Addresses of self-delivery points, issuance and return of goods in Eldorado. How to find out the address of issuing Eldorado in your city?
An article on the terms of delivery and addresses of the self-leveling points of Eldorado in Moscow, St. Petersburg, and other cities.
Delivery of the goods, the most important link in the purchase order circuit.
You can pick up goods in communication salons El DoradoCompany stores, personal exploration points.
How to determine the exact address of the export of goods, so that it is convenient to the buyer, we will tell below.

Transportation from Eldorado
Score El Dorado It has not only huge catalogs of digital technology and electronics, but also a convenient way to useful information.
To choose a delivery point in your city:
- Choose your regionas in the picture below.
- Click "Shops" And you will find a list of shops and delivery points in your area.

Addresses of stores Eldorado
Pluses delivery
- the optimal time selected by the buyer.
- pre-call from the store.
- neat shipping goods on a specialized vehicle.
- delivery to the exact place specified in the ordering (office, rooms, apartments, houses).
- check and demonstration of goods in front of the buyer.
- decision of any issue to change the address, dates of receipt of the purchase and other issues by telephone service 8 800 250 25 25. The call is free.
Shipping Nuances in the capital (Moscow)
Fast delivery is carried out in the capital, in the case of ordering the device on the site El Dorado.
- registration until 13 o'clock in the afternoon, delivery today, up to 24 nights.
- the design of the goods from 18-30 before a minute of 24 hours, the goods will come tomorrow from 15-00 to 24-00.
- delivery within the capital areas and Moscow Ring Road is the same at a price for any size and weight of the goods.
Shipping cost in Moscow
Shipping costs in the capital, to the ring road, within 20 - 40 km from the ring with a personal order on the site, in the terminals of Eldorado, the online store, the company's service center.
- fast delivery In the capital for small and large size goods - 790 rubles.
- standard delivery In the capital, including the Moscow Ring Road, 290 rubles for small and weight devices, 490 rubles for large-sized devices and weight.
- delivery Price Green zone Moscow (within 20km from the Moscow Ring Road) - the same as indicated above (standard delivery).
- delivery price in the Moscow region (within up to 40 km from the ring road), similar to the rates above.
- product of large sizes, over 5 kg
- the goods are small sizes below 5 kg
- the goods of both sizes are considered to be large
Shopping Nuances Made in Salons - Eldorado stores, Points of personal export of stores - Online
- call goods passes through the chosen by the buyer the city or region, as well as within the chapter area in the area where there are network stores El Dorado.
- price delivery In the capital and the region is specified by the telephone service center, common to all.

Telephone service center on the Eldorado store website
An example of the choice of delivery address in the city of St. Petersburg
- we enter the company's website footman

The first page of the Eldorado website
- open The option of choosing a city.

List of cities
- choose Saint Petersburg.
- activate option "The shops".

Activation option "Shops"
- we view All address shops Eldorado St. Petersburg: retail stores, El Dorado - Express, Items of the company.

Addresses of stores in St. Petersburg

Addresses of stores (continued)

Addresses of stores (continued)

Addresses of stores (continued)

Continued list of Eldorado stores in St. Petersburg

End of the list of store addresses
- choose the most Appropriate address, to specify it when placing an order.
Note: Selection of addresses by Moscow and green zone Moscow (within the Moscow Ring Road and up to 40 km from the Moscow Ring Road) is carried out in a similar way.

Choice of address of the Eldorado store in the capital and the capital region
The choice of a shop of any other city or region of the Russian Federation is in the same order as for St. Petersburg and B. Moscow.
All conditions for the delivery of goods are performed by store El Dorado in full.
Pleasant shopping!