MTS "Light payment" through the phone and from a bank card: how to connect, disable via personal account

Published by B. MTS / MTS services
24 Jun 2016.

An article on how to make it right and without any problems to enjoy the offer of operator MTS "Easy payment"

The dream of each modern person to bring the service service as much as possible. The same applies to mobile communications. What could be better than the "easy hand movement", instantly, pay for accounts, being thousands of kilometers from home, or on your favorite dacha, or conveniently attached to the TV in the chair.

Think only, you do not need to go to the bank branch in a few blocks, it is not necessary to stand in line after work, you do not even need to pay commissions! The fairy tale that is incarnated with the action "Easy payment" on MTS for a mobile phone!


Service from MTS operator "Easy payment"

Service "Easy Payment" MTS. Terms and Connection Rules

So, the mobile phone turns into a personal home computer with unlimited Internet, because an amazing service begins to operate.
What can be done with this service?

  • Pay bills on the website of the MTS operator
  • use USSD - codes and pay bills through a mobile application
  • use the SIM menu, according to SMS - post

Principle of work services

  • use the balance of money on the account of the subscriber. In this case, you should simply replenish your account for a certain amount and pay for the apartment fee and the Internet, pay debt in the bank, transfer money from the account to the account, pay for tour and much more
  • use various payment systems developed by the MTS operator, through an individual page in the Personal Account
  • replenish the account of the phone to the funds on the payment card of the Bank of the Russian Federation.

Advantages of services

  • availability of service anywhere where there is wi-fi
  • high payment operations, regardless of the location of the Subscriber
  • instant access to banking operations from a personal phone
  • the ability to not use the bank terminals in real life
  • the ability to be, anywhere and not to lose touch with the house and payments

The commission percentage of this action is very small, only 10 rubles. This amount is not immediately removed, but only after the end and confirmation of the payment. When replenishing the account of another phone, the percentage commission is 10 percent, the same interest goes when repaying the loan debt all information is on the website of the MTS website.


Advantages of services

Terms of use of the service

  • we go to the MTS website
  • select this service on the menu
  • indicate your phone number
  • indicate the time interval of payments and the amount
  • we choose from where to write off, finance from the account on the phone or from the payment card
  • when paying by the card, fill it on its details on the page

Payment Rules from Mobile Phone

  • we connect the application "Easy payment" from the MTS site or from the application store
  • after installing the application, we use the list of goods and services for the purpose
  • we make payments under the Internet connected

The same operations can be done via a cash portal using an asterisk code 115 # call or get a SIM card to which the "Easy Payment" option is loaded.

Payment using an SMS command

Payment using an SMS command is carried out in two directions:

  • using the phone number
  • using a bank card

To send finances via the phone, you should write an SMS - a message with the inscription # Translation amount, confirm your translation by the rules that will arrive in the form of SMS from the number 6996.
To send finances on a bank payment card, send SMS - Message Card Map number, amount to number 6111. With these operations, translation to any bank is available.
The option "Easy payment" really matches its name! Everything is simple, comfortable, quickly.

Video: System "Easy payment" from MTS

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