IPhone turns off in the cold: what to do?
Many Russian users of Iphones complain about their bad job during cold weather. How to correct the problem?
As everyone knows, with frosts, iPhones begin to behave rather strange, for example, they are sharply turned off, even with a high level of charge. Why is this happening?
Lithium-ion batteries are used in the smartphones of this brand. They have serious advantages - quickly charge, do not require complete discharge and so on. But with all this, they are too sensitive to the cold.
As stated on the site of BatteryUniversity.com, during frosts becomes higher resistance inside and the battery capacity is reduced. So what should I do if the iPhone turns off in the cold?
Try to the smartphone always in warm. Since the charge sensor in these smartphones is calibrated with warm temperatures, its performance can differ significantly from reality due to a decrease in the battery capacity. Therefore, even if there is a 25% charge, the phone is sometimes turned off.
You should not leave the phone in the car, as the temperature drops sharply. Better always put it in your pocket. In the bracket of the machine, put the USB adapter and the Lightning wire. When using non-original accessories, monitor that their characteristic corresponds to the necessary for charging an iPhone. If possible, do not use the cigarette lighter for these purposes.
Additionally put on the phone case. If you love everything non-standard, then buy a warm case. And you can carry with you an external battery for severe frosts.