Service "Stop List" Kyivstar: how to enable, disable. How to add a number online Kyivstar?

Published by B. Kyivstar / Kievstar services
28 Jul 2016.

An article about how to connect and use the service "Stop Leaf" from Kyivstar.

Many spam comes to your phone! Advertising messages that are not interested in you, promotion, incomprehensible questions for verifying erudition.

The stream of unnecessary information is annoying, climbs the phone's memory, does not carry useful information.


Spam on mobile phone

Operator Kyivstar, took care of your peace, offering a unique action "Stop Leaf".

The name of the action, says itself for itself, because it makes sense to stop receiving unwanted messages and challenges.

What can be done by accepting the action?

  • get rid of unnecessary conversations
  • block unwanted phone numbers, calls, posts
  • block calls from unknown numbers
  • save the complete confidentiality of your number, for the subscriber from the blocked "black list"


Connecting a promotion

  • dial code *789#, Call
  • make an outgoing call to the number 477*789*
  • connect through the personal account on the operator's website
  • use the services of the service center specialists

Adding the specified number to "Blacklist" Kyivstar

  • dial code *789*2call (for blocking unknown numbers)
  • dial code *789*2* phone number #, call (blocking
  • messages and calls from the number specified on the code)

How to use the promotion?

All control is carried out by a set of specific code.

  • checking on / off promotion, code *789*1#call
  • connecting call blocking from unknown numbers, code *789*2#call
  • disable call blocking from unknown numbers, code *789*3#call
  • add the number in the promotional service by typing the code *789*2* Phone number, call where this phone number includes country code (without icon +), city code, phone number from 10 to 14 digits
  • eliminate this number by typing code *789*3* phone number #, call
  • get a list of phones from the "Black List" by typing the code *789*4#, bell
  • exclude all numbers from "Black List" by typing code *789*7#, bell

Service "Stop List" from Kyivstar

Disable promotion

  • we gain code *789*9#call
  • we use the site of the operator with instructions
  • call numbers 477*789*

Statistical information

These messages come from the service 1 time per week on the Cell number of the client in automatic mode.
One statistical message contains 8 numbers.
The report contains information about the unwanted numbers from which you called or sent SMS messages, the time of their lock

Enabling the reporting option for numbers

Dial code * 789 * 5A #call, where a is a code of certain periodicity:

  • 1 - daily
  • 2 - weekly
  • 3 - monthly
  • 4 - not send
    You can use other options:
  • site operator
  • call to the room 477*789*
    Statistical information from the service comes to 18-00 pm:
  • weekly information - comes on the day of service
  • monthly information - comes on the day of the order of the selected option

The option coming is ordered when the service is connected, and after it.


Kyivstar will always come to your aid

Rates and Service Fees

Order value service - free
Subscription payment - 0.4 hryvnia daily taking into account taxes. Best of this price takes the collection to the pension fund in the amount of 7.5% of the cost of the service without taking into account the tax.
Fencing yourself from unnecessary information using the service "Stop List" of the Kiev Cellular Operator!

Video: Advertising from Kyivstar

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