Melody instead of the beep MTS - the service "beep": how to install, disable, cancel

Published by B. MTS / MTS services
4 Jul 2016.

The article describes the Good'ok service from the MTS operator, how to connect and disable.

Service « Good.OK.» from mobile operator « MTS».


Company « MTS» already some years provides own users his popular service « Good.OK.». Popularity service conquered by many reasons. Thanks « Good.OK.» subscribers « MTS» maybe change normal standard beep, sound for call to nIM on the telephone, on the any melodies or voice messages.

it gives opportunity highlight his individuality or even to do « Good.OK.» one of attributes his imidja. This service it has lots of settings. TO example, instead gudka. user can use and any melodies, and jokes, and sound messages individually for eVERY his friend or relative.

Melodies can give (on the month), copy w. friends, install on the playing in any comfortable period of time. That there is, everyone user it has chance to do its own mobile number unique and distinguished.

But follow accept in attention and different restrictions. for example, quality sound melodies can worsen for uploaded network, but for hold on the lines one subscriber, second caller subscriber in this moment will be hear normal long beep. Also not guaranteed stable work services in roaming.

how to plug?

To to plug service « Good.OK.», follow perform one of led action:

  1. Call by one of rooms0550 or 07701and further to follow instructions voice answering machine
  2. On the site. « MTS», reserved especially for this services
  3. Score USSD.inquiry *111*28#Call
  4. For aid applications for phones – « MTS Service»

Attention: if a for activation services « Good.OK.» not was chosen melody, then system automatically connect on the number subscriber additional option – « Musical casket», providing subscriber fee.

For choice melodies necessary take advantage next methods:

  1. Score USSD.inquiry *111*221#Call and further to follow obtained instructions
  2. Call by one of rooms0550 or 07701and further to follow instructions voice answering machine
  3. On the site. « MTS», reserved especially for this services
  4. Copy having liked melody w. friend, press on the « *»
  5. For presence smartphone from operational systems Android, Windows Phone or iOS. download from Internet special attachment

how many worth it?

Melodies for services « Good.OK.» provided from subscription plata. from 49,90 rub./month. For refusal from melodies connect option « Musical casket» by toy same pricefrom 49,90 rub./month and above. Each melody will be come goes away in month about in 98 rub.

how disable?

For desire disable service « Good.OK.» can choose one of options:

  1. Send SMS from text « Off» on the number 0550
  2. Call by number 0550 and to follow instructions answering machine
  3. On the relevant site. « MTS» ( cm. video below)
  4. Score USSD.inquiry *111*29#Call
  5. For aid applications « MTS Service»

Video: How to turn off the beep on MTS


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