How to return the purchased phone on the MTS online store?

Published by B. Useful advice / MTS services
Jan 4, 2017.

Article on the conditions and rules of return of goods in MTS stores.

You bought a phone at the store of the famous mobile operator. Weightful reasons make you return the goods back. Is it possible? Yes, observing some rules.


Return of goods is possible!

Return Rules

  • from the date of purchase of the purchase should pass no more than a month
  • the goods (phone) were not in operation, the performance is not violated.
  • the goods were purchased personally
  • available Warranty Document, Check, Technical Passport
  • phone, smartphone, tablet, should not be activated

Warranty coupon It is an essential document when returning.

What devices are categorically not subject to exchange or return?

  • devices, in which the sim card is included
  • devices, including phones purchased by cashless payment

Where is the purchase return?

  • if you personally took the paid purchase, the return address can be seen on the check
  • returning purchase when delivery is detractive, is carried out in branches of shops MTS

Checking the returned goods in MTS stores

How is the product check for refund?

  • product (phone) is checked for compliance with the refund conditions.
  • photographing goods
  • copies check purchase
  • drawing up an application for the adoption of the return code
  • application for the exchange of goods, if required

Return money to the buyer takes place within 2 days after receiving the return code. Usually, man calls on a mobile phone, invited to the salon - store.

Return of goods when paying a bank credit card

  • return funds are transferred to your credit card you used when buying
  • the term of transfer of money is in the range from 2 to 14 days
  • the next purchase is paid by credit card or cash

All of the above rules concern returning a purchase via the Internet - MTS store.
Reference or advisory assistance for the exchange or return of purchase can be obtained by going to the website of the MTS store link

Enjoy the shopping!

Video: Actions when returning the goods on the Internet - Shop

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