Aliexpress requests the security code of the bank card when paying for the order: Is it possible to introduce security code to Aliexpress?

Published by B. Aliexpress / Useful advice
9 Jul 2017.

Departed to the question "Is it safe to introduce a bank card security code on Aliexpress.

Earlier in one of our articles, we talked about what is the security code of a bank card, for which it is needed and where it can be found. Today we will talk about whether it is possible to enter it when paying for purchases on one of the largest trading platforms Aliexpress..


Aliexpress requests a bank card security code when paying for the order. Can I enter it?

Important: If you are new to Aliexpress. and never made purchases, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with our article " How to register and shop on Aliexpress?" You can also watch video instructions on the official website of the trading platform.

Why does Aliexpress require to enter a security code when paying for purchases and is it safe to do this?

  • In the article "What is a security code of a bank card?" We have already said that this three-digit code is used when performing any financial transactions in online stores to confirm the identity of the card holder.
Figure 1. Why does Aliexpress require to enter the security code when paying purchases and is it safe to do this?

Figure 1. Why does Aliexpress require to enter the security code when paying purchases and is it safe to do this?

  • Users who doubt when entering the security code on Aliexpress., do it not without reason. After all, if this code falls into hand to third parties, they can easily clean your bank account until the last penny.
  • However, we hurry you to assure that the entry of the safety code on the trading platform Aliexpress. Fully safe. The fact is that all financial operations are conducted not through the trading platform itself, but through the bank in which your card has been released. The only data that the administration sees Aliexpress.This is a bank card number and the name of its owner. It is necessary for them in order for in the case of any trouble they could return to you for the purchase.
Figure 2. Why does Aliexpress require to enter the security code when paying purchases and is it safe to do this?

Figure 2. Why does Aliexpress require to enter the security code when paying purchases and is it safe to do this?

  • But even if you did not convince the argument with the bank, then simply imagine what daily income from this company. Even if you have a million on the map, Aliexpress. Per day earns 10 million. If not more. They simply not beneficial to steal the money of their customers, risking their own reputation, income and freedom.

Home Safety Code Input on Aliexpress Trade

  • So, it has already been said above that payments for shopping on the trading platform Aliexpress. With the help of bank cards are completely safe. However, there is a pretty serious threat to inattentive and gullible people. This is a fraud.
  • Many chairs create single-page sites that contain the form of input of bank data (including security code) and look one in one, as official site Aliexpress. The only difference in such single-page sites from official There may be any one letter in their address.
Figure 1. Home Safety Code Input In the Aliexpress shopping area

Figure 1. Home Safety Code Input In the Aliexpress shopping area

  • Fraudsters send emails to mail to customers Aliexpress. As a request to the personnel of the trading platform, go to the link indicated in the letter and re-enter your payment details to confirm the personality.
  • Going on this link and after completing everything that is required from you in a letter, you will give your card data to attackers and lose all funds on it.

IMPORTANT: Remember! Administration Aliexpress. Never sends letters of this kind. If you have come such a letter, immediately report this to employees of customer support service official website, And mark the letter as spam.

What additional security measures are better to do when paying purchases by a bank card on Aliexpress?

To preserve your cash on the map, it is enough to be attentive and carefully check the correctness of the address entered in the address bar. However, for your complete tranquility, you can take some other measures:

  • 1. Get yourself a separate bank card for paying purchases on the trading platform Aliexpress. and not only. Do not keep a lot of money on it, and replenish it immediately before buying any product. If it happens that in the ridiculous accident you will give your data to attackers, all that they will get is zeros in the bank account.
Figure 1. What additional security measures are better to take when paying purchases by bank card on Aliexpress?

Figure 1. What additional security measures are better to take when paying purchases by bank card on Aliexpress?

  • 2. Connect to your bank card service " Mobile Bank" In the event that these cards fall into the hands of fraudsters, they will not be able to use it without a confirmation code that will come SMS message On your mobile phone.
Figure 2. What additional security measures are better to do when paying purchases by bank card on Aliexpress?

Figure 2. What additional security measures are better to do when paying purchases by bank card on Aliexpress?

  • 3. Install on your computer or mobile device from which you purchases on the trading platform, the antivirus program. The presence of viruses on it can lead to loss of bank details, and together with them and funds on the score.

Video: How to pay for an order for Aliexpress through a map?

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