MTS Satellite TV 0 rubles for equipment

Published by B. MTS / MTS services
December 9, 2016.

Instructions for connecting satellite television from MTS on the action "Equipment for 0.Lest".

Among telecommunications companies, the MTS cellular operator is one of the first to provide the services of digital satellite TV to the population throughout Russia. The presence of a large number of channels, the high-quality picture and simplicity of connection accounted for many in the soul, but not every person could afford to purchase the necessary equipment.
MTS went to meet their subscribers and decided this problem. Thanks to the new promotion " Equipment for 0. Restart"Anyone has the ability to connect satellite television without the need to purchase equipment.

MTS satellite television

MTS satellite television

Satellite Interactive Television from MTS

  • Satellite television from the MTS operator notesly with its extensive number of channels (more than 190 pieces), image quality (more 35 channels In HD format) and convenient air control functions.
  • Among these functions, such as recording of ether, pauses and rewind, as well as the repeat option, video on request and parental control, thanks to which parents have the ability to set the password for unwanted channels for the child.
  • In addition, television from MTS has unique additional interactive services. By simply pressing the button on the control panel, you can find out the latest news, weather, currency courses, get comprehensive traffic information, and since July 2016 MTS has opened access to social networks.
  • Even the most remote corners of Russia come to the area of \u200b\u200bcoating satellite television from MTS. The company's specialists easily and quickly will connect in an apartment, a country house or in the country, will fully configure the equipment and advise you on all satellite TV issues.
Satellite TV from MTS. Equipment for 0. Coating area.

Satellite TV from MTS. Equipment for 0. Coating area.

Description and conditions of the action from MTS "Equipment for 0. Restart"

  • Most recently, the connection of satellite television from MTS was possible only if the user acquires the equipment for this (HD console, antenna and converter), paying immediately its full cost, order 7 000 rubles. But since not everyone is ready to part with such a sum at a time, MTS decided to introduce a campaign, thanks to which it became possible to connect satellite television without buying equipment for such money.
  • Stock " Equipment for 0. Restart"It assumes that the user receives at its disposal equipment for satellite television absolutely free. In fact this is not true. Connecting television for the promotion, the user takes a kind of loan for this equipment and pays its cost together with the subscription fee for a certain time.
  • For example, the subscription fee for satellite television services with already purchased equipment is 140 rub / month. If the user joined the promotion and took the equipment from the MTS operator, then the subscription fee for satellite television on the same tariff will be 450 rub / month Within 12, 14 or 17 months, depending on the selected package.
  • After this period, the equipment is fully owned by the subscriber, and the subscription fee will again be 140 rubles / month.
Satellite television from MTS. Equipment for 0.

Satellite television from MTS. Equipment for 0.

Available Packages for Promotions:

  • Small satellite TV package. Includes a HD console. The subscription fee is 450 rubles / month for 12 months. After the expiration - 140 rubles / month.
  • Full satellite TV package. Includes HD console, antenna and converter. The subscription fee is 450 rubles / month for 17 months. After the expiration - 140 rubles / month.
  • Small Pack of Interactive Satellite TV. Includes an interactive HD console. The subscription fee is 650 rubles / month for 14 months. After the expiration - 140 rubles / month.
  • Full package of interactive satellite TV. Includes an interactive HD console, antenna and converter. The subscription fee is 650 rubles / month for 17 months. After the expiration - 140 rubles / month.
Connecting satellite TV for stock equipment for 0.Rest

Connecting satellite TV on the action "Equipment for 0.Restart"

How to connect satellite interactive television on the action "Equipment for 0. restart" from MTS?

  • The simplest and most reliable way to connect satellite interactive television from MTS will be a call to customer support by phone 8 800 250 08 90. The service operator will not only accept an application for connection, but also will give comprehensive information on connecting and promotion " Equipment for 0. Restart».

If for some reason you cannot make a call to customer support, you can independently leave an application for connecting interactive satellite television to official website MTS. To do this, do the following steps:

  • Step 1. Go to official page MTS satellite television. On the site that opens, click " Learn more details».
Figure 1. Connection equipment for 0. Restart

Figure 1. Connection "Equipment for 0. Restart"

  • Step 2.. In the window that opens, familiarize yourself with the equipment available on the stock, with their prices and payments.
    Going on tabs upstairs, you can familiarize yourself with additional services provided, find out the coverage area and get full information about equipment. If everything suits you, click " To plug».
Figure 2. Connection equipment for 0. Restart

Figure 2. Connection "Equipment for 0. Restart"

  • Step 3.. In the window that opens, you must fill in all the fields, I entered the full address by which the connection will be made, as well as leave your contact phone number.
  • Below you need to choose the service you want to connect. The choice is available " Satellite TV" or " Interactive satellite TV.».
Figure 3. Connection Equipment for 0. Restart

Figure 3. Connection "Equipment for 0. Restart"

  • Next, check the box in front of " Full set" or " Set without antenna».
  • Make sure that in the field " Tariff option"It was chosen" Promotion "Equipment for 0. Restart" and press " Send a request».

After checking your address, MTS specialist will contact you to clarify the connection parts.

Important: The action is provided exclusively to new MTS subscribers and is valid from October 1, 2016 to January 31, 2017. In the Kamchatka Territory and the Chukchi administrative district, the connection of satellite interactive television is not carried out.

Video: MTS - satellite TV. Equipment for 0 rubles

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