How to find out your tariff plan on LIFE?

Published by B. Light services
Aug 15, 2016.

To control your expenses it is useful to know what your tariff plan is. Let's wonder how to do it on the life.

Today company, providing services communication Life. - one of self popular on the Ukraine. It it has lots of attractive and profitable Proposals.

To always exercise control of expenses, be aware existing shares and many other, need to discover its own rate on the Life.

There are several methods for obtaining data on your tariff plan.

Find out the fare

Find out the fare

Many people accustomed receive information for aid USSD.requests. For checks his tarifa Life provides inquiry *161#, which the easily remembered but message from answer Comes after a few seconds.

What is the principle of service? There are special teams, which give understand operator, what you need. It, in his queue, on the base posted teams Provides data. IN answer is he should send requested information. it pretty conveniently, because what No time required for operation.

Yet one advantage is the lack of fees for each request, so you can even even a negative balance.

Call operator

Life tariff plan - how to find out?

Life tariff plan - how to find out?

Besides shipping USSD.requests there is opportunity call by number 5433. This service allows also operational receive information.

After set rooms you will hear autoinformer, where need to choose one of sections and listen necessary information through some minutes.

If you can't find information about your tariff, then connect to the operator. Specialist will help decide any your question.


Personal Cabinet Life

Personal Cabinet Life

Everything more popularity acquires the Internetassistant for customers Life. The service allows receive information through official website companies. entrance system implemented from help login and password.
By the way, here same you you can look everything existing offers and shares, but also follow out conditionhis Account, add and delete services.

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  • What is the cheapest fare, was 29 graded 69

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