10 Promotion Errors in Instagram

Published by B. Android / iOS. / Windows / Smartphones
15 Mar 2017.

In this article we will tell about 10 errors that cannot be allowed in the process of promoting the profile in the Instagram social network.

Instagram is an excellent tool for both the profile and communication and business. To date, the audience of the social network Instagram has more than 400 million users. In this connection, Instagram ranks first among the fastest growing social networks in the world.

Thus, such a rapid development of Instagram is a prerequisite for promoting many large companies and brands that are breeding corporate profiles in Instagram and begin to spin it. But it is worth understanding that in the promotion strategy you can be mistaken, as there are quite a lot of nuns.

Therefore, today we will share tips and what you need to do in Instagram, and that in no case cannot be allowed in the process of promoting the profile.

What errors in the process of promoting profile can be allowed?

Your account is closed for outsiders, but open for friends


Quite a common problem, which newcomers are often made when they want to receive subscribers in instagram. Thus, this problem is solved very simply, for this you only need to make an account open to everyone, that is, even instagram users have seen your publications.

How does the closed account affect the promotion?

Certainly negatively, because in essence the user who will visit your page will only see the inscription "this is a closed account", and that's all!

Thus, even if the user is very interested in your publications, he will need to authorize on the instagram website, subscribe to your page and at the same time wait for your consent to view publications. Therefore, the closed account negatively affects the promotion of the profile in instagram.

It is worth notingThat this is one of the very first and stupid mistakes that any person can allow, that is, you can simply forget that once you made a private account.

Interesting! Open one secret if you want to see publications on a private page, but its owner does not accept your subscription, you can use special programs that you can find on request in Google, for this simply type "Private Profile Viewer on Instagram" and download one of them.

Few contact data or fields for them empty

It is especially important to fill all contact details if you are selling or providing services. After all, each client needs to make sure that the fake you or not. Therefore, if the fields for contact data are not fill out, then you can even forget about potential customers and sales. It will be great if your mobile phone will be specified on your page, Login Skype, VKontakte profile or Facebook, as well as the address of your company.

It is worth notingThat this very strongly conquers confidence and users, as it means only what you are honest and disinterested.

Here is an excellent example of how the account cannot be conducted during the advancement process. Note that the likes are checked here, there are only Viber and WhatsApp from the contact information. At the same time, the owner of this page apparently forgot to specify the email address for communication or at least his website.


You often publish photos and posts.

Surely you will say that a frequent publication of photography is a pledge of success and a multi-million audience. But unfortunately it is not so. After all, frequent updates you will simply be bored with your subscribers, and they will soon disappear from you, rather than admire you. Therefore, it is rather necessary to put a priority for the number of publications, but on their quality.

Thus, the optimal and recommended update frequency is from 1 to 5 publications per day. But there are cases when the content is generally prohibited to publish. For example, at the time of the promotion, competition or any event.

You cheape your subscribers using prohibited services

A very frequent problem with which all newcomers also face, and not only. The principle of cheating subscribers in Instagram is almost an alternative to the cheating of subscribers in VKontakte. Therefore, how do you remember the VKontakte administration negatively refers to pages and groups that have a lot of "dogs", that is, blocked pages. In this connection, the account with a huge number of "dogs" is also flying into blocking.

But in Instagram, the concept is so different, so if you decide to turn the subscribers to your profile under the pretext, so that you have potential customers, I will immediately arrange - you will not work. Therefore, it is better to engage in targeted advertising, or buy posts on the Sociate site.

We give one good and real example of one page, which has more than 11,000 subscribers. It is worth noting that this is a company for the sale of jewelry in the Internet network, and at the same time she gains only 40-50 likes in the photo. Thus, it can be said that the account is simply coiled by subscribers, but it has few comments and likes.

Although there are accounts in the Internet, which have only 400 subscribers and receive more than 70 likes per photo per day.


You do not answer the questions of your fans

As you know, the public and fans do not like to stay without the attention of their idol, and here it is necessary to answer every comment by your subscriber, regardless of whether it is a positive comment or negative.

Well, if you have a corporate profile that presents a whole company, then you are simply obliged to answer our buyers to comments, since very often customers ask questions about ways of payment, availability of product, discounts and delivery. Thus, feedback should be direct visibility, it is necessary to be next to the client.

Well, if you do not listen to this Council and you will not answer the comments, then buyers and subscribers will simply think that no one is watching the account, and thereby make discharge from your profile.

You subscribe to many pages and Laika

As practice shows, this method of promotion is not so effective, since one subscription you will attract the user to my page, but it is unlikely that he will be interested. In marketing such type of customers called "Cold".Therefore, you should search for other strategies for promoting a profile in Instagram, or come up with an interesting marketing move, which will cause unequivocal interest from anyone, even "Cold" client.


It is worth noting that massioning and massacing must be used if the subject of your business is extremely narrow, and in order to somehow attract the audience you need to subscribe to them.

You publish posts only in the evening

On the Internet there is such an opinion that in the evening people are much more active and more attentive to each publication and photography. After all, in the evening, come from work, they enter the Internet, attend their profile on the social network VKontakte or Instagram, put husky on the posts you like and need to repost on your page.

However, in the social network Instagram, the concept and relationship of users is a little different. As you remember, instagram is a mobile social network, which means the activity of the audience is distributed evenly, that is, there is no such thing here that at 20:00 the audience brings the audience to the daily record by quantity, although this phenomenon is observed in VKontakte.

Therefore, you need to distribute publications by intervals. For example, if you make 3 publications daily, you can take a period of 2-4 hours.

You publish monotonous and boring photos

Try to interfere with your content with something interesting, new and unusual to attract the audience even more. After all, if your publications are monotonous, and all photos will have a "Mayfair" filter, then where will you have a multi-million audience?


Do not greading on the content, be creative. Use entertainment content, bring intrigues and try to captivate your audience.

You do not use hashtegi

If you ignore and neglect the use of hashtegov, then users will not be able to come across your page to once again subscribe to it. Therefore, be sure to use the most popular hashtegi, but pick them up with the subject of your photo.


It will be perfect if you are your top 20 used hashtegov, which will somehow fit into the subject of photography.

You do not mark the place of photos and do not install the geometry


This error can not be called an error, rather this advice so that you set the geometry on each photo. After all, if you are the founder of a cafe or restaurant and decided to take a picture against the background of your institution, why not install the geometry? After all, this especially attracts the attention of the audience.

Well, today we talked about 10 errors that can be allowed in the process of promoting the profile in Instagram. Do not allow them and you reach your million!

Video: Instagram Promotion Errors

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