How is 3G different from 4G? What's better?

Published by B. Mobile Internet
4 Sep 2016.

Almost every person in our country has a mobile phone. Most of us with the help of such a phone not only make calls, but also go online. The further technologies are developing, the more mobile the computer devices become. Today, you do not need to look for a desktop PC to make a call on Skype, check your post or an account of the social network. Enough to have a smartphone or a SIM card tablet.

New generation

To date, an advanced solution is the fourth generation of mobile communications (4 generation). With the help of such networks, you can carry out phone calls and use high-speed connection with the worldwide web.

Each new stage of mobile development is not only new technologies, but also equipment that needs special maintenance. Because of this, the transition between generations requires not only such an opportunity, but also time.

The third generation of mobile networks was developed in the distant 90s of the last century. But, the introduction of 3G managed only in the 2000s. As for 4G, this technology began to be developed in the 2000s, and launched only a few years ago.

What is the difference between 3G from 4G


In order to understand what the third and fourth generation of communication is distinguished, it is necessary to understand the specification of each of them. According to the standards of International Telecommunication Union, 3G must have parameters:

  • In a static position, the speed must be at least 2 Mbps
  • For moving objects not lower than 348 kbps

It is important to understand the principle of mobile communication. Each phone serves the nearest tower. The third generation networks used the code separation of the signal. What helped reduce problems with the work of mobile phones while driving. When moving from one tower to another, to reduce the risk of communication breaks, cellular operators are forcibly smoothly reduced the signal from the removable tower and increased from the approaching.

The third generation of mobile communications uses radio interfaces based on technologies: FDMA, TDMA and CDMA.

4G networks, today are the most promising. A large three cellular operators in Russia moved to LTE, the remaining operators also implement them. The main difference between 4G from 3G is the introduction of batch data transfer. Actually, thanks to this protocol and managed to increase the speed of the mobile Internet.

In addition, the LTE network has Voice Over IP technology. That is the possibility of transmitting sound signals using the Internet.

It is thanks to the Voice Over IP, we can call to anywhere in the world on the Internet. That is, those who are not charged on mobile rates. With unlimited Internet, their cost is minimal. Of course, mobile operators resist, but most likely they now need to pay attention to the Internet technologies. Phone calls without internet use will be in the past. It has already been decided.

According to ITU, 4G must have:

  • Transmission of information divided into packages
  • Minimum speed 1 Gbit / s

Strictly speaking, modern WiMAX and LTE network are not 4G. And are called such only due to the marketing conspiracy of cellular operators. In order to understand this, it is enough to download the application to your smartphone capable of measuring the data transfer rate. Popular today (LTE networks) do not provide the ability to transfer data and close to 1 Gb / s.

The advantages and disadvantages of 4G networks


Advantages of 4G networks:

  • Minimum data transfer rate of 100 Mbps. 3G networks - 348 kbps
  • Batch data transfer
  • VOICE OVER IP - telephone IP protocol

Lack of 4G networks:

  • Little, compared to 3G, coverage area

LTE-Advanced, or 4G +

Some operators call the currently experimental format LTE-Advanced networks 4G +. But, it is LTE-Advanced that is real fourth-generation networks. This indicates data transfer rates and frequency range aggregation. A device that supports this technology can work immediately at different frequencies of the operator affordable, significantly expanding its channel. As it allows you to increase the data transfer rate.

For example, subscribers are available channel 40 MHz on a 2600 MHz band. Plus, users can use the channel at 20 MHz on the 1800 MHz band. When summing these channels, data exchange can be "dispersed" to 450 Mbps.

Unfortunately, LTE-Advanced with such parameters is still working only on the stand. In the field, the technology uses megaphone. But, she has it for this operator from the ideal.

What is better than 3G or 4G?

Of course, answering the question, what is better than 3G or 4G? We will reply the fourth-generation network and we will be right. But, do not forget the fact that not all devices at the moment support LTE (namely, on the basis of this technology, the fourth generation networks develop in our country). It is also necessary to understand the fact that the coverage area in 4G networks is less than that of 3G. But, this does not mean that in your region, after a while, the coverage of LTE networks is not improved.

Video. LTE-ADVANCED - Mobile Internet, which is faster than wired

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