Aliexpress - How to pay all products together from different orders with one payment: Instruction

Published by B. Aliexpress
8 Oct 2017.

The article describes how to " Aliexpress»Combine several goods in one order.

Users online store " Aliexpress.", As a rule, come to this site so that at a deceive price to buy the necessary goods for yourself, such as a tablet or smartphone.

As a rule, beginners initially carry out a one-time purchase here, when it is acutely necessary to find that in other stores it is much more expensive.


How to pay several goods from different orders to one time on "Aliexpress"?

But if the trading deal was successful, and the goods came in the parcel in good condition and in a short time, the user is in no hurry to leave " Aliexpress.". Sooner or later, he exercises a new purchase here. Over time orders becomes more and the person turns into a permanent client.

Thus, it may turn out that the client needs to make several orders at once, buying various products from different sellers. In this, by the way, there is a huge plus.

If you buy several goods almost one day, it will be a huge time savings. After all, it is more convenient when all goods go around at one time than for one year.

It is known that every parcel can go to the client month and more of the time, and several goods ordered at different times, the user will re-receive longer.

Therefore, we will not hurt to figure out how to pay different goods to one payment and get them with relatively short intervals, or in one parcel (from one seller). We will talk about it in our review.

How to pay a few orders on Aliexpress with one payment?

In order to pay for " Aliexpress.»Several orders of once, there are two ways:

  • Through " My orders»
  • Through " Basket»

Let's discuss everything in order. In the first case, you need to do the following:

  • Place orders how you usually do it. Choose so many products as you need, but do not pay for any of them.
  • After that in your " Personal Cabinet»Go to" My orders"Through the menu above the right.

How to pay several goods from different orders to one time on "Aliexpress"?

  • Next, go to the section " Waiting for payment»

How to pay several goods from different orders to one time on "Aliexpress"?

  • You find yourself on the page with a list of all your orders. Check the ticks opposite each of them.

How to pay several goods from different orders to one time on "Aliexpress"?

  • Next click on the button "Pay selected orders", Pay them and calmly wait for the parcels.

In order to pay several orders immediately with the help " Baskets", Follow the steps:

  • Choose all the goods you like, go to them in the description and then add them to the basket.

How to pay several goods from different orders to one time on "Aliexpress"?

  • After all the necessary goods are selected and sent to the basket, go to it.
  • Next, scroll down the page down. Here will be the total cost of all the goods you have chosen. Click on " Checkout"And pay it.

How to pay several goods from different orders to one time on "Aliexpress"?

Thus, with the help of these two ways you will be able to pay several orders with one payment, but one nuance is worth noting. Different orders from several sellers will be delivered in different packages.

Several goods from one seller will be packed in one package, unless, of course, will allow its weight and dimensions. In any case, both options will be most beneficial for you in terms of delivery, rather than ordering goods at different times and pay for each separately.

Video: General order at Aliexpress. How to make a purchase from different sellers?



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