MTS Bank Personal Cabinet: Login, Registration

Published by B. MTS / MTS services
12 Nov 2016.

An article about the possibilities and connecting MTS Bank.

What MTS Bank? it application on the Google Player from the well-known cellular operator.


Page application MTS Bank for Google Play


  • help and reporting of transactions on credit cards, balance, deposits.
  • information on credit payments, interest percentage.

Pros app

  • no commission interest in Internet payments, telephone services, utilities and other.
  • payment by standard design, creating a template, document editing.
  • finance transfers for user cards, as well as other banks.
  • repayment of debt online.
  • refill.
  • finance conversion in various cash units.
  • opening an account and investment.

What is required to connect the service?

  • if you are a bank client, you need to get a login and password in any separation of the bank or terminal.
  • if you are not yet a bank client, get a card MTS Money in the service center of the bank or in the cabin shop MTS.
  • connect through Personal Area.

Access to the system through your personal account

Registration B. Personal Cabinet Passes at several points:

  • we go to the official website of the operator MTS by link

MTS master page

  • when you hover the cursor to the link, press the key "Mobile connection" In the menu opened.

We carry the cursor to the "Mobile Communications" option

  • press the option "Personal Area".
  • on the next page that opens, enter the number of your mobile phone, activate the checkbox string "Get a password for SMS messages."

Get Password by SMS - Post

  • do not forget, right, enter the phone number without using numbers 8 and +7.
  • we enter check characters from the picture that appears.

Enter check characters from the picture

  • we get SMS - message from the room 3339 with the specified password on the entrance to Personal Area.
  • we enter a password.
  • go to B. Personal Area.

After the registration is completed, you have an entrance to personal data, information on the card on the map, to any transactions on cards, electronic wallet, pay for various services, calculations for goods, translations, cellular services and other.
High security technologies protect your personal data and means. Security programs have an international certificate.
We hope that the newest service MTS Bank It will be very useful for you!

Video: How to connect MTS Bank?

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