MTS Connect 4 tariff plan: how to connect, disable

Published by B. MTS services
August 24, 2016.

Actively use the Internet and make calls? Pay attention to the excellent MTS-Connect rate 4.

To w. subscribers was inexpensive access to internet, companies providing communication services invented special tariffs, which developed especially for such purposes. One of such tariffs provided company MTSthis is MTSConnect. 4. IN this article we tell me, as to plug and disable this tariff plan, but also stories ob all options, which provide inexpensive access to internet.

How to switch to MTS Connect 4?

How to switch to MTS Connect 4?

so, in framework this tarifa provided some additional options:

  • « the Internet on the day»
  • « the InternetMini.»
  • « the InternetMaxi.»
  • « the InternetVIP.»

These services allow receive access to internet on the self profitable conditions.

General information

Rate MTS Connect. 4 is an most profitable of all and created for usein tablet or modeme, but cellular here not so important.

If a speak about calls, that they are cost not so cheap, as i wanted would be. Well, it and understandably, after all rate oriented more on the using internet. By the way, one megabyte traffic worth it 1,5 ruble. therefore additionally to tariff offered additional options from attractive conditions and cost.

Service « the Internet on the day»

This option oriented on the users, which enjoy internet not constantly, but periodically. IN dann case on the day provided 500MB traffic. But here available someone featuretraffic will be provided only when will be registered attempt authorization in network. for example, if a you today in the Internet not come in, that and pay not written off.

Cost services make up 50 rubles in day. To her can enjoy even for finding in roaming. But here worth it take account, if a per alone day net perregisters two attempts access to internet, that there is in home region and per his limits, that pay remove twice.

To add or disable service:

  • Use *111*67#
  • Add service through private cabinet
  • Write number 67 on the number 111 for additions and 670 for disable

Service  « the InternetMini.»

MTS-Connect 4 tariff plan - How to connect?

MTS-Connect 4 tariff plan - How to connect?

This option is for those who use internet constantly, but ponemarku. She is gives 3GB traffic per 350 rubles in month. Great fits for smartphone or tablet. To add option enter *111*160# or log in in Privatecabinet. Traffic can use on the territory all countries.

Service« the InternetMaxi.»

This service suitable subscribers, which lot of time spend in internet. She is gives opportunity use 12 GB day and so many same at night. Of this enough, to unlimited communicate in social networks and work from Other applications that need access to the intenet. Tariff value - 700 rubles in month. Internet can enjoy by all Russia. To add option dial *111*161# or log in in Private cabinet.

Service « the InternetVIP.»

Tariff for the Internet - MTS Connect 4

Tariff for the Internet - MTS Connect 4

If a you need simply unlimited traffic, that for you suitable exactly this service. She is gives on the month 30GB traffic and night unlimited per 1200 rubles in month. the Internet also works by all country. To connect dial *111*166# or use capabilities Personal cabinet.

how tune device?

So, to w. you was inexpensive access to internet, connect rate MTSConnect. 4 and choose in use one of services. To produce setting, you we need stick modem in a computer and setting will be produced automatically. Further only choose necessary option.

By the way, per Use options in insenet roaming you have to pay extra 50 rubles in day.

how go on the rate MTSConnect. 4?

How to disable MTS-Connect 4?

How to disable MTS-Connect 4?

For transition on the rate use Private cabinet or inquiry*111*307#.

how disable rate?

To produce such operation, need to change its own tariff plan on the any other from help personal cabinet or relevant request. Not forget to plug additional services.

To check residue traffic use *217# or Private cabinet.

Video: MTS Connect 4 (VIP for 600 rubles per month)

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