Tariff plan "Zero Doubt" Beeline: Description, how to connect, disable

Published by B. Beeline / Beeline services
10 Sep 2016.

The article describes the "zero doubt" tariff plan from Bilain.

As a rule, mobile operators try to provide a wide variety of tariff plans to their customers to satisfy their various requests. For example, for those subscribers who particularly like to talk on the phone, they are thought out.

This may be a subscription fee, depending on the composition of the tariff. Or there may be no subscription fee for example, for example, with unlimited packages designed to use a certain number of conversation minutes.

Mobile operator " Beeline"Thus, it offers its customers such a tariff plan as" zero doubt. " As part of this tariff, the subscription fee is not provided, all outgoing calls within the network " Beeline"And SMS is not expensive.

It can be said that this service is intended specifically for subscribers, mainly communicating on the phone with other subscribers " Biline" If in your mobile phone in the list of contacts, the largest number of rooms belongs to this mobile operator, then the tariff " Zero doubt"Undoubtedly created for you. Talk about it more.


Tariff plan "Zero doubt" from Beeline

Description of the tariff plan "Zero doubt"

Tariff plan " Zero doubt»You can attribute to the most transparent services from" Biline" It allows subscribers to closely monitor all expenses for the services provided. This tariff is simple as possible, does not require any subscription fee and practically includes paid services as more advanced features.

I.e, " Zero doubt"Will be useful not only to subscribers communicating exclusively in the network" Beeline"But also to persons who do not require cellular communication to more than simply talk on the phone.

Tariff plan " Zero doubt"Allocated on the following conditions:

  • All outgoing calls to the rooms belonging to " Biline", Within the framework of its region is free from the second minute of conversation. Over the first minute, the conversation provides for a fee of 1.3 rubles
  • All outgoing calls to numbers owned by " Biline", In the rest of the regions of Russia - 2.5 rubles / min
  • All outgoing challenges to the rooms of other mobile operators within their region are worth - 2.3 rubles / min
  • All outgoing challenges to the rooms of other mobile operators to other regions - 5 rubles / min
  • Outgoing calls to numbers " Kyivstar»In Crimea and Sevastopol will cost 12 rubles / min
  • Outgoing challenges in Crimea and Sevastopol on the numbers of other Ukrainian mobile operators - 24 rubles / min
  • All outgoing SMS messages to any home areas - 2.5 rubles / min
  • All outgoing SMS messages on any home area numbers when activating the service " My SMS»Do not require any fee
  • SMS to other regions and countries - 3.95 rubles
  • All Outgoing MMS - 9,95 rub

As for cellular communication, we see that within the network " Biline»In the home region, the tariff" Zero doubt"It is quite profitable. But the mobile Internet does not differ in the same characteristic - 9.95 rubles / min (additional options can be connected to the Internet for reducing Internet costs). Besides, " Beeline"In this case, has a certain disadvantage. The fact is that when using literally 1 MB of traffic on the SIM card automatically connects the service " Highway 1 GB».

This, of course, is unpleasant, but you can find a way out if you do not quite suit you such a split. Deactivate the service " Highway 1 GB»You can as follows:

  • Dial USSD request - * 115 * 030 # Call

Another unpleasant surprise may be the fact that when activating " Zero doubt"Your SIM card also connects such an option as" Be aware +", Requiring a subscription fee in the amount of 0.5 rubles per day. To get rid of it, you should choose how:

  • Dial USSD request - * 110 * 1062 # Call
  • Call on the room 067401062

If you need any other services that you can add a tariff plan " Zero doubt"You can advise here, for example, already specified above" My SMS"And absolutely free to correspond with subscribers of mobile operators of your region. What other services can be connected, you can find on the site " Biline».


Tariff plan "Zero doubt" from Beeline

How to activate the "zero doubt" service from the Beeline operator?

If, when reading this review, you still decided to go to the tariff " Zero doubt"From" Biline", Then you should choose one of the options:

  • Call by number 067410222
  • IN " Personal Cabinet" Online " Biline»Make the action specified there

Transition to the tariff " Zero doubt»Boil at 150 rubles.

How to deactivate the "zero doubt" service from the Beeline operator?

If you want to disable " Zero doubt"From" Biline"You should simply connect any other tariff plan or deactivate it on the site" Biline».

Video: Zero doubt

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