MTS Bonus program: Description, how to connect, disable? How to spend points "MTS Bonus"?

Published by B. MTS
July 17, 2016.

What benefits can participate in the MTS Bonus program, how to connect it.

MTS Bonuspopular system remuneration MTS, thanks which can receive presents, to plug interesting services, but payment produce balls. IN service provided rule excellent gifts: such as additional packages services, modems, discounts. Sure, bonuses always can to spend on the services operator: the Internettraffic, additional packages, connection Good.oK. and much other.


How to connect MTS bonus?

FROM recent pore everyone new subscriber MTS automatically turns on in bonus program. If a same you old user, that to plug this option can by sending empty sMS on the 4555. Practically immediately will come answer sMSka from detailed instruction. there is yet one team connections: *111*455*1# and, sure, call.

How to accumulate bonuses?

Exists lot methods save point. Them can accumulate for payment services: cellular communication, home and mobile internet1 score given per everyone spent 5 rub. for usage communication and internet.

Point accrued for usage brand cards MTS Money : by 1 point on the everyone 30 rub. Per performing shopping by map you also get 1 000 welcome points after spending first 3 000 rub.

Producing payment from kobrandy kart partners MTS ( Raiffeisenbank, Sitibank, Sberbank, MTS from Bank Russian Standard), you also earn bonuses.

Additional bonuses accrued per permanent shares: invitation friend bring you 50 points, fill questionnaire30 and etc. Everything methods earn can look on the page programs.

Applied enhance coefficient for accrued bonus points in dependencies from experience service w. operator. Even if a you already 5 years defenseless you are subscriber MTS, but in program decided register only what, that everything point will be you accrued from accounting your his experience.


Look quantity self bonus can in personal cabinet. There becomes available to view all history receipt and spending points, immediately can look balance. Point act smooth year from moment accrued, later burn.

How to spend them?

Methods to spend point also available to view on the page bonus programs. Shares constantly are held new:

  • to spend on the services communicationpackages additional minutes for calls, sMS, the Internet traffic
  • to plug option Good.OK.instead traditional gudka. you will be listen love melody, semit her of huge number offered trekov
  • to spend point on the acquisition techniques in salons MTS
  • can acquire coupons on the discounts for large shops
  • buy on the point electronic books
  • buy codes for self popular games

All list available shares can regularly pirify on the page programs. List proposals constantly changes, connect new shares. For togo, to take advantage necessary services enough simply her choose and press nearby located key receive. Exchange point on the money in any way not whenever, but can exchange on the point partners MTS.


How to give?

Yet one useful advantage programs by compare from other similar offers others operators concludes in tom, what point can not only to spend, but and give. To use this opportunity, follow to find in menu section My MTS bonus and in nem. subsectiongive point. Passage in this paragraph, you will be enough enter number man, whom you would you like translate point, them quantity and confirm.

How to transfer points to a new number?

Transfer subscriptions (ourselves point, history and settings) possible only in case, if a you changed number from preservation owner. If a same old treaty was closed, but by new open new, subscription not transfer.


To tolerate subscription need to register new rooms in program, otoclav. sMS c. text 1 on the short number 4555. Subscription transfer on the new number automatically after his registration. check in can take before weeks c. moment shipping SMS.. Check its own bonus balance on the room can, by sending SMS Bonus. on the tOT same number 4555.

How to disable the service?

Disable option simply. Enough send sMS from digital « 0» on the short number 4555 and to follow expelled instructions.

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