds or replacement of the gadget by the seller.
  • Detection of the fact of fraud from the buyer.

Warranty exchange

If you do not want to communicate with the repair of a smartphone, you can purchase Warranty exchange defective goods on Aliexpress. In this case, the insurance policy is provided by the Company THE WARRANTY GROUP. For a period of 1 year.

Not warranty recognized cases of the same as for repair. You can exchange the device only if you found the factory marriage.

  • You can also buy this warranty in the product card when placing an order for equipment. Simultaneously with the choice of the color of the new gadget and its configuration, you must press the key "Exchange warranty for 1 year". The cost of the service is displayed on the key, do not forget to see its price.
How to buy a warranty exchange?

How to buy a warranty exchange?

  • If your case is a warranty, then you need to submit a claim. This is done in the same way as in the case of use "Repair Guarantees".
  • To begin with, give your consent to the fact that the company can contact you to get more accurate breakdown information. Communication is carried out via email.
How to use a warranty exchange?

How to use a warranty exchange?

How is the complaint processed when exchanging?

Application processing process

Application processing process

  • First you must send a letter to an insurance company with a detailed description of your problem.
  • Next you will call the representative of the service center and clarify the information.
  • You will send your device to specialists for testing.
  • If the marriage is confirmed, the device will be replaced by similar with similar or improved characteristics.
  • When exchanging the company has 20 days in stock, to send a new gadget to the buyer after checking it. At the same time, the communication time with the buyer is not included in this period, as well as the verification of the device for the presence of a factory marriage.

As for the question - what is more profitable - exchanging or repair, then it is unambiguous to say difficult. Each type of warranty has its advantages and cons. But, most likely, the nerves during the repair you will spend more.

Video: Repair warranty and return to AliexpressIs it worth buying or not?

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