Service "Unified Country" MTS: Description, Conditions. MTS - "Unified Country": how to connect and disable

Published by B. MTS services
15 Sep 2016.

Let's figure it out that this is for the service "single country" from MTS and how to connect it.

Today you can see on different forums of the discussion about the MTS service "Unified Country", which was recently actively advertised. Many subscribers with delight accepted news on the cancellation of roaming in Russia. But it turned out that there are those whom this application seemed to be ordinary advertising. They say that the money will not exist economically, but on the contrary, they will increase costs. Let's wonder what this is a "single country" service from MTS.

general information

Service one country from MTS

Service "Unified Country" from MTS

The service is provided absolutely free, and all outgoing calls are paid according to the tariff plan used by intranet roaming. The option works throughout the country.
As already becomes clear - the option is characterized by the parameters from the statement claimed. But it is impossible to argue about the absence of benefits.

After the service is activated, you will significantly save on incoming challenges of home travel around the country. If you even additionally use the service "everywhere at home", and when I find in other regions, almost yourself call, then the "single country" will be an excellent substitute for you, since she has no subscription fee. In addition, when leaving the city, you can not be afraid that you smoke in the zone of another region and can safely receive calls.

Connection and Disable Service

How to connect a single country service from MTS?

How to connect the "Unified Country" service from MTS?

If you think that the service is very useful, then use two ways to connect it:

  • USSD request *111*808# or *808#
  • Personal Area

Disconnection is made by these same ways.

In conclusion, it is worth saying that today this service is not provided to Crimea and Sevastopol. Therefore, when found in this area, you will work roaming.

Video: Advertising Cancellation of intranet roaming (MTS)

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