Service Beeline Locator without the consent of the Subscriber: how to connect, disable?

Published by B. Beeline / Beeline services
September 22, 2016.

The article describes the "Locator" service from Bilain, how to connect and disable.

Service "Locator" from the mobile operator " Beeline»It makes it possible to calculate the location of subscribers (with their consent) by other subscribers. This allows, for example, to monitor the movement of children of kindergarten or school age and, in general, use this service when it is really necessary. Service " Locator»It may be located with sufficient accuracy in the absence of any additional technological means. Let's talk about everything in more detail.


Service Beeline Locator without the consent of the Subscriber: how to connect, disable?

Service "Locator" from the operator "Beeline"

Principle of operation " Locator"From" Biline»Based on connecting the phone to a wireless network that is distributed by special stations. In case of " Bilayne"This network is well operating in the city and allows you to determine the location of one or another subject. But outside the city, such accuracy is no longer guaranteed because there is a small number of stations in this zone.

But the urban area is quite sufficient for ordinary subscribers to use the services " Locator ". « Locator"Allows you to find a person you need on a specific street or crossroads. In addition, the subscriber, whom we should find, may well use the usual phone without resorting to expensive smartphones, and even more so by the radio.

If we need someone to find, we simply send the appropriate request, and then the location of the phone you need is determined by the above-mentioned stations. After that, we receive information about this location.

But, in turn, we will most use the program for a tablet or smartphone running " Android", What makes it possible to work most effectively with" Locator" This allows, for example, on the gadget display to see an interactive map with the location of the subject, as well as search for quickly without unnecessary commands.


Service Beeline Locator without the consent of the Subscriber: how to connect, disable?


Service Beeline Locator without the consent of the Subscriber: how to connect, disable?

But you can also apply the usual phone, by sending SMS and receive response notification with text information. This information also contains a reference to an interactive map that can be opened in the browser on the computer. It is not so convenient, so the best option still remains a smartphone with an appropriate application.

As subscribers " Biline"We are with the service" Locator»We can find subscribers using" MegaFon», « MTS", Etc., including ourselves" Bilayne" But it is for the possibility of searching the telephone number, which we are looking for, should be included and located on the territory of the Russian Federation, otherwise we will not achieve any result. It is also worth noting that the number of subjects of our search cannot exceed five people.

The cost of the service "Locator" from Bilain

Rates for the service " LocatorThese are:

  • Subscription fee - 3 rubles / day
  • Request for the search for subscribers - free
  • SMS notifications - free
  • The first seven days of use of the service are also free.

How to activate the "Locator" service?

If you wish to activate on your phone the service " Locator"From" Biline"Then you should use one of the following ways:

  • Call on 09853
  • Send SMS on 5166

Principle of operation "Locator" service, and how to look for other subscribers?


Service Beeline Locator without the consent of the Subscriber: how to connect, disable?

As we said, " Locator»Searches for the location of subscriber phones through communication with the stations" Biline" Within the city, the search error is small, outside the city - to a kilometer. The principle of work is as follows:

  • A request is made, after which it should be done either not to do the permission to search for another subscriber (the subscriber receives an SMS asking for the definition of its location, also indicates the number of the seeker. With the consent you need to specify in the response message: " YES»)
  • The search for another subscriber occurs with the application for smartphones or SMS messages
  • The location of another subscriber is notified by SMS either through the application
  • For every five minutes only one request for the search

If we are looking for another subscriber using the application, then we need to go to it and choose the number of people we need. If we are looking for a person with SMS, then you should send an SMS of the type " Where [Subscriber Number]»On the number - 5166.

How to deactivate the "Locator" service from Bilain

For deactivation of the service " Locator"From" Biline" need to:

  • Send SMS with the text " From" on the 5166

Video: How to find out the location of the subscriber by phone number?

comments 5. Add a comment

  • Tell me each time my request for the subscriber's search will come to a phone permission or only when connected?

  • Hello, how did you know if I did not connect me to the locator without my permission ???

    • Just call the Biline Support Service and find out 8 800 700-06-11

    • Li Locator connected

  • It's time to write a law to punish those who connect paid services without permission. Tired of spending time to track and disable services that are not needed. Only our lawmakers are concerned about extremism. Now from any person can make an extremist or "burning".

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