How to order a product for Aliexpress in Russian? How to make an order for Aliexpress step bypass?

Published by B. Useful advice
19 Oct 2016.

The article describes in detail how to carry out orders for " Aliexpress».

« Aliexpress."It is an online store, which provides the opportunity to get a completely different product on the cheap: phones, clothing, household appliances, various electronics and so on, including what you have never seen.

Online store Chinese, but this does not apply to its shortcomings. First, the goods on it can be from completely different sellers, secondly, the site also works in the Russian version. " Aliexpress."To date, a sufficiently competitively capable resource.

In this review, we will talk in detail about how to carry out orders for " Aliexpress."(On the example of clothing).

How to register on "Aliexpress"?

To begin with, we should register in the online store " Aliexpress." Follow these instructions:

  • We go to the site "Aliexpress" and in the right upper part of the site click on " check in»

How to order a product for Aliexpress in Russian? How to make an order for Aliexpress step bypass?

  • After that, a window will open in which you will need to fill out all the information for registration and at the end to click on " Create your profile».

How to order a product for Aliexpress in Russian? How to make an order for Aliexpress step bypass?

As a result, an email will come to the mail you want to confirm the registration. To confirm, we pass on the link indicated in the letter and end the registration process.

How to choose goods on Aliexpress?

Before ordering anything before Aliexpress."We need to learn to favorably choose the goods you need.

First we recommend that you go to the item " Last Minutes"Upstairs the site. Here you can find goods with big discounts. They can be chosen by subsections (clothing, auto, shoes, etc.).


How to order a product for Aliexpress in Russian? How to make an order for Aliexpress step bypass?


How to order a product for Aliexpress in Russian? How to make an order for Aliexpress step bypass?

But if you need to find one specific thing for you to " Aliexpress.", Then use the search engine at the top of the site. On the right of the search bar there is a drop-down list with the categories of your product (technique, clothing, etc.) for the convenience of search. The left part of the site also has a column with the most popular categories. Pressing " See all"You will see a more complete list of categories.


How to order a product for Aliexpress in Russian? How to make an order for Aliexpress step bypass?

Passing into the desired category, you will have a special filter, allowing you to sort all products found on your requests. Here you can choose the cost of goods from the smallest to the greatest, enter the keyword, select the delivery method (including free shipping) and so on.

In addition, you can also sort goods on various priorities (price, rating, orders). You will advise you to sort by " Orders"- It will afford to bring the goods to the first rows that are bought out most of all. In addition, such goods have many feedback on them, with whom you will not least need to familiarize yourself.


How to order a product for Aliexpress in Russian? How to make an order for Aliexpress step bypass?

How to choose similar goods to "Aliexpress"?

Do not rush to "pounce" immediately to the product and buy it. You can continue searching and find the thing (or similar) thing at a lower price or a more authoritative seller. For this:

  • We find about the goods you need according to the instructions above
  • Click on it, passing into his description, and below click on " Add to my wishes»

How to order a product for Aliexpress in Russian? How to make an order for Aliexpress step bypass?

  • Then go to " My desires"And in the picture of the product, that you have recently added there, click on" Find similar goods».

How to order a product for Aliexpress in Russian? How to make an order for Aliexpress step bypass?

  • After that, a new tab with a list of similar products will be opened at different prices and from different sellers. Select what you need. The most successful choice will be a thing having a high rating (preferably from 95% and higher), as well as, of course, look at prices. High rating and a large number of positive feedbacks suggest that the quality and delivery of goods are guaranteed.

How to order a product for Aliexpress in Russian? How to make an order for Aliexpress step bypass?

How to choose the necessary sizes of goods on "Aliexpress"?

To choose the right size, such as clothes, you need to follow these rules:

  • We read reviews for the goods, learn what people think that they have already acquired. You can find comments where a person points out how this or that thing is sitting on it.

How to order a product for Aliexpress in Russian? How to make an order for Aliexpress step bypass?

  • We view a table with sizes. But here it costs to remember that most often the tables are not accurate, so it will be wrong to rely on this one.

How to order a product for Aliexpress in Russian? How to make an order for Aliexpress step bypass?

  • We appeal to the merchant the goods, write him a letter in which you ask you to choose the desired size for you. In the letter also specify the parameters of your body. True, not every seller can answer you that will give you to understand his professionalism.

How to order a product for Aliexpress in Russian? How to make an order for Aliexpress step bypass?

How to place orders for Aliexpress?

Finally, go to the main task - ordering:

  • When buying a product you need to specify its color, and then click on " Add to Carty

How to order a product for Aliexpress in Russian? How to make an order for Aliexpress step bypass?

  • Next, go to your basket, where we will issue an order. We point out your country in the upper right corner, as well as in paragraph " Terms of delivery»We choose the delivery method - the higher the price for delivery, it will be faster. If you want a discount on the goods on the promotion, you can buy another one. As a result, click on " Checkout».

How to order a product for Aliexpress in Russian? How to make an order for Aliexpress step bypass?

  • Next, click on " Add a new address"(If you want, you can specify a comment for the seller, in the field specified in the screenshot).

How to order a product for Aliexpress in Russian? How to make an order for Aliexpress step bypass?

  • In the new window that opens, does not hurry in fill in all your data related to the delivery address. You will need to fill in Latin letters (in English), enter the exact address, index, phone and everything you need. We recheck the information. Then click on " Save and continue to deliver at this address».

How to order a product for Aliexpress in Russian? How to make an order for Aliexpress step bypass?

The order is decorated, now it remains to pay it.

How to pay for the goods on "Aliexpress"?

To pay for goods on " Aliexpress.»You can use various payment systems: QIWI, Visa., Mastercard, WebMoney, Alipay., Yandex money. Choose the most convenient option for yourself. The site will be in Russian to suggest how to do.


How to order a product for Aliexpress in Russian? How to make an order for Aliexpress step bypass?

As soon as you pay the order, your email will come with an appropriate information. To learn the status of your order, in your office on " Aliexpress."Click in the upper right corner on the menu with your name and in the dropping window click on" My orders».


How to order a product for Aliexpress in Russian? How to make an order for Aliexpress step bypass?


How to order a product for Aliexpress in Russian? How to make an order for Aliexpress step bypass?

Video: Aliexpress: how to buy goods (videos for beginners)

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