What to do with special coupons for Aliexpress: Exchange Rules. How can I get and use special coupons for Aliexpress to pay for goods? What is the maximum number of coupons, can I apply to Aliexpress?

Published by B. Aliexpress
25 Jun 2017.

Review of special packs of the trading platform Aliexpress.. Guide to getting and used.

From time to time, all major and not only trading companies and shops conduct a variety of shares, contests or enact interesting programs. All of them serve as one goal - to attract new customers to them and increase the activity of already "experienced" buyers. Here is the famous trading platform " Aliexpress."Did not stay aside and introduced such an interesting thing for its customers as" Speccups Aliexpress." About what it is, how to get them, what they need and how to use them, you will learn from our article.

Important: If you have not previously made purchases on Aliexpress.I strongly advise you to start learning our article " How to register on Aliexpress?", And also familiarize yourself with video instructions and documentation on the official website of the trading platform.

What is aliexpress special packs and what are they needed for?

Figure 1. What is aliexpress special packs and what are they needed for?

Figure 1. What is aliexpress special packs and what are they needed for?

  • Speccups Aliexpress. - This is a kind of discount system by which users of the trading platform Aliexpress. Can buy certain goods at a lower price. Alternative to such coupons are gift or discount certificates in the online store " Svyaznoy».
  • Special coupons are compatible with other promotions and discounts on Aliexpress.. However, you can only spend on certain products.
  • For example, you want to buy a bracelet that is sold in a shop on a discount shopping area 15% And you have a special pack, giving a discount on 2$. You can buy the desired bracelet with a discount in 15% and 2$ From its initial value. But, only if the coupon action is distributed on this bracelet.
  • It is worth noting that one user has the ability to obtain one or more coupons. However, it is not recommended to save too much, as they are limited by service life. It all depends on the term of the promotion, according to which you got one or another coupon. The exact date and time of action can be seen on the coupon itself.

IMPORTANT: Remember that not every store takes special packs Aliexpress.. Those stores in which they are in the go, have on their pages here is such a badge znak_ali1.

How can I get special packs of Aliexpress?

There are several ways to get speccups Aliexpress.. Let's start in order:

Buy Coupons for Coins

Step 1.

  • Go to the catalog of products by shares on the official website Aliexpress., find the goods you need and open the page with information about it.
Figure 1. How can I get aliexpress special packs?

Figure 1. How can I get aliexpress special packs?

  • On this page there must be an inscription " The store takes special packs of Aliexpress", And next to her button" Get a coupon" Click it and follow the prompts on the screen.

Step 2.

  • You can also get a coupon by adding the necessary products to yourself in the basket. Going to Shee, you will see on the page of Count " Shares of seller»And button" Get a seller coupon" Click it and select the Coupon Suitable.
Figure 2. How can I get aliexpress special packions?

Figure 2. How can I get aliexpress special packions?

Take part in shares

  • As mentioned earlier, the marketplace Aliexpress. Often conducts a variety of shares, in many of which you can get special packs in an unlimited quantity.
Figure 3. How can I get the Aliexpress special packs?

Figure 3. How can I get the Aliexpress special packs?

  • One of these shares was " Big catch"Where for free receiving a coupon from you would need only click on a special advertising banner.
  • Track valid shares on Aliexpress. You can by of this link.

Participate in a special game

  • All users have the opportunity to win coupons in a special game " Guess the map" It is a kind of lottery, where 10 coins are you to get the opportunity to turn one card and get for it one of the numerous prizes. Among the prizes there are also coupons.
Figure 4. How can I get the Aliexpress special packs?

Figure 4. How can I get the Aliexpress special packs?

  • Only registered users can play the game. The first game is free, for each next one must pay 10 coins.
  • The game you can play an unlimited number of times, however, no more 30 games per day and no more three games in every store. You can get into the game you can of this link.

What to do with coupons on Aliexpress? How to use special packs on Aliexpress to pay for goods?

  • After you have received an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat is speccups Aliexpress.For which they are needed and how to get them, you can go to the topic of their use.
  • As previously mentioned, you can pay certain goods in certain stores with coupons.
  • Suppose you have a coupon and you found a suitable product. For his acquisition, add the goods to the basket and do one step:

Step 1.

  • After you add the goods to the basket, go to it and go to payment. On the payment page you will need to scroll through the page at the bottom and install a daws opposite " Apply specialkuple».
Figure 1. What to do with coupons on Aliexpress? How to use special packs on Aliexpress to pay for goods?

Figure 1. What to do with coupons on Aliexpress? How to use special packs on Aliexpress to pay for goods?

IMPORTANT: Remember that for the use of special packages it is necessary to make a purchase for a certain amount. The amount of the amount depends on the rules specified on the store page.

What maximum number of coupons can be spent on Aliexpress at a time?

  • There are no specific restrictions on the number of coupons. It all depends on the store's policies in which you want to spend coupons.
  • For example, if the store's rules spelled out that the size of the discount on the goods can be up to 10 $ with the total amount of the order from 100$it means that you can spend two coupons for 4$ And one in 2$.
  • Coupons are combined with other valid shares and discounts of the store or trading platform, but they will be calculated in a certain sequence. Check out the rules of coupons spending in the figure below.
Figure 1. What maximum number of coupons can be spent on Aliexpress at a time?

Figure 1. What maximum number of coupons can be spent on Aliexpress at a time?

How to see the number of coupons you have?

  • To see the number of current and spent coupons, enter official website Under his account, then open the category " My orders"And go to the" My special packs».
Figure 1. How to see the number of coupons you have?

Figure 1. How to see the number of coupons you have?

  • There you will see a list of existing, spent and overdue coupons. Also next to each coupon, you can see the date and time of its service life.

Video: New chip Aliexpress'a. Speccupons

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