MTS: How to block the number if stolen or lost the phone? How to block sim card MTS via the Internet yourself?

Published by B. Beeline / Beeline services
8 Sep 2016.

The article describes how to block your SIM card on MTS if necessary.

A great trouble for mobile operators and general gadget owners is the loss of your phone. Another thought when the phone is simply steal.

In the latter case, the persons who took adopted by your phone can take advantage of the SIM card installed in it for their own mercenary purposes, which will deliver much more hassle, as SIM cards are usually tied to the passports of their legal owners.

block-sim card-MTS

MTS: how to block the number

Damage from losing your SIM card is often difficult to overestimate. After all, bank accounts, and credit cards, and accounts from various social networks can be tied to your phone number in addition to the passport (" In contact with», « Odnoklassniki », « Facebook") And access to" Personal Accounts"(Including, and to" Personal Account»Sberbank). Nowadays, the loss of the SIM card can cost much.

In this review we will talk about how to " MTS"You can block your SIM card in one way or another. For this subscribers " MTS»A lot of different features are provided. After blocking your mobile number, you will completely close access to your SIM card even for employees. MTS", Not to mention the attackers. The only thing you lose is a list of contacts, which is the smallest of evil.

Block your SIM card on " MTS»You can through the activation of such a service as" Voluntary blocking" This service can be used not only when we lose the phone, or steal it. " Voluntary blocking»It will be useful if necessary, block your SIM card for a while, that is, temporarily suspend its work, for example, for the period of your vacation or for any other reasons.

In this article, we will consider the following ways to block numbers on " MTS»:

  • With phone
  • With internet
  • In offices " MTS»

And also we learn how to check whether your SIM card is blocked.

How to block a SIM card on " MTS»Using the phone?


MTS: how to block the number

To block your SIM card on " MTS»Using the phone, we should take one of the following:

Call on the room 0890 (only from the number " MTS»)

Call on the room 88002500890 (from home and or cell phone any mobile operator)

After you contact an employee " MTS"He will need to go to your passport data to confirm the belonging of the Blocked SIM card to you. But if your SIM card earlier belonged to another person and was tied to his passport, you will have to call the owner of this SIM card and ask him to do the above actions.

From this it follows that the SIM card on your phone should belong to you - it will be useful not only for easy locking number, but in all possible situations where you will need to identify exactly your personality.

As soon as the operator comes out of your passport data, it will connect to your lost sim-map option " Voluntary blocking"And, therefore, blocks your number. In addition, the old password will be deleted to access your " Personal Area" Online " MTS" If, suddenly, you can find your SIM card, you will also have the opportunity to unlock it with the following paths:

  • In the "Personal Account" on the site " MTS»
  • Through the call to the operator " MTS»
  • In the nearest salon " MTS»

How to block a SIM card on " MTS»Using the Internet?


MTS: how to block the number

If you have a computer and the Internet available, you can block the lost SIM card through the "Personal Account" on the official website " MTS" On the site you should go to the Services section and connect to your number option " Voluntary blocking" This will be enough for your SIM card instantly blocked.

But if you do not have neither the Internet, no phone, then you should contact the offices " MTS" With you, you will need to have a passport to which your SIM card is attached.

How to find out if the SIM card is blocked on MTS?

In order to find out if your SIM card is blocked, you can call numbers 88002500890 or 0890 And ask the employee " MTS", Or verify this information in" Personal Cabinet"(Also, you can unlock a SIM card here).

Video: How to block the SIM card MTS?

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  • I acquired the Moscow region on 05/24/2014. SIM card MTS, phone: +7 915 452 8199
    ICCID: 8970101008528047036 6, RED ENERGY_NEWS_PAY. For connecting in Moscow and the Moscow region. Point code 000173880. Purchated on the basis of his passport: Gray 8900 Number 049541 issued by Ruzaevsky Govd, Republic of Mordovia from 08.09.2000. Registration Address: G.Ruzaevka, Gorshkova Boulevard, Dom5a, sq.27. The specified SIM card I lost in 2015. This number of the specified number is used by another person. By phone, he answered me that I bought the SIM card at the number of the phone: +7 915 452 8199 Based on your passport. If this subscriber uses the specified number is not legally, I ask you to block. Sincerely, Alexander Philippov.

  • unable to reach the operator
    Block tel.

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