3D glasses on Aliexpress: Review, catalog, price, reviews

Published by B. Aliexpress
25 Dec 2016.

3D glasses today are very popular and everyone can afford them. Let's discuss what glasses can be found on Aliexpress.

3Dvideo, allowing look volumenny picture, becomes today everything more popular. 3Dglasses work sothey are for eVERY eyes show different images, per the account it turns out three-dimensional picture. Acquire such devices can on the Aliexpress.

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Catalog 3Dpoints on the Aliexpress

there is some types points 3D. AND everything they are represented on the Aliexpress.

  • Active. IN such glasses instead simple lenz. install liquid crystals, which under action signal screen by queues close eyes unnoticed for user.
  • Polarization. This method distributed more total. It divided on the active and passive. IN first case points not need additional a source nutrition. Each lens from screen passes only his color polarization. Glasses such accessories consist of special lenz.. Second a type gives high color reproduction and w. it not oreol and picture not flicker.
  • Anaglyph. IN such glasses picture transfer through two projectorred and blue. So, everyone eye gets difficult picture and for combining two color layers arises stereo effect.

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how choose, to order and buy 3Dglasses for 3D films for tV in the Internet store Aliexpress?

3D glasses for 3D movies for TV in the online store Aliexpress

3D glasses for 3D movies for TV in the online store Aliexpress

To choose glasses for films 3D need to basic on the models tV, but more precisely, by technologies, used in nem.. for example, in tVs LG. used polarization technology, respectively, others glasses to nIM not fit. it before we need consider. Today there is two technologies, supported tVs:

  • Shit (active glasses). Such devices different presence sensor, customized on the television and nutrition from battery..
  • Polarization. Such glasses cost much cheaper. Besides togo, they are work so same as and used in cinema. it allows use glasses practically sO all models tVs. the main thing, to yours device supported such technology.

how we already spoke, acquire device necessary, relying on the technology used in tV. Discover about her can of technical passport tV. If a instructions not, that look on the glasses, which were in complete. Usually this is three-dimensional glasses. By them example you you can pick up new couple.

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Reviews about 3Dglasses for 3D films for tV

Oleg: Everything excellent! First i thought, what glasses not work, because what picture was highly muddy. But later downloaded other film and everything became fine. Look from ftydceyadyumov screen one pleasure. Meadows highly thin, so put on and take off we need carefully. Recommend!

Sergey: Glasses reached per 25 days and tracking by everything path. FROM tV Samsung connected immediately. Quality, by mine. oRDER, even it is better, than w. original. Nic nacifices and bad mounts. Product recommend and seller also!

Igor: Perfectly work glasses. W. me television Samsung.. Few than different from original. IN complete came two battery.. All parcel reliable packed. Delivery highly fastcameliterally per couple weeks

Video: Parcel from Aliexpress. Polarization glasses LG. Cinema. 3D AGF310. Starstart.

how choose, to order and buy 3Dglasses for 3D films for cinema in the Internet store Aliexpress?

3D glasses for 3D movies for TV in the online store Aliexpress

3D glasses for 3D films for the cinema in the online store Aliexpress

So same as and for tV, 3Dglasses for cinema select by principle used technologies. IN projectors cinema used active and passive technologies.

  • Active technology shares on the two viewRf/IR. and DLP.lINK.. First synchronized from infrared elements and work by principle console office or remote keys for auto. But, if a transmitter pictures blocked thanthat other, that such glasses cease temporarily work. Second a type can work only from spotlights DLP.. therefore before purchase worth it explore carefully technical requirements your his projector.
  • Passive same technology works from color filter or based on on the polarization. She is more available and cheap. If a you possess two spotlights from filters polarization, that then, sure, need relevant glassesPassive glasses can buy by nevable price. More togo, them difficult display of building.

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Reviews about 3Dglasses for 3D films for cinema

Basil: Glasses nice and lungs. Okay sit on the head. Reached fast, everything in facility. Thank you!

Leonid: Product qualitative, fully correspond to himself content. Ordered two pointseveryone came in separate sachet. Parcel was delivered courier, what surprised. Glasses fully satisfied. Recommend

Anatoly: Glasses decent. Price and quality correspond. Were packed in polyethylene. Testing passed successfully, everything works.

Video: 3D glasses for cinema

how choose, to order and buy 3Dglasses for 3D films for smartphone in the Internet store Aliexpress?

3D glasses for 3D films for smartphone online store Aliexpress

3D glasses for 3D films for smartphone online store Aliexpress

3Dglasses for smartphone give opportunity enjoy three-dimensional space in games and look films from turning on the 360 degrees. Now you not need special room from 3Dtechnology, so as glasses and smartphone compact and comfortable.

Large range devices presented on the Aliexpress. Here you find old version and new market. Interesting design, easy housing, especially designed lenses, comfortable fastening and others technologies, let me you enjoy virtual space in anyone convenient place.

Cost points on the site. far below, than in ordinary stores, for it is by quality they are at all not inferior, but some approve, what it even it is better.

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Reviews about 3Dglasses for 3D films for smartphone

Anton: Glasses work excellent. Practically not distinguish from original. Parcel came fast and reliable packed. Seller thank you

Ilya: Parcel reached per 22 day. Packaging reliable, not hurt. Everything whole. Checked immediately on the practice, everything oK

Video: 3D glasses for smartphones

how choose, to order and buy 3Dglasses for 3D films for computer in the Internet store Aliexpress?

3D glasses for 3D films for computer in online store Aliexpress

3D glasses for 3D films for computer in online store Aliexpress

how and for tVs, for computer also released some species three-dimensional points. IN dependencies from your his monitor and video card are used next types:

  • Active
  • Polarization
  • Anaglyph

Last not require settings and purchases additional devices. Here everything simplydownload film from necessary quality, open glasses and everything. FROM games that same most. Some video card maybe alone transform schedule in 3D anaglyph type.

Glasses for computer work also, as and for tV. IN active glasses are used those same liquid crystals. The only thing difference in tom, what for computer have to acquire special receiver, connected to USBport. computer for synchronization.

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Reviews about 3Dglasses for 3D films for computer

Dmitriy: Delivered fast. Courier drive parcel home. Glasses highly like. Play in them conveniently, even through some watch use eyes not strong tired. Long choose and thought worth it lie buy. But everything same made up his mind and n. drops not sorry

Artem: Everything excellent! Glasses on the head sit oK, but first we need adjust rubber. TO face fit tight. Regulate can dioptia from +8 before4. Sound in headphones also nice

Andrew: IN glasses games looks chic! Look films and simply videos. Everything like. Sound and optics simply chic. Pronounce not can on the honey acquisition! Great thank you! Video:

Glasses for Computer c. AliexpressHello China

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