Subscribe to Beeline Coordinates: How to connect in your account?

Published by B. Beeline / Beeline services
20 Mar 2017.

An article about the options for connecting the Beeline service to determine the location of a person by phone number.

In military practice, the position of the enemy according to its coordinates was recognized to implement certain purposes.
Sometimes, to find out the area of \u200b\u200bfinding a loved one, is a necessity, especially if this is a child, an elderly person, a loved one.
Fortunately, the operator Beeline going to meet your customers, inventing a service Beeline Coordinates.


Service Beeline Coordinates

Service "Beeline Coordinates". How it works?

The service determines the coordinate parameters of your loved ones, wherever they are.
Service Scheme:

  • contract with your native people, friends about the agreement on the definition of their location
  • send a message to the number 4770, entering the person's name, his phone number,
    for example: Veronica, 910 21343577 "
  • in expect an answer to the request by agreement on the service. To confirm the agreement requires a message with the word "Yes" on the room 4770
  • after these actions, the service is connected, you define the coordinates by phone number, loved ones, children, sending a short message to the number 4770 "Where Veronica", eg
  • if a person is out of the access zone, the service does not work

Rates for service

  • the service works on a prepaid calculation scheme, 1.7 rubles in 24 hours
  • text on the room 4770 - Free
  • request about where a person is free
  • call on the number 0665, free

How to order a service how to refuse?

  • you can order a service by sending an empty message to the number. 4770
  • call on the room 0665 inform the operator about the desire to connect the service
  • agree with loved ones that the service will be connected, send a message with the name of a near person, his phone number to the service number 4770

Actions during the refusal of the service:

  • send message with text "Disable" on the room 4770

Working conditions

  • determination of coordinates with an error from 200 metro to 1 km
  • no more than five people whose location is required to determine
  • free Week of Use Service for New Customers
  • available service for customers "Beeline" in all territories of the Russian Federation

Is it possible to keep track of a person without his consent?

Theoretically, this is possible, although, based on the moral norms of behavior, is unacceptable.
There are vital cases when a person may be lost, especially an elderly, whose health problems. In this case, you can use the definition of coordinates, without human consent.
Mobile operators usually limit such services to prevent the legislation not provided for by the legislation. However, there are operators providing such services such as Megaphone.

How to do it?

Option number 1

  • using service Megaphone, service " Locator", Dial the code * 148 * Ordinary number #
  • taking this service, call the room 0888 (price 5 rubles)
  • the subscriber you are looking for must answer "Yes" to your request
  • add phone number of this person to the list of services "Locator", sending a message with the subscriber number (starting with +7) On the room 1400
  • as needed, you can find out where the person is code * 148 * The desired number #

Option number 1

  • use the service "Lighthouse" on the MegaFon, Rapid code * 141 # and entering the phone number (usually a child)

Option number 3.

  • install the bearing system to determine the movement of a person by GPS. - Navigation and information transfer to your mobile device
  • you can upload a similar bearing system by application on the Internet, according to the functionality of your smartphone.
  • do not forget to agree on the installation of a bearing with your loved ones to avoid misunderstandings and offended

We told you about the person's coordinate tracking service, disassembled options for connecting or refusing the service.
Take care of loved ones!

Video: How to find a person by phone number?

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  • Fedorka always excuses

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