Bad Piggies - We study physics using the game. Bad Piggies on Android

Published by B. Android / iOS.
23 Oct 2016.

Finnish Studio Rovio declared itself on the whole world released a very popular Angry Birds game. At this, funny Finns did not stop and created several continuations of "angry birds". But today it will be not talking about them. Meet the spinoff of this computer series - entertaining and cheerful game "Bad Piggies".

Bad piglets are not a continuation of Hit Rovio, but an addition to this series. But, as in Angry Birds, in this game there are all the components of the series that we liked so much: the magnificent graphics, an interesting audiophone and of course humor. As it is clear from the name, in this game the main characters are green cute pigs, which was so not lucky in previous games of this universe.

By genre, Bad Piggies, this is something average between races and designer. And so, as in the game there is a logical component, it can be safely attributed to the puzzles.

Interesting: In Angry Birds 2.3.0 there is an episode called Bad Piggies.

Plot Bad Piggies.

In this puzzle game you will need to help piglets to collect pieces of the plan, with which they wanted to take the eggs of evil birds. The plan was designed and recognized very successful. But, the pork named Ross turned on the fan and all the leaflets scattered around the island where piglets live. In order to get to some parts of the plan, you need transport.

Plot game

Plot game

After the pieces of the old plan are collected, the pigs decide to develop an even more efficient egg selection scheme in angry birds. They paint it on a wooden box. But, inside it it turns out it is not clear where the dynamite took. Which, of course, at the most inopportune moment, explodes. In order to assemble a plan for pigs, vehicles will be required again.

In the fourth part of the game, the pigs still will become evil birds. But, now they need these eggs to translate into a safe place. And they will be asked for trucks and aircraft bizarre.

Bad Piggies: how to play

After you download this game and run it, you will fall into the colorful menu. Initially, the player provided two levels to demonstrate their engineering and design thoughts. Why engineering design? Everything is simple, the main task of the player to make a vehicle that will deliver the pig from to the desired location on the screen.

Build a vehicle in the game Bad Piggies

Build a vehicle in the game Bad Piggies

At the first level, you will need to create simple vehicles that are moving at the expense of the wheels and the landscape slopes. For this, several items are available to players.

Further harder. You need to create no longer just a cart, which will surround from the mountain, but a whole aircraft. The more difficult zone, the more interesting the components of the vehicle appear. Some of them will have to manage: blow air, squeeze the spring, run the fan.

As in the previous games of the Rovio Studio, the assessment of the player's actions are stars. They are appointed for bringing a lead to the marked place, put in the allotted time and give the vehicle to the finish line without breakdowns.

Important: At some levels, it can be found that for the passage there may be two options for the construction of the machine. But often you can pass the level using only one machine. However, it often depends on the skill of the player.

Each zone can give three stars. With a certain number of stars, subsequent zones are opened. Total zones are five, and the total number of levels is 72. To pass the most difficult of them, you will have to use all your mental potential.

Zones in Bad Piggies

Zones in Bad Piggies

Interesting: Bad Piggies is the first game of the Universe of Angry Birds, in which a new character appeared - Pork Chef.

All of us loved in childhood constructors. In Bad Piggies you have to remember the skills acquired in the manufacture of various things from the children's designer. And if in the first levels of this game you will have to use only a few details, then in the last zones there will be much more.

Items in Bad Piggies

Describe all items in this puzzle game does not make sense. We will tell only about the main:

  • Wooden box. The subject, which in the first zones is the most popular. You can put a passenger of the manufactured vehicle, install the engine or dynamite.
  • Wooden wheel. The subject than which the trolley can move from the slope and bring the pig to the destination. Also in the game there is a more durable metal wheel.
  • Iron box. It is also used as wooden, but weighs more. If a pig from the trolley came to meet him, it will stop.
  • Blacksmith fur. Used as air blowers. When activating this subject, the trolley begins to move to the direction opposite from the direction of air.
  • Fan. Similar with furs the subject, but in contrast to it gives a smoother "course" and it is necessary to turn it on to activate it, and not press each time.
  • Engine. There are three types of engines in the game: weak, strong and powerful. Their appointment is understandable. Middle power engine is equal to the weight of the pig.
  • Bottle with cola. In their actions resembles a jet engine.
  • Dynamite. Used for directional explosion. It can spontaneously explode when shaking.
  • Rockets. Used as an analogue of the reactive motor. There is a blue and red rocket in the game. Red rocket is the most powerful engine in this game.
  • Spring. Used as a shock absorber to mitigate the impact and elastic bonding of various parts of the trolley.

Also in the game there are other structural elements: screw, propeller, wooden and metal wings, umbrella, balloons, gearbox, etc. In total, there are 33. Some details "work" independently, others need to be managed.

Bonuses Bad Piggies.

In Bad Piggies there are many bonuses and activators that facilitate the passage of the game. Most of them are paid, but when performing certain conditions, they can be obtained free of charge. These bonuses include:

Super glue. It reliably glues all parts of the vehicle and protects it from destruction.

  • Magnet. With this bonus, the magnetized pig attracts boxes with stars and food for the king.
  • Pig mechanic. It helps to collect a vehicle, with which you can pass the level of three stars. For those levels that pass on three stars twice, the pig mechanic offers two design options.
  • Turbo charge. Enhances the power of the engines twice.
  • Points of night vision. He highlights the darkened caves corners, shows the road landscape and is used to not get lost. Can be used only in caves.
Pork - Super Mechenik

Pork - Super Mechenik

Physics in Bad Piggies

The Bad Piggies game has not only bright graphics, but also realistic physics. Here, the schoolboy can get acquainted with the action of a reactive engine. Sometimes it is even a bottle with a cola for this purpose.

The laws of conservation of mechanics and the strength of gravity are better and more interesting to study using such games as Bad Piggies. The creators of this entertaining puzzle did everything so that all movements and trajectories of vehicles were realistic.

So, this game will help not only develop mental processes in the brain, but also can be used as an example of entertaining physics.

Skull Bad Piggies.

One of the main secrets of the game Bad Piggies are hidden in some zones of the skull. If you collect all of them, the Bonus "Secret" level of Bad Piggies will open for you.

Video. We pass Bad Piggies: We are looking for Hidden Skull (hidden skulls)

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