Smart "Unlimited" - a new tariff from MTS: a description of the tariff, how to circumvent restrictions. How to go to the tariff "Unlimited" MTS?

Published by B. MTS
7 Jun 2016.

One of our leading cellular operators is MTS, released a new tariff with focusing on the use of mobile Internet - Smart "Unlimited". This tariff is ideally suited to all of us who spends more time on the Internet than using the phone as a device for making calls.

One of our leading cellular operators is MTS, released a new tariff with a focus on the use of mobile Internet - Smart "Unlimited". This tariff is ideally suited to all of us who spends more time on the Internet than using the phone as a device for making calls.

"Unlimited" - nemine, which cuts the ear

  • All the tariffs of the SMART line, before the release of the tariff, had capacious English-speaking words. With the title of the new tariff, the MTS company leaned a bit. Of course, for some contingent of its users, the game with such words is the norm. But, such a name may also have a reverse effect. Although, it's all the little things
  • Let MTS marketers be explained with the leadership, about this cutting hearing of neumeng. This user is not so important. After all, the whole point of the selection of the tariff for a cellular communication is the savings. Such a popular expression as "time - money" is ideal for describing its relationship with cellular operators.

Daily subscription fee

the Internet

Although, as for the mobile Internet, there are other categories

Namely - traffic, that is, the amount of information that passed through the user's smartphone. With the tariff of Smart "Unlimited", everything is clear - traffic is not charged. You just pay 12.9 rubles per day and use the Internet on your smartphone as much as it is necessary.

Important: 12.9 rubles per day will be postponed after the first month using the SMART tariff "Unlimited". With the second and subsequent months, payment will be charged in the amount of 19 rubles in a day. What corresponds to 578 rubles per month.

Who is oriented MTS "Unlimited"?

  • It is clear that MTS "Unlimited" Focused on those who use their smartphone to watch video, listening to music, online games with "heavy" graphics, calls through Skype and other similar messengers
  • As for the "additional" options, the subscriber of this tariff will be able to carry out calls to all MTS numbers in our country. In addition, he will have 200 free minutes for calls to other operators of their region. After they are running out, all local calls will be charged 2 rubles per minute, and long-distance 3 rubles per minute
  • Also in the tariff MTS "Unlimited" Included in the Pack out 200 free SMS.. But, I do not know why they are needed if today you can communicate for free thanks to the Internet - messengers, such as Viber, Watsapp, Telegram
mobile Internet

Yes, and social networks, thanks to the free traffic, you can use as a place of communication with friends, being far from the desktop computer

The roll towards the mobile Internet is now seen from all operators of the big triple. But, succeeded in this coming on the heels Yota.. The Internet from this, while not a strongly promoted operator, is really unlimited. What can not be said from the previous favorite fare of all mobile Internet fans among users MTS - Smart Nonstop. Unlimited in it was only at night, during the day the quota is 10 GB. Although free minutes and SMS has more.

Important: Among analysts, the industry has stubborn rumors that "thanks" the tariff "Unlimited", the Nonstop tariff will have to be forgotten. Although he is cheaper, and free minutes in it more. Wait and see.

For those who want to go to this tariff, it is important to know that when you use it, you will not be able to use file-sharing networks. In addition, this tariff plan is not intended for the modem. Although MTS confirmed that with this tariff, you can distribute Wi-Fi to other devices using a smartphone as an access point.

But, you should not believe the representatives of this company for the word. If you can not use this tariff plan for the modem, why will it suddenly be used from the smartphone? Moreover, it is impossible to do this on some SMART tariffs.

Compare tariffs

And now the important part of this article, which can be used as a summary of the results. As a comparison, the Smart Nonstop rates from MTS were selected (about which was mentioned above), as well as tariff Bilain "All for 500" and tariff OT Yota.. Unfortunately, there is no complete unlimited at MegaFon, so it's not to compare there.

Smart Unlimited MTS Smart Nonstop. Beeline "All for 500" Yota.
Subscription fee 387 (578) 500 500 490
Included in the min 200 400 600 300
Included in the SMS package 200 400 300 unlimited
Internet traffic package unlimited 10 GB / Night. Men. unlimited unlimited
Min local package 2.00 2.00 1.60 2.50
Min. MONGOR. on dr network 3.00 3.00 3.00 From the package
Local SMS over the package 1.5 1.5 1.6 unlimited
Internet over the package For a fee

As you can see, the tariff from Yota is the cheapest. But, unfortunately, this promising operator who uses the "tower" of megaphone is not presented in all cities of our country. Yes, and if you use the tariff for smartphones from Yota and distribute the Internet to other Wi-Fi devices, then the speed will fall to 128 kbps.

And in biline for such an action will take 50 rubles per hour or 150 rubles per day.

Important: If you want to go from your MTS tariff on Smart "Unlimited", then with you for the transition instantly write 387 rubles (that is, payment of 30 days). But, when buying a SIM card with this tariff, you will have to pay only 200 rubles, which will be immediately on the balance of your room.

Read more on the official website of MTS here.

For all emerging issues, call MTS by phone:

  • For MTS subscribers 0890
  • For calls from urban phonesand from mobile numbers of other cellular operators:
  • 8 800 250 0890
    In international roaming:
  • +7 495 766 0166

Video: MTS Smart Unlimited - Real Unlimited Internet for Smartphone!

comments 2. Add a comment

  • In short, Yota will be cheaper. And when when the speed is higher at MTS or Yota ??? Unknown, sadly; (((If there is such information, tell me. Thank you in advance.

    • Alexander, and here no one will answer you. Speed \u200b\u200bdepends on many parameters and changes constantly. I generally left Yota because of speed. Although the first time could not but rejoice. Now in general on tele2. Who would have thought, but now this operator has the best Internet and speed too.

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