Service "Waiting for Call" and "Call Hold" on MTS: How to Connect, Disable

Published by B. MTS / MTS services
July 17, 2016.

The article describes the "Waiting and Holding Hold" service from MTS, how to connect and disable.

During your conversation on a mobile phone, other subscribers can also be attempted to call you. These subscribers, of course, will hear short beeps, saying that you are busy conversation. But you, in turn, may even not guess about someone's attempts to get off with you. And it could be relatives, and colleagues for work, called an important cause.

To solve this problem and the service "was introduced" Waiting and hold call»Operator" MTS" Thanks to this option for customers " MTS»The second line is launched, which allows you to remain in touch with two different contacts at the same time.


Service "Waiting and Holding Call" Mobile Operator "MTS"

Service " Waiting and hold call»It features the following characteristics:

  • Able to make incoming calls from subscribers over the second line, while holding the first line in touch
  • Makes it possible to hold one line in touch and make an outgoing call

When making calls over the second line, you, accordingly, no longer miss all important calls and do not lose contact with the subscriber on the first line, if the conversation with it also has not the last value. During communication on the first line, and upon receipt of another call, you will hear short beeps on the background of a conversation (which will not hear your interlocutor) who do not create any interference for the conversation itself.

At this moment you have the opportunity to send the current conversation to standby mode and take the second challenge. The subscriber on the first line will temporarily expect while you talk to another contact. You can also switch between lines there and back.

If, when communicating with any subscriber, you want to call somewhere, without losing communication with the current contact, then for this you need to use the detection service. The same principle works here. The first line will be in standby mode, and the second line will be available when the outgoing call. It is possible to switch between lines.

ATTENTION: The conversation on two lines will include the cost of two outgoing calls, if on the first, and on the second line outgoing calls were performed by you.

How to use?

Connect the service " Waiting and hold call»There is no need, as it is already connected by default to any SIM card" MTS" Any subscription fee is also not provided. As already noted, the service admits two one-time conversations, among which one active, the other - in standby mode. When the third call is received, one of the currents will have to be interrupted.

The service management is easy - digital, function buttons and receiving buttons apply:

  • Adopting a second call when communicating on the first line - click on the button " 2»Either receiving / call buttons
  • Deviation of the second call when communicating over the first line - click on the button " 0»
  • Adopting a second call and reset the current - click on the " 1»
  • Ignoring the second call when communicating on the first line - no action is not necessary
  • Switching between two lines (holding the other in standby mode) - click on the "button" 2»
  • Making an outgoing call by holding the current conversation in standby mode - dial the desired number and click on the call button

ATTENTION: If there is an activated call forwarding option, a second incoming call is reset (by pressing the "button" 0") Redirect it to the specified forwarding number

How to activate?

If you bought a SIM card " MTS"Until 2009, or disabled the option" Holding and Waiting for Call"It is necessary to activate it as this method:

  • Dial USSD request - * 43 # challenge

Check the service status:

  • Dial USSD request - * # 43 # Challenge

How to turn off?

For deactivation of the service " Holding and Waiting for Call»Necessary:

  • Dial USSD request - # 43 # challenge

Video: How to disable services on MTS?

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