What if you hacked an instagram account and changed mail, how to restore the page, how to apply to technical support? Is it possible to know who hacked instagram?

Published by B. Instagram. / Social networks
15 Apr 2018.

The article will tell how to restore an account in "Instagram" after hacking.

Why collapse accounts in " Instagram."? Hackers and other fraudsters wake out other people's accounts for various reasons. They often need, for example, send spam, sell advertising, unwind profiles or extort money. Or even hacking an account can be simply an act of one or another revenge.


We restore access to the Account in "Instagram"

Many social network users " Instagram."Ask what to do if an account" Instagram."Hacked? How to contact technical support, or how to restore the page yourself? Is it possible to find out who exactly hacked the account? Consider this in our review.

How to return the hacking account "Instagram"?

After hacking your page in " Instagram."First debt you need to immediately change your password. The fraudster can take possession of your account, but do not have time to change the password. You have a chance to get it out.

You can change the password using email, profile in the social network " Facebook."Or your mobile numbers. By changing the password, you will return access to the account. So, consider several options for changing the password.

We restore access to the Account "Instagram" by email

  • Run the application, go to the authorization page in " Instagram."And click on the item" Help with the entrance to the system", As indicated in the picture.

We restore access to the Account in "Instagram"

  • Next, the system will offer you ways to restore page. Select email.

We restore access to the Account in "Instagram"

  • Next, enter your email address and click on " Further»

We restore access to the Account in "Instagram"

  • The letter with the appropriate content will come to your mail, open it and click on the blue button " Log in How (Your account). " After that, you will be taken to the password change page in your account.

We restore access to the Account in "Instagram"

  • We restore access to the account " Instagram."By mobile number

We restore access to the Account in "Instagram"

  • Repeat the first point of the previous instruction and then select the account recovery using the mobile (or rather, using SMS).

We restore access to the Account in "Instagram"

  • Next, select the country of accommodation and enter your mobile number.

We restore access to the Account in "Instagram"

We restore access to the Account in "Instagram"

  • Then comes SMS with the appropriate link (as in the case of e-mail), passing through which you can change the password.

We restore access to the "Instagram" account using the profile on Facebook

If you previously tied to your account in " Instagram."Page on" Facebook."You can also change the password in the first social network. This method is also reliable because the attacker, hacking your " Instagram.", I must still hack your" Facebook."So that you do not restore the password. And it will be less likely to do it.

So, to restore the password, this way do the following:

  • Go to the entry page in " Instagram."And if you are already authorized on" Facebook.", Then at the bottom click on the item" Continue (Account on " Facebook.”).

We restore access to the Account in "Instagram"

  • If you are not yet authorized on " Facebook.", Then at the bottom click on the item" Login through Facebook.».

We restore access to the Account in "Instagram"

  • Next, enter the login and password on " Facebook.", Log in

We restore access to the Account in "Instagram"

  • Then click on " Proceed"And change the password for entering" Instagram.

We restore access to the Account in "Instagram"

We restore access to the "Instagram" account by contacting technical support

As we have spoken above, your account can hack and deprive the ability to restore the account given by the methods above. In addition, you could earlier and do not bind your account to a page on another social network.

Therefore, to restore account, we will act as follows:

  • We go to the entrance page Instagram."And click on" Help with the entrance to the system».

We restore access to the Account in "Instagram"

  • Choose the top point as noted in the screenshot

We restore access to the Account in "Instagram"

  • We introduce your nickname in " Instagram."And click on the top blue arrow to the right

We restore access to the Account in "Instagram"

  • Next below click on " Need additional help?»

We restore access to the Account in "Instagram"

  • Now we can apply to technical support. Fill out the necessary fields, indicate the reasons for the recovery of the account and so on. After you send a request, a letter with further instructions will come to your email. In particular, you will need to send a response letter with the required data.

We restore access to the Account in "Instagram"


We restore access to the Account in "Instagram"

Then " Instagram."Asks you to send your photo or provide identity documents. In general, you will have several days or even weeks to restore the account.

What needs to be done so that the account in "Instagram" never got sick?

Return your hacked account is not enough. It is necessary to prevent further hacks, because once at times do not have to come, and you simply cannot restore the account if the attackers are cunning. Find out who exactly hacked the account you are unlikely to be able to.


Prevent further hacking account in "Instagram"

So follow the following rules:

  • Do not go to your account with other people's phone numbers.
  • Never enter your data on dubious sites
  • Try to change your password to enter your input password (the password should be quite complicated).
  • Tie to " Instagram.»Account on" Facebook.»
  • Use two-factor authentication

Video: What to do if stolen or hacked "Instagram" account?

comments 10. Add a comment

  • i hacked ACC and nickname and mail changed ...... I do everything according to your instruction, and when I click on the blue arrow "Find my account" My error window appears and writes the user not found and no section "Need additional help" and I do not need I can not turn into support service .. What should I do, help.

    • Try to restore via SMS. But it is possible that your account was completely deleted if you could not find it.

  • Hello. Hacked acc, tried to return with all the ways, turned at the end to those under. Asked photos and so on. Threw a link to replace the password. Replaced to enter Institute to enter the security code, there are two ways of mail or tel. Nothing comes to the post office, or comes to someone else's mail (khaka mail), the phone number is no longer used (lost). What can be done? What are the next steps? In those under write, we cannot help you with the problem and blah blah. 2 weeks have passed. What should I do help ... ; (

    • Already nothing can be done. If the account recovery is made using the mail and the Mobile Numbers, and you do not have access to anyone else, then the account is not possible to restore. But perhaps you will restore your mobile phone number if he is tied to your passport. Restore the mobile phone number, come with a passport to your mobile operator to the nearest offhis. And then with the help of this issue, restore the account

  • My husband stole a page in instagram changed the password mail and phone number. Maybe something to do to return the page?

    • Try to contact the same question in the Instagram Support Service, build them mail, phone and password how much you remember it.

  • Hacked instes, changed mail, the number did not bring, and the FB too. I do everything according to the instructions. But when I click the button "Next help" instead of a form like yours, it shows the site inst help. What to do to appear form?

  • Hello. In the last version of the account return in the first item that I do not understand. That account which was hacked? I can not fill these fields writes that the account is invalid. Thanks in advance.

  • I found my account that hacked there the name everyone changed, I tried to enter the one, also did not work. All the time writes that the account is invalid.

    • do the way it is stated in the instructions or create a new account.

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