5 rules of behavior in social networks: how to protect personal data and mood

Published by B. Mobile Internet
16 Jul 2016.

The essential part of our life is social networks and various forums. This year, in our country, the total number of users of social networks has increased to 36 million people. According to the analytical company Brand Analytics, they have placed more than 600 million messages. And the year only went to his equator.

We should only open the page with your favorite social network, as a huge number of different information goes on us. And, as uncomfortable, most of this information is a frank trash. Holding him, we spend your time and sometimes even nerves. If you want to see less garbage, start with yourself. In this article, we will tell about five rules that will help you keep your page in your social network.

Avoid trolls

On the Internet there is such a category of people as trolls. These people entertain themselves in that they are breeding unnecessary discussions, in which they try to cause negative reactions from opponents. Internet trolls can be found not only in social networks, but also on forums, blogs and other places where users communicate with each other. But, of course, the critical mass of these people is concentrated on social networks.

How to communicate with them? In no way. They need to ignore, not "catching" on their fishing rod, not to "feed" their disputes and defending their point of view. Believe me, she is absolutely not important. For them, the dispute call itself is a great success. And for you it is a loss of time and mood. In disputes with Internet trolls can be spent all day.

Among other things, such "characters" are capable of big actions than breeding discussion. Especially if you can vulne them without that low self-esteem. Probably, everyone heard from the news, as the Internet shocks were overwhelmed into physical.

And especially sophisticated trolls are capable not only to insult you on the Internet, but also to take revenge in real life. But, if they do not pay attention to such social network users, their energy will quickly run out. Ignoring Internet trolls, save your time, strength and mood.

Act within the law


We only now have the authorities to regulate the Internet. At least, before they did not advertise it. This can be different in different ways, but what is not worth writing in social networks and all sorts of illegal things is a fact. And you do not need to think that Russia is a pioneer in this regard. Of course not. In China and the UAE, you can go to prison for trolling. And in New Zealand, you can get a real term for Internet travelers.

Even in the "freedom-loving" US, a penalty for various virtual offenses is no longer uncommon. So, before writing stupidity or something illegal, think about the consequences.

By the way, you can suffer not only if you write an illegal message yourself, but if you just make it repost.

Even if the state does not want to punish you, this does not mean that you can continue to write illegal things in our social networks. In our country, Roskomnadzor is responsible for the Internet. Which can easily block your page. Such precedents were already. Everything is known to conflict with the once popular group "VKontakte" MDC.

If you decide to write something on your page, make sure that you do not insult anyone and do not violate the current legislation. The consequences can be different, but necessarily unpleasant to the author of messages.

Do not repost everything in a row

About the fact that for the repost of messages of illegal nature, we can already pay. But, it is also necessary to abandon the repost of various nonsenses. Probably, everyone saw in social networks a message that urgently need to save kittens or puppies from imminent death. In order for them to save, the phone is indicated by which you can bring references. Do not call this number and do not repost this message. Why? Yes, because, no kittens or puppies do not exist. And the number you have to call the paid one. The more calls, the more the attacker will receive money. And the worst thing is that when they replant, you will become his "accomplice".

According to one well-known analytical organization, social networks publish up to 80% of fake posts of the foreigfled content. All these messages about help, reposit for prizes, etc. Most often arrange an attacker for its own purposes.

Of course, it is found among such a number of fraudulent messages and those who really ask for help. Usually they indicate props on which you can learn everything about who requires help. As for repost for prizes, participate only in those contests that are conducted by well-known and proven companies.

If you do not want to spend time on checking the authenticity of what is written in the message, it is better to ignore it.

Who can see your post?


Social networks are not only a meeting of interest. On your page can periodically peel your relatives, familiar and even your boss. Moreover, today all companies, looking for staff in one or another company, are necessarily verifying the profiles of applicants in social networks. It will be a shame if you lose the work of your dreams because of the stupid post in Vkontakte or Odnoklassniki.

In addition to the above-mentioned popular social networks, remove or hide from foreign photos, which can cause a negative assessment of your person from "Instagram", "Twitter" and Facebook. Yes, they can also see your boss.

Keep your personal data

Social networks are designed to help unite people with the same interests. That is why some of these resources allow you to be checked - that is, to mark the location. But, besides familiar and friends, learn about where you can and attackers. They can find many ways to use these information against you.

For example, they can find out what you are in a cafe and break to your house. Knowing that there is no one there. Most settings allows you to hide the data on where you are. And it is better to do it.

Video. Social networks benefit or harm

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