Castle Clash - Battle of locks on Android: strategy and rules of the game. Battle of castles on Android: New Era

Published by B. Android
16 Oct 2016.

Android is an operating system under which "written" many mobile games of various both in quality and by genres. One of the best strategies for your smartphones and tablets running this operating system is Castle Clash or the battle of locks. About her and will be discussed in this article.

If you decide to pass for Castle Clash a little time, then it will not be possible to do this. Battle of locks (emphasis on the first syllable 🙂) will completely subordinate you to yourself. This is not a cleaner of the time, which in Play Market tens of thousands. This is a real strategy that requires daily presence.

Castle Clash is an online strategy. This means that in order to play it, you need to have a reliable connection (it will not be very nice, if at the time of the beginning of your battle you will turn off and lose it) and preferably unlimited tariff. Of course, this game does not consume a lot of traffic, but still.

Functional and rules of the game Castle Clash

As with most strategies in Castle Clash, you have to develop your city, defend it from the Haling of Monsters and the armies of other players. But, the best defense is an attack, so you need to develop your own army.

All city buildings can be erected using builders. Initially, there are only two of them. This means that at the same time you can build no more than two buildings. But, the number of builders can be increased by gems.

By the way about gems, this is a universal monetary unit of the game. With it, you can hire the heroes, completing the construction of buildings until the time you calculated the game and perform other profitable actions.

Gems can be bought or earn for various achievements.

Encourage players for various achievements in Castle Clash

Encourage players for various achievements in Castle Clash

There are a lot of them, so even with the help of free gems first in this game you can develop well.

In addition to builders, resources are needed to build buildings. Some buildings can be built with gold, other mana. Mana is also needed for hiring soldiers, and gold for their workout and "pumping" of heroes. Both resources can be extracted with mines (gold) and wells (mana). But, where to conquer them faster from other players.

Another important indicator in Castle Clash - "Honor signs". They are charged for participating in battles, raids in dungeons and battles in the arena. This is not a celebrating of the "coolness" of the player. For this there is a power rating (displayed just above the king icons). Honor icons are needed in order to develop the power of heroes. In addition, you can hire heroes for them.

Honor signs in Castle Clash

Honor signs in Castle Clash

With the upper right corner of the main screen Castle Clash dealt with. Sunday below. In the left corner there are three icons: Horn of ironing, gear and sword.

Lower Left Castle Clash Main Screen Angle

Lower Left Castle Clash Main Screen Angle

  • Gear - game settings. You can bind an account to the device, enable and disable music and sounds.
  • Mountain glades - alert about our awards. When performing the conditions of any achievement, a digit appears above this icon. We go and take a reward.
  • Sword - With it, we can attack the city of other players or walk around the dungeons.

Battles in Castle Clash

This strategy is more fascinating the fact that there are several types of battles. These are raids by the cities of other players, dungeons, the coming of monsters, the court of heroes, the challenge of the boss, an expedition, the battle for the torch, group dungeons (Mass Sturm). Let us dwell on them in more detail:

Raid. Battles with the army of another player at the moment in Offline. When the player online is impossible to attack him. If your army caused damage to the rival buildings by 50% and more percent, then you are considered the winner and get the hull icons. Also, with the help of raids, you can replenish your gold and manna warehouses.

Raid to the city of another player

Raid to the city of another player

Dungeon. In this form of the battle of the player's opponent, the computer becomes. In the dungeons you can also get gold, manna and honor icons. And also, crystals (do not confuse with gems). For crystals you can hire heroes. In the dungeon, you can enter a limited number of times - one attempt in 20 minutes.

Coming monsters. In this form of the battle you need to protect your base from the hordes of monsters. They attack your city wavingly (five waves). Each wave appears in different sections of the screen. In the defense of the city, the heroes hired in the Army camp of soldiers and guard towers participate. The success of the protection of your city is affected not only the power of the heroes and the army, but also the correct placement of protective structures and guard towers. The main prize for the protection of the city are crystals and experience. Also Randomno can get manna and gold.


Defense of his base in the battle of the "Coming of Monsters"

Court of heroes. You also need to protect your city. But, it is not necessary to protect it from monsters, but from the legendary heroes. They attack one wave, but their strength and quantity depend on the level of the event. The prize for protecting the city can be a legendary hero.

Call boss. The battle that you can spend together with other participants in the guild to which you need to join. The head of the guild activates the battle with the boss daily at the same time. After activation, all participants in the guild is given 30 minutes, in order to defeat the boss. Only the selected hero and magic participate in the battle. In case of victory over the boss, everyone who made this lept receives the goggles of honor. Their quantity depends on the amount of damage applied by the boss.

Group dungeons (Mass Sturm). Battle with a boss, which "hides" in the dungeon. Unlike the previous type of battle, the players are involved here not from one guild, and those who have at the moment have applied for such a type of battle. This boss is immune to stunning and it is very difficult to defeat it. But, the reward for the victory is worth it.

Main screen of battle

Main screen of battle "Group dungeons"

Expedition. In order to get into this type of battles, you need to go to the arena. Access opens with strength in 5000. You need to take 15 heroes into battle. The battle itself reminds the raid, but without participating in it soldiers and magic. The award is issued in the destruction of the enemy buildings over 50% of the total number of buildings. As a prize, hull and orders are issued. In addition, access to another city.

Battle for a torch. Guild flag defense twice a week. Only players can participate, whose guilds are included in the top3000. You can also capture the torches of other people's guilds. Award in this form of battles - Honor icons and crystals.

Command coming of monsters (Punish chaos). Unlike the usual battle of the "Coming of Monsters" in the empty chaos, up to four players can participate. First, the player creates his own adoption. Of these cashposts, a common castle is formed. It must be kept from destruction within three minutes. For the passage of this test, each player receives a reward in random order.

Battles in the arena. Arena is a small plot of land on the edges of which two crystals are located. The winner in this battle is the player whose army, consisting only of six heroes, will destroy the rival crystal faster. For the victory and defeat in this form of battle, award is assigned in the form of honors icons.

Battle of the arena in the battle of locks

Battle of the arena in the battle of locks

Heroes and Army Castle Clash

Initially, a player in Castle Clash is available one army camp. But, as the town hall develops the possibility of building additional army camps. You can hire units for Manu.

Their power depends on training, which are held in the training center. One training session is developing one type of units. For each type of soldier, you can raise the level several times. All units in Castle Clash are divided into ordinary, rifle, destructive and magical.


Unit "Gnome with a gun" - Battle of locks

About the heroes in Castle Clash you can write a separate article. You will receive the first hero after installing this game. Then heroes can be bought for gems, crystals and honor icons. Their strength can be improved.

Also, each of the heroes have their own skill. The default skill can be replaced by gems to another. In Castle Clash, all heroes are divided into ordinary, elite and legendary. They are hired in the "Altar of Heroes", but are contained on the "databases of heroes" and in guard towers.

Heroes in the altar of heroes in the battle of locks

Heroes in the altar of heroes in the battle of locks

Secrets and Subtleties Castle Clash

Immediately when accumulating 500 gems need to hire an additional builder. The first levels of buildings are elevated very quickly, but then "extra hands" are needed in order not to wait for the builder. The third costs 500 gems, and the cost of each subsequent increases with geometric progress.

It is advisable to use donat. For 660 rubles you can get 4650 gems (including bonus). Half spend on builders, and the second to the heroes. You can save. Two days of the game and the tasks will give you the desired number of gems per builder.

One builder must be divided into the development of the Town Hall. After all, the higher the level of the town hall, the more the possibility of building other buildings that increase the infrastructure of your city, strengthening his defense and increase the attacking qualities of your army.

But it is important not to "recycle" your city. After all, the more pumped buildings in it, the more your power. So, the game algorithms will put stronger cities against your army.

What makes the production of gold and manna more complex. Therefore, we develop the town hall before the appearance of three watchdog towers and five database of heroes, and then pump them to the maximum possibility. To do this, you will have to pump the storage of gold and mana.

Pumped city in Castle Clash

Pumped city in Castle Clash

Very much attention should be paid to the pumping of heroes. After all, one strong hero can cope with the usual army.

As soon as the opportunity to join the guild, do it. But it is important to find such a guild that has strong players. With their help, you will defeat the boss. So get the desired goggles of honor.

By the way, about the goggles of honor. To spend them to receive heroes, after you have five, you do not need. We all leave already ready-made heroes in pumping. Then I spend the crystals that you will receive in the dungeons and during the coming of monsters. And they already need to spend on the heroes.

In addition to the raids and the coming of monsters, be sure to participate in the battles on the arenas and follow the tasks of quests (opens during the seventh level of the Town Hall). After all, even lost battles in the arena give you giggles of honor.


Castle Clash is a very exciting strategy that includes a lot of mini games and RPG-component. Play it is very fun and exciting. And thanks to modern smartphones, your city will always be with you, wherever you are.

Video. Castle Clash: New Era

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