Addresses of self-delivery points, issuance and return of goods in a coherent. How to find out the address of the store is connected in your city?

Published by B. Svyaznoy
4 Feb 2017.

An article about the search scheme of the address of stores, items of export of goods on the site "Svyaznoy".

The final point of the purchase of goods is its removal. Score "Svyaznoy" Provides its customers with the most convenient conditions.


Shops and items of export of goods in "Svyaznoy" are located throughout Russia

The chain of the company's stores covers the whole territory of the Russian Federation.

How to find out the address of the network stores connected?

  • log in company.
  • enter the desired store mode options or the issue item.
  • find a convenient location, salon.

Detailed search address scheme


Main page of the online store "Svyaznoy"

  • choose the city (from Moscow to Khabarovsk).

City Choice Page

  • press the option "The shops".

Activation option "Shops"

  • we view the window that has opened with addresses.

List of shopping addresses in the city

  • select the specific address of the self-guide or salon.

Selected store address

Optionally, you can enter the selected address in the search string, the following information window will open:

  • store open time.
  • city map, with marked salons. The card can be increased or reduced by pressing the cursor.

City map with designations of goods export points

  • information on the issuance of a credit card, the availability of an ATM, the terminal, the loan repayment opportunities at the checkout, the electronic catalog of the store goods.

Detailed information about the store service

  • store photo.
  • pressing the option "Build a route"Started with photos, you can pave the route from your home to the point where the store is.
  • view information on the total number of shops in your city.

Photo Store, Route Setup, Information on the number of stores in this city

If you want to be in the course of all news in "Svyaznoy"can enter an email address to the line on the site, press the key "Subscribe". Messages will come to your address.


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Score "Svyaznoy" Trying to comfort buyers by 100%!

Video: Shop "Svyaznoy". Advertising

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