How to find out the technical characteristics of the phone, cameras on a smartphone or tablet Android: instruction, download 6 best programs for checking the phone characteristics on android

Published by B. Android / Smartphones
28 Feb 2019.

The article will lead a list of applications by which you can find out the characteristics of gadgets on Android.

How to find out the technical characteristics of the phone, cameras on a smartphone or tablet " Android"? How to determine the processor on my gadget? Questions of this kind often set phone owners running " Android" In today's review we will give you answers along with reference to the relevant applications.

For a start, let's say that in certain cases, the program downloaded from the Internet is not functioning, even if you installed it correctly. Why is this happening?

The bottom line is that many unlicensed applications work only on certain phones with certain technical specifications. Probably your phone does not meet the requirements of such applications, because they refuse to work.

So, before using any application, you should understand your phone's capabilities. You have three options, how to do it:

  • Get acquainted with the instruction that goes along with the phone (inside the box)
  • View information in the phone settings (" SettingsSystemAbout the phone"- the path is almost for all phones). True, here you will need to go into different tabs, the data is given by the corrosion.
Applications for analyzing Android devices

Applications for analyzing the characteristics of Android devices

Applications for analyzing Android devices

Applications for analyzing the characteristics of Android devices

  • Use a special application that will help in detail and get acquainted in detail with all the characteristics of the smartphone.

In the first two cases you can figure it out. But we offer the third option because it is the most convenient and even useful.

How to check the real specifications, parameters, camera resolution, how many kernels, which processor has a smartphone, tablet to "Android": instructions, links to download programs

When you choose a program to check the characteristics of your smartphone, you need to rely on your specific needs. What do you want to know? Information about the processor? It is necessary to figure out how much iron is heated? How does the processor load? Below we give a number of applications with which you can read and choose something suitable for yourself.


Applications for analyzing Android devices

Applications for analyzing the characteristics of Android devices

This program is known to many users of personal computers, since it is widely used to analyze all the iron on the PC. A similar application also applies to smartphones. This application "AIDA64" is noteworthy in that it makes it possible to show all the information about your device in very detailed. Android».

Applications for analyzing the characteristics of Android devices

You will know the battery data, various sensors, temperature indicators, and so on. There are quite a lot of such information, so the program is most likely to be useful to users and dismantling in this users. By ordinary people, most of the data is simply not useful. But nevertheless, the application is very useful.

Applications for analyzing Android devices

Applications for analyzing the characteristics of Android devices

Download AIDA64 app here

"CPU Identifer"

Applications for analyzing Android devices

Applications for analyzing the characteristics of Android devices

This application will be good to be clear to regular users, since it has an available interface. Also, the owner of the Gadget learns everything about his display, sensors, processor, memory and other parts. True, the free version of the CPU Identifer program will be limited, some of its functions will remain inaccessible.

Applications for analyzing Android devices

Applications for analyzing the characteristics of Android devices

Applications for analyzing Android devices

Applications for analyzing the characteristics of Android devices

Download the application Cpuidentifer here


Applications for analyzing Android devices

Applications for analyzing the characteristics of Android devices

And this is a more "tricky" application. It allows not only to figure out the data on your smartphone model, but also carry out the tests of the device. You can compare your phone with other instances. You will be known only to the necessary characteristics, which simplifies the process of studying.

Applications for analyzing Android devices

Applications for analyzing the characteristics of Android devices

You can test both ordinary and graphics processors. This happens at maximum loads, but if you do not understand it, it is better not to use this function.

When testing, you can use video from the Internet. In this case, the phone will be heated, which is natural for similar procedures. At the end of the test you will see the results on the display. Thus, you will know what games your phone can pull, and which is better not to use.

Applications for analyzing Android devices

Applications for analyzing the characteristics of Android devices

Applications for analyzing Android devices

Applications for analyzing the characteristics of Android devices

True, applying as a test video shown above in the screenshot will be possible only with an additional application that you can download here. A similar addition extends the capabilities of the Antutu program, otherwise you will be available only by the usual tests of your phone.

Applications for analyzing Android devices

Applications for analyzing the characteristics of Android devices

Applications for analyzing Android devices

Applications for analyzing the characteristics of Android devices

If you wish, then as another addition to the program "Antutu" you can download it. attachment. Due to this, it is possible to carry out manipulations with the QR code and PC.

Applications for analyzing Android devices

Applications for analyzing the characteristics of Android devices

Applications for analyzing Android devices

Applications for analyzing the characteristics of Android devices

Applications for analyzing Android devices

Applications for analyzing the characteristics of Android devices

Download AnTutu app here


Applications for analyzing Android devices

Applications for analyzing the characteristics of Android devices

A simpler application that will provide information on the specifications of your smartphone. You will know the basic necessary data. But it should be said right about some of the disadvantages of the Droid Info program.

Applications for analyzing Android devices

Applications for analyzing the characteristics of Android devices

The fact is that the program "Droid Info" is not fully refined, since it has not been updated for a long time. Because of this, it provides unreliable information. And it is very sorry, since the application is good, has an available interface, convenient navigation, does not cause any difficulty when familiarizing.

Applications for analyzing Android devices

Applications for analyzing the characteristics of Android devices

Download Droid Info application here


Applications for analyzing Android devices

Applications for analyzing the characteristics of Android devices

This application is very similar to the previous option, however, has an English interface. But it has its advantages - is constantly updated, it gives only reliable information on the scanned gadgets. In principle, the CPU-Z program could be used to all ordinary users if it supported Russian.

Applications for analyzing Android devices

Applications for analyzing the characteristics of Android devices

If you do not know English, it is unlikely that this option is suitable for you. You simply will not understand what and where to look for which characteristics are displayed on the display and so on.

Applications for analyzing Android devices

Applications for analyzing the characteristics of Android devices

Download the CPU-Z application here


Applications for analyzing Android devices

Applications for analyzing the characteristics of Android devices

And this is another version of applications capable of testing with smartphones. We have already told about her colleague above. First, with the GEEKBENCH 4 application you can find out information about your phone model, including the operating system, memory, model, processors, etc.

Applications for analyzing Android devices

Applications for analyzing the characteristics of Android devices

Secondly, if desired, spend tests of your gadget for its performance under certain loads. By the way, you will not even need to download additional programs for this.

Applications for analyzing Android devices

Applications for analyzing the characteristics of Android devices

Download the GEEKBENCH 4 app here

Video: How to find out the characteristics of the device on the OS android?

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  • Learned the technical characteristics of the phone
    Thank you

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