What can not be ordered to Aliexpress: a list of prohibited goods from China
The article will result in a list of goods that are prohibited or cannot be bought on " Aliexpress».
Violation of the law and the subsequent punishment is that it is hardly anyone wants to encounter. But the intrigue arises from the fact that the ignorance of certain laws does not eliminate the citizen from relevant responsibility. But this circumstance is much more alarming people.
If you speak closer to the topic, then a citizen can violate the law, even sitting on the Internet. For example, buy in the online store such a thing that a criminal or administrative code is not recommended to buy.
In today's article, we will analyze in detail that it is impossible to order on " Aliexpress"And we give a list of prohibited goods from China.

What goods can not be bought on "Aliexpress"?
Which products are prohibited, you can not buy on "Aliexpress": list of products?
Products that are prohibited by law can be ordered on " Aliexpress"Just because of ignorance. At best, such a product simply will not fall into the hands of the buyer, at worst - you can attract to one liability (administrative or even criminal).
If you do not say to pay for fines for any violations, then read the list of goods that are on " Aliexpress»Ordered not recommended:
- Alcohol, food. Here you need to clarify a little. Products that are sent in the parcels and go to the recipient for a long time, can be spoiled on the road. Various alcoholic beverages are sold at all in the appropriate places and even at a certain time. These goods are not recommended to purchase in online stores.
- Weapons and Armory Assortment. In this case, everything becomes clear, since weapons cannot be acquired without appropriate permission, references, etc., especially to buy it anywhere abroad. Among the cold weapons is allowed only an assortment for the kitchen.
- Fake. Official world trade does not accept the goods that violate copyrights. And the point is not in illegal products, but specifically in the goods that were simply detailed. Moreover, if only one letter in the logo is fixed on the forced product, it will be regarded as a fake. Such a product will simply fail customer.
- Recording devices. We are talking about goods that have a built-in microphone, a chamber, and so on. This, of course, is very strange. It seems to be nothing terrible, for example, in smart clock no, they can be bought officially without problems. But nevertheless, it is impossible to import such products into the country.
- Unattended devices. Products of this kind can also be ordered in foreign countries.
- Poisons, drugs, chemicals, etc.. The poisons and drugs are already prohibited by default even within the country, not to mention their purchase of abroad. As for chemicals, in this case there is a specific list of allowed and prohibited.
- Explosive and combustible substances. Under this category, not only fireworks can be hit, but even Bengal lights. Even nail polish can be estimated as a fuel.
Now we describe the problem in more detail. After all, for many buyers on " Aliexpress"This is really a problem when they cannot buy what they really need, and it is not even about weapons. After all, as we learned above, sometimes prohibited at first glance completely harmless things.

What goods can not be bought on "Aliexpress"?
It is clear that poisons, drugs, combat grenades, pyrotechnics, etc. Can be completely prohibited or limited to different criteria. Goods requiring permission and licenses are also not recommended to buy for clear reasons.
But for many users, even wildly sounds when they threaten any responsibility for purchasing certain daily goods. Speech again goes about nail polishes, spirits, various devices, smart watches, seeds of rare plants, and so on. Below we describe the entire problem described in more detail.

Food ban
It should be understood that the goods on " Aliexpress»Bought from different countries of the world, including native China. Therefore, food here is taken into account as goods for regions where delivery is designed for the shortest possible time.

What goods can not be bought on "Aliexpress"?
But if you live far enough, then you should not order food, which can be spoiled in a few days. And to Russia, for example, delivery is up to several weeks or more. The ban on such delivery is connected, in particular, with the fact that spoiled food, some teas, as well as seeds of certain plants, are the reason for the distribution of various infections. Parcel simply will not miss the customs, referring to the rules.
Ban on alcoholic beverages
« Aliexpress"It is famous for the variety of its assortment, and alcoholic beverages can also be reached here. Collectors from different countries love, for example, order Chinese beer. But it is not recommended from the love of alcohol "Keep" on a cheap Chinese hop.
In general, on the sale of alcohol there should be permission and relevant licenses, as for our country. But " Aliexpress"Themes and famous that offers cheap prices, i.e. Many products here are not entirely original. It is unlikely that the Chinese seller will give the buyer of certificates and licenses for his alcohol, well, it will be cheaper to buy a licensed goods in your city without delivering mail.
In principle, you will be difficult to find alcohol on the site - see what the search displays with such requests:

What goods can not be bought on "Aliexpress"?
Ban on weapons, ammunition
Any such goods are sold only upon presentation of relevant documents, certificates and all necessary. These products themselves are bought only in special certified stores. The provision of weapons across the border is strictly prohibited.

What goods can not be bought on "Aliexpress"?
There is nothing to be surprised that Aliexpress»You can not order a machine and any components for it. In principle, you will not sell anything like online stores, including combat knives. Even if you manage to buy cold weapons, it will not be missed at customs, so you will spend money and time in vain.
But, as we have already spoken, a kitchen assortment, including Knives more, you can still order, since officially such goods do not require any help from buyers.

What goods can not be bought on "Aliexpress"?
Chemicals prohibition
If you are interested in chemistry and even have your own mini-laboratory, then " Aliexpress"It will be just a source of any chemical reagents and other substances useful for science. But novice (professional chemists will simply won't buy chemicals on such sites) should be a little thought about the consequences of such purchases.

What goods can not be bought on "Aliexpress"?
First, there is a specific list of substances that are prohibited for sale in Russia and even more so for importation from the borrowing. Secondly, for the purchase of such substances is provided, including the criminal punishment, no matter how you believed this most substance is harmless and safe.
We highly recommend you to get acquainted with the specified list of prohibited substances (it can be found on the Internet) and protect yourself from this kind of purchases in the future.
Ban on poisons
And the most unexpected man is clear that buying poison in the store is not just forbidden, but even impossible. But in this case we are not talking about those poisons that are shown to us in the films about spies.
In the category " Poison»The usual substances for summer residents are falling, with which they get rid of insects and other parasites. For example, if the rats sufferled you, and you decided to get up with them with " Aliexpress"You can hardly have anything. From the previous paragraph, we already know that not any substance can be introduced into the country.

What goods can not be bought on "Aliexpress"?
But it is worth noting something else. Suppose you could buy a can with any harmless substance that can be trained, for example, cockroaches. It is possible that it will be missed at customs, although not a fact. But the most unpleasant will happen when the staff of the power structures should be told and charge their accusations. At best, a fine, at worst - term.
Ban on unattended goods
We understand that in our time everyone wants to be modern, steep, glamorous and attractive. Sometimes I want to buy some unusual gadget, which has not yet been officially selling in your country. BUT " Aliexpress»Just famous for various kinds of products that can be purchased without a certificate.
You ask, and what is terrible in a simple gadget? Of course, nothing terrible seems to be in it, but the fact is that modern gadgets are simply stuffed with built-in devices of various kinds. For example, Wi-Fi device can be attributed to encryption tools that are prohibited. That is, without the appropriate certificate, the gadget with the presence of Wi-Fi will be very difficult to surfacing.
Ban on fakes
In the continuation of the previous paragraph. People loving fashionably look, hardly stand in temptation to acquire some tricky T-shirt, which is sold at cheap prices to " Aliexpress».
Nice to wear a beautiful t-shirt with the emblem " Adidas."But you need to know the legislation. Almost all over the world has been punished for violation of copyright. If one letter will be changed in the logo, but in general the emblem remains recognizable, it is already a violation of copyright.

What goods can not be bought on "Aliexpress"?
But if you like to wear something beautiful as clothes, you can find a way out of the situation. You can order and buy any clothes, no matter how it looked, if there are no logos of famous world brands on it.