What is a fake page in "VK"? How to check page in "VK" on Fake?

Published by B. In contact with / Social networks
7 Feb 2018.

The article will tell how to distinguish in Vkontakte real accounts from Fakes.

The so-called fake pages have long been bangible at the Internet, in particular, in various social networks or forums. Not to a lesser extent fake accounts in huge quantities can be found in the social network " In contact with».

Many users do not like it, as they want to know who they are dealing with when communicating, otherwise the fakes do not cause special confidence. In this regard, in this review we will discuss how to check and recognize one or another page in " In contact with"Fake.

How to find out if the page is fake or not in the social network "VKontakte"?

What is a fake page?

For those who still do not know, explain what the "fake page" is. The fake page is registered for someone else's name (often not existing in life: " Don Quixote», « Jan Ziage», « Cheburminator "), Account. As a rule, such an account is filled with lime photographs that do not belong to a person who registered it.

How to distinguish a real account from fake? Let's start understanding this issue in order.

Let's start with the age of account

First, let's try to determine the age of the page that we suspect to Fake. Each account in " In contact with"It has its own personal ordinal number, called" Id" This " Id"Including notable also because we can determine the age of the account.

So, here is the address of the page of a particular user in " In contact with»:


Id in the social network "VKontakte"

But social network In contact with»It has various capabilities, for example, here you can choose the language of the interface, as well as correct the address of your page. Therefore, it is possible that you will see the following picture as an address of someone else's account:


Custom "ID" in the social network "VKontakte"

That is, now we " Id"We are not visible, but this question is solved quickly. We go to the list of friends you need and look again to the address bar:


Go to friends


We learn «ID»

In the screenshot, we highlighted the figures in yellow - this is, " Id" Of course, absolutely accurate to know the age of the page will be difficult, but we do not need it. There are enough approximate calculations. For example, if " Id"Varium in the region of 100,000,000, then it can be assumed that this account was created somewhere in 2010.

If this figure reaches 185,000,000, the page was registered no earlier than 2012 and if " Id"Reaches 290,000,000, then most likely the account created not so long ago.

Why do we need this information? The fact is that, as a rule, fake accounts do not live long, and if you see activity on the fake page, then in most cases it was created recently. And in confirmation to this there will be our calculations made above.

When you determine this, you will know that this user should be suspicious if he does not have real photographs on his page. It is also not necessary to certainly believe the words of this user who will write messages of this type: "I created a new account, because the old one was blocked" or "I registered the second account for certain needs."

We view user activity

Users in " In contact with"Under fake accounts, seek to create the visibility of this page. For this, they place on the page many photos, video, posts and other possible information. At first glance, it will seem that the page is not a fake, but do not rush while doing such conclusions.

Carefully review how many comments, posts, user photos were posted. If this information was posted for one day or for any relatively short time, then, most likely, we are dealing with some kind of "serial" author. The usual users, as a rule, fill its page content with often years. And if the page is completely empty, then there can be no doubt.

Check the photo on the authenticity

Most often it is difficult to say whether one or another photo is owned or not. Therefore, users under linden accounts try to steal photos from other pages or somewhere out of the Internet. Most real photos are usually done at home and removed on a regular phone or webcam. It is immediately visible.

Users of fake accounts often strive to post any beautiful glamorous photos, hardly a fashion model. For example, here is an example of a photo that can serve as applicants in order to be assigned to themselves other accounts:


Photos that can serve as applicants in order to be assigned to themselves other accounts


Photos that can serve as applicants in order to be assigned to themselves other accounts

Check the same photo on authenticity, for example, using the resource " Yandex.Martinki" Here is a search on the Internet based on the image you represent, and if the network has resources where the same photo is posted, you will see a list of such sites, social networks, forums.

  • To do this, download the desired photo on the computer

Save the image

  • Then go through this link, pour photos to the site and search

We search for photos


We search for photos


We search for photos


List of found images

If this photo is massive, then the site will be issued to us, where else on the Internet it can be found. This will indicate that the photo is constantly stealing and reloading to other sites, social networks, forums.

Watching friends Fake Account

Almost any user, over time, dials as a friend of other users who, in turn, put him like huskies, leave their comments and show any more activity. The fake account can dial a list of other fakes as a friend. Check that he has for friends, and how active they are on a suspicious account page.

We ask fake leading questions

Do not be afraid to join the fake in the dialogue. Your task is to catch an opponent on lies and wing. If he is supposedly from your city, then ask him about sights and other information that you know well, but probably for Fake it will be a mystery.

Specify a lot of leading questions, make a slope for what you do not believe in the authenticity of this account. As a rule, fakes are responsible as follows:


As a rule, fakes are responsible as follows.

Video: How to recognize Fake Page in VKontakte?

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