Android or Windows Phone - What is better for a smartphone?

Published by B. Android / Windows
15 Sep 2016.

In this article we will discuss the question of what Windows Phone is better than Android.

Despite on the that, what developers Windows Phone highly tried, system so and not stated too popular, as this is planned. Rather total, here his role played complexity tasks, so as OS. designed on the work from computational systems different formfactors.

it circumstance strong influenced on the system and appeared numerous complaints on the too fast discharge in Surface. 2, but for update firmware this problem was from success eliminated. But everything same, OS. Windows Phone it has some advantages before own competitAndroid.

Mode Snap VIEW.

Advantages of Windows Phone before Android

Advantages of Windows Phone before Android

it mode multitasking from help whom can in one time open before four program on the one display. Everyone of apps possessed minimal adjustable width, advanced under parameters screen.
W. android not capabilities work in such. mode, what forced manufacturers smartphones redeem their products. for example, of this smog achieve Samsungis he done option Multi.VIEW., but she is can work only from some models tablets Galaxy. More togo, choice program also small.


Android many attracts thanks agriculture, what not requires lot resources w. systems and it has lots of apps. But she is it has one serious minusfragmentedness. Update before self fresh versions maybe only devices of rulers Nexus., but rest only by wishes manufacturer.

Yet worse that, what w. owners Android not capabilities receive even patches security. what concerns owners Windows 8 devices, that w. them not such inconvenience, so as updates will be received man immediately after them sales.

Custom experience

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How does Windows Phone better android?

Android was implemented earlier, than Windows, but custom experience, that there is tOT, what it turns out by measure appearance updates OS., if a and acquired, that negative.

IN that same time Microsoft. showed, what can from ease adjust under needs users and eliminates gradually everything serious minuses original Windows 8.1. Besides togo, get ready large processing for Windows 9. maybe, this is touch and interface systems.

Exchange danis

For eVERY mobile devices highly important exchange danis. Fully this is demonstrated both compared systems. But w. Windows this function implemented sequence. for example, Google Chrome. on the Android it has full functional, but for use. additional functions need installation extensions.
W. Windows this exchange made much easier. Can without problems share notes of journal from cloud Evernote., or keep page sites in Reading. List.

Video: Which OS is better: Android, iOS or WindowsPhone?

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