What is Alpha Mobile and how to connect, disable the service? Alpha Mobile: how to enter the phone?

Published by B. Android / iOS. / Mobile Internet / Smartphones
24 Jul 2016.

How to quickly register in mobile banking.

What is Alpha Mobile?

If you use the services of Alfa-Bank, then surely from lychali About Alpha Mobile. This application with which you can monitor your maps and accounts.
In addition, with the help of Alpha Mobile, you have the opportunity to remotely conduct various operations among which:

  • - Payment of utility services
  • - Deposit replenishment
  • - Translation from card to map
  • - Translations between your accounts
  • - Mobile account replenishment

Also through Alpha Mobile you can receive online consultation according to the question you are interested in. Staff contact Center Bank supports customer relationships with alpha Mobyle and promptly provide consultation According to the question you are interested in.
Agree, it is very convenient to use your mobile phone for such operations, because it is not always possible to go to the separation or carry out various transactions using a computer.
And some of them need urgent processing. It was according to this that Alpha Bank has developed a convenient application that can be installed almost to any smartphone regardless of the operating system.

How to connect Alpha Mobile?

On the official website Bank you can download and install the application by selecting the desired operating system.

Important: If you are afraid that with the help of the application, someone can access your cards and accounts - in vain. The system is reliably protected Your personal login and password. In addition, even after entering this data, the special code will additionally need to be sent to your phone number and only after its correct introduction you can carry out the necessary operations.

As you can see, entrance to Alpha Mobile Enough prost And at the same time very Reliable.

Connection methods A. lifa Mobile

The method is the first - a call to the hotline.

If you do not want to perform any operations yourself this way is perfectly suitable. In order to connect Alfa Mobile to you enough to call the hotline of the Bank and with consultant operator Make your connection to this service.

Second way - Alpha click

If you do not want to call on a hotline, wait until the operator will register you in Alpha Mobile you can do it yourself and quite simple. To do this, you need to take advantage internet banking Alpha click.
On the main page of the site you necessary Will Find Mobile Bank. Next, you need to select an operating system on which your phone works and install mobile banking. The whole procedure will take you for a few minutes.

Registration on the Alpha Bank website

If for example, before that you did not come across internet banking You will also need to implement registration new account. You can do this in a mobile application or on the Alpha Bank website. Let's look at the second option, because from the computer the registration procedure is easier than using a mobile phone.

Registration on the Alpha Bank website

Registration on the Alpha Bank website

Pay attention to the screenshot. Now I am on the main page Alpha click This is the official website internet banking from ab. In order to start the registration procedure, click on the appropriate tab, it is circled around.

Next, you appear tab with the fields you want to fill. Here you need to enter the standard data for such a procedure: the number of any of your card from the alpha bank, as well as its validity.


Filling registration form

You can find it in the same place where the corresponding fields are located virtual card. After that, specify the phone number. After that you need to select the connection channel - choose second option (connect Mobile Bank Alpha Mobile).
If you entered all data correctly you come sMS confirmation on the specified phone number.
After Introduction, you will receive the necessary data for the entry in A lifa Mobile.

Useful advice

  • Many retain a login and password from internet banking In his smartphones is a mistake. If for example, you have a bag with a phone and a wallet.
    You lose not only cash, , And also confront the non-cash assets that you have on maps and accounts.
    Naturally, at the first time, the bank employees instantly block maps or access to mobile banking. But why risk?

Your personal data are protected

  • Enter your personal only on sites that are equipped with a lock. , is he allocated In the screenshot.
    Such a lock means that your personal data is protected and will not fall into other hands. The absence of such a castle speaks of the unreliability of the site and possible leakage of information, and therefore your funds.

Tariffing Mobile banking

Alfa Mobile service not free And its value on the direct depends on the service package chosen by you.
If for example, you chose alpha mobile Light Its connection is free. But the range of services light The version is far from complete.
For example, you will not be able realize Replenishment of electronic wallets, pay for services internet providers , Make transfers between your accounts, as well as replenish your mobile phone.

Connection full alpha Mobyle You will cost you 40-60 rubles a month depending on the package of services.

Turning off A. lifa Mobile.

Produced in two ways:

With the personal access of the client in the bank's office or by calling on Hot line.

Video: A. lifa Mobile is convenient

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