How to enable and disable forwarding to Life?

Published by B. Light / Light services
21 Jul 2016.

An article on how to connect the transaction function of incoming calls on the Life operator.

Imagine such a picture! You call, there are many challenges, you are busy, you can't answer. How not to offend friends, how not to miss a business partner call? The Life operator took care of this problem, because it turned on in its service setting the call forwarding option!


Now, you can forward any call from your phone to any other phone number (stationary, cellular, intercity or on sound mail).
Call forwarding system runs on your mobile phone. The instruction attached to the device will help you in the setup.

Services of service

  • unconditional redirection, I mean the redirection of all incoming calls to a specific number
  • conditional forwarding when certain requirements are followed, to redirect one input call to the number you specified
    Conditional forwarding is performed under the following rules:
  • calls are redirected when the telephone line is occupied
  • calls are redirected when you do not take a mobile phone tube, during a certain time: 5, 10, 20, 25 or 30 seconds
  • calls are redirected when you are not roaming or your phone is disabled


Some conditions for customers Life

  • the subscriber establishes the option to call forwarding, pays for the service.
  • the tariff of redirected calls is equal to the tariff of the outgoing call
  • when making redirection to voice mail, tariffing subscriber, starts from the moment of answering the voicemail
  • setting the forwarding to a long-distance number implies that payment of one minute will be paid according to the tariff grid


System nuances

If the subscriber indicated the forwarding number in the form of an urban number or cellular number, then it is required to specify an international standard:
City Communications Rooms: +375 (city code) phone number

General procedure for inclusion

In order to earn the forwarding service on the Life statement, you should dial the code. ** 21 (phone number) #


The procedure for including unconditional redirection

A set of commands to activate the service depends on the requirements for this service:

  • redirection of input calls, with a busy line, team ** 67 (phone number) #
  • redirection of input calls, if you were called, but you did not get an answer, code ** 61 * (phone number) #
  • redirection of input calls when you are not roaming, code ** 62 (phone number) #
    Do not forget that (phone number), this is the number to which all incoming calls should be sent.

Cancel service

We gain code ##002#, make an outgoing call. Service is disabled


Android assistant

Transferring calls to answering machine

In the case when you drove outside your country, using a set of code **21*5100#The answering machine will turn on to the input calls. You will come texts with numbers of those who called you.
The Life operator will help you carefully communicate with all the subscribers that call you, using a convenient function to address calls!

Video: How to make calls for calls on the phone?

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