What is 3D touch on iphone 6s? How to use 3D touch to iphone 6s?

Published by B. iOS.
9 Sep 2016.

More recently, the new iPhone 6S model has a 3D touch function. What is it and how to use it?

3D Touch is an iPhone 6S existing technology. It permits to work with the screen not only on the plane, but also in space. That is, the system is recognized by clicks with different levels of Natius.

How does the function work?

How does 3D touch work on iphone 6s?

How does 3D touch work on iphone 6s?

The display that has 3D Touch support for iPhone 6S is created as follows:

  • From above it is closed with a protective glass having resistance to damage and flexibility to recognize all clicks
  • The display is a vibrator that is responsible for the vibration
  • In general, 3D TOUCH has 96 sensors built in the form of a lattice. It is located between the glass to protect and panel to highlight the display. The sensors measure the distance from the upper point of the glass deflection during pressing the sensor itself. This segment is equal to a certain touch strength.
  • There are two main powers - PEEK (non-pressing) and POP (strong pressing)

For example, if you click on the message with a light touch of PEEK, then you will run the preview, but for now you will not remove your finger, then it will also glow. If the finger is removed, the message closes and remain unread, because you did not open it. If you press more, then the letter opens.

Enable and configure the option

How to enable and configure 3D touch on iPhone 6S?

How to enable and configure 3D touch on iPhone 6s?

  • Go to Basic Settings - Universal Access - 3D Touch
  • As you already understood, there are several degrees of clicking on the screen that you can configure yourself, that is, with what power it is to press so that the function triggered

What applications work with 3D touch?

The option with many standard applications and some third-party can work, although the number of the latter increases markedly day by day. This technology is still new and promising, so its popularity is growing gradually, respectively, with time it will be needed for games and programs. Today, all developers actively embed 3D touch in applications, and someone generally makes programs only for her.

This feature is especially interesting for IOS gamers. Who loves to play from her iPhone will appreciate this chip.

Where to immediately try the new feature?

What is 3D touch on iphone 6s?

What is 3D touch on iphone 6s?

  • Open Safari and press PEEK to any tab and the site will start in the preview mode. If you remove your finger, it will end. If you do click on the stronger, the tab closes
  • To start the multitasking mode - press on the left side of the display and pull the right side. Now you do not need to press the "Home" twice
  • Open the photo section and press PEEK to the snapshot to activate the preview. If you apply to POP, the photo will open. Aesley will remove the finger, all photos will be launched back
  • All icons available on desktops can be used with 3D touch


3D touch as i iPhone 6s on old models

3D touch as i iPhone 6s on old models

If you do not have a new iPhone, but you want to try the work of 3D Touch, you can install jailbreak and use a tweak that imitates this technology. It is called Force Touch Activator.

After installing it, you will receive a similar function. To activate work it is necessary in the parameters in the Activator section, enable Force Touch.

This tweak has a fairly simple principle of operation - the area of \u200b\u200bclicking on the display is recognized. If you just quickly click your finger, then it turns out the tap, and if you click more thanks, it will work 3D Touch.

It is much better than a long press, as the removal and movement of the icons are activated in the iPhone. With this function there will be no such function.

By the way, tweak does not have a tactile response, which in the iPhone 6S is generated by the built-in TAPTIC Engine mechanism.

Video: iPhone 6s 3D Touch Technology. iPhone 6S 3D Touch

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