Why is the Android and iPhone phone via USB from a computer, laptop, from charging from the network? The phone shows that charging goes, but it does not charge: what to do, how to charge?

Published by B. Android / iOS. / Windows / Mobile Internet / MTS / Useful advice / Smartphones
1 Dec 2017.

If you have so that charging goes, but the smartphone is not charging, read the article. It describes all problems and ways to solve them.

The main advantage of any smartphone, like any other mobile device - to keep the battery charge for a long time. But recharge the gadget is still needed.

  • Previously, companies for the production of such devices equipped mobile devices with special original connectors.
  • You could only turn on the charging device only to the outlet using the branded "charging" provided by the manufacturer.
  • Now mobile devices are equipped with universal Micro-USB connectors on android devices and USB Type C - on new gadgets with the latest versions of Android and iOS OS.
  • It helped to make the use of the device for a user simple, the loss of the cable is no longer a problem, as you can charge the device from the PC. But what to do, if with the help of this method of charging, it is impossible to add a smartphone charge? The answer is looking further in the text.

Why is the Android and iPhone phone via USB from a computer, laptop, from charging from the network?

Does not charge the phone

Does not charge the phone

If you connect the smartphone to charge from a computer or laptop, and percentages of charging do not increase, the reasons may be very different. Let's deal with more. It is worth noting several main reasons why the Android phone and iPhone is not charged via USB from the computer, laptop, from charging from the network. Consider them in more detail:

System glitch in device program.

  • If the OS hung, the controller does not give the command to the transmission of the current to the battery.
  • Get rid of this problem simply: Restart the device by pressing the on / off or HOME key for a few seconds.
  • Then turn on the device and connect to the computer for charging.

The problem is in the firmware.

  • Often such a problem occurs from iPhones. If you recently updated the firmware, and suddenly the phone stopped charging, then make a rollback.
  • But to perform this action you need a backup copy that you should have done earlier.
  • This recovery is performed through iTunes. Just click the program " Restore from copy».
  • If you do not have a system on the system reserve, then make a reset to the manufacturer settings. But keep in mind that in this case you will lose all photos, music and video files.

Charger malfunction

  • Blockcharge can quickly break, especially if it is Chinese and cheap.
  • Dear smartphones only need the branded block. From the use of "Left Charging" may be the most unpleasant consequences: fast battery wear, device breakdown or even its unexpected explosion.
  • Try connecting the device to a computer through another cable.

Fault Cable Lightning

  • Even if such a cable looks excellent, it can still be faulty.
  • Try using another cable of a similar type. If charging goes, then a malfunction in an old cable and you need to buy a new one.
USB port faunor

USB port faunor

Glitch in port Lightning

  • Often this malfunction happens from iPhones.
  • It is not always a breakdown. The cause of the problem may be dust and dirt. It will be visible if you look into the port.
  • If you can see that in the hole a lot of dust, then you take a dirt from the port neatly. Contacts are cleaned and started to carry out the current.

USB port does not function

  • In a PC or laptop, the USB port may not function or there may be little current or power.
  • Connect to another port or charge the smartphone from the socket or PowerBank unit.

Fault in details (battery, loop and other)

  • If you have already completed all the advice, but the phone does not even charge the phone, then he has a faulty item.
  • It happens that water gets into the smartphone and it stops functioning normally.
  • In this case, the device must be attributed to the service to specialists. They will find a malfunction and eliminate breakdown.

Lack of current charging

  • It is possible to find out this by means of a tester, a USB-doctor or using a special program on the phone.
  • If it is impossible to do it yourself, refer to the IT specialists in the service.
Slim charging cable

Slim charging cable

Thin cable

  • Perhaps the wire is too thin and does not spend the current in the desired volume.
  • Try using other wires with a charging unit instead of recharging from the computer.

Little power in the chain of the motherboard

  • Unlikely, such cases are. Basically, manufacturers adhere to the standard, but such a malfunction also need to be considered. If the manufacturer still does not declare the charging function via the USB port, then you should not count on powerful charging currents.
  • Contact your specialists if you suspect this problem.

Tire washing

  • If your computer is only designed for inclusion from the periphery, and not to power the gadgets, the power may not be enough for charging.
  • You should view the BIOS settings. But it is difficult to do it yourself. Contact your specialists.

If you doubt as a USB port, then you should purchase a special tester for charging cable. Its price is small (up to 250 rubles), but you can always find out, this is the cause of a malfunction.

The phone shows that charging goes, but it does not charge: what to do, how to charge?

Charging goes, but the phone does not charge

Charging goes, but the phone does not charge

When the mobile device does not charge - this is a chagrin for the user, especially if the charging goes, and the battery remains at zero. In this case, panic begins, because there is a modern man without a phone, like without hands. What to do and how to charge if the phone shows that charging goes, but not charging? Here are the possible causes of this problem and ways out of situations:

  • The charging unit does not function. Try charging the device through another wire and block. If it does not help, then the problem is not in this.
  • Faulty telephone system. If you are sure that the wire and charging unit are working, and the smartphone writes that the charging goes, but the battery is zero, then you should contact the device to contact the specialists. In this case, you need to flash or replace the entrance.
  •   The battery failed. The battery in the phone is not subject to repair, and when it is malfunction, you need to buy a new battery. If this item is built into the smartphone, then you will have to acquire a new device.
  • Open applications and other services. If you put the device for charging and not closed the applications, and also did not disable the operation of the services, then the charging will go slowly, since the functioning of open programs is powered. Disable all applications, programs, services, and especially Wi-Fi.

It often happens that the phone is standing on charging for a long time, for example, all night, and the battery charge after this is meager - 1-2%. In this case, the problem is in a faulty battery or power controller. In the first case, you can replace the battery and continue to use the device, and in the second - it is necessary to carry the device to professional professionals.

Video: iPhone4 shows charging, but not charging. Repair the battery cable


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