How to find out your MTS number on the tablet and modem?

Published by B. MTS / MTS services
December 4, 2016.

The article tells how to find out your MTS number on various mobile devices.

The standard number of mobile operators, as a rule, consist of eleven digits, which not every subscriber can always keep in their memory. Also often happens when the subscriber " MTS"Or the other operator with difficulty remembers its own number.


How to find out your MTS number on the tablet and modem?

This is most often associated with a confusing sequence of numbers that does not have a certain pattern. Simply put, such a number, rather, resembles a password. And more beautiful rooms where several numbers can repeat one after another, are quite expensive, moreover, they are not so much among the total number of all cell numbers.

A quick set of your number on the phone or in the terminal is often needed to make certain actions. What to do in the case when we urgently need to dial our number manually, but we completely forgotten it, or do not remember only a few digits?

In this review we will talk about how to learn your own number " MTS»On the phone, tablet and modem.

How to find out your MTS number on a cell phone?


How to find out your MTS number on the tablet and modem?

Many people recognize their rooms with various cunning methods. For example, call your relative, a friend or friend, and then recognize a number of incoming call. You can simply ask people who you are in contacts, push your number from the list in the phonebook. There is another way - write your own number in your own phone in the list of contacts.

But what to do when we do not have the opportunity to resort to the measures specified above? Here, our mobile operator comes to the rescue MTS"Who obviously learned this situation and provided subscribers the opportunity to recognize his number with the phone.

If you need to know your number " MTS", Then on the phone in which your SIM card is installed is one of the following:

  • Dial USSD request - * 111 * 0887 # Challenge
  • Dial USSD request - * 111 # Challenge
  • Call on 0887

In the first case, a message will be received to your phone with your SIM card number. In the second case, you will also recognize the number of your SIM card thanks to a special mobile portal. And when you call at the specified number, the answering machine will inform you your number absolutely free even if you are in roaming.

How to find out your MTS number on the tablet?


How to find out your MTS number on the tablet and modem?

Tablet computers are able to publish the Internet, and many subscribers " MTSAnd other mobile operators use them to connect to the worldwide network. The tablets have slots to install SIM cards, which gives them the ability to also communicate with mobile networks.

Since many subscribers " MTS»Can use the tablet instead of phones, we need to find out how to find out your phone number in this case. There are several such ways, and we will study each of them in more detail.

The iPad tablet computers differ among other things to send SMS and voice call through these devices is not possible. Therefore, we will not be able to find out your number with the help of the above methods. But we have other options.

Find out your number " MTS»On the iPad tablet, the following methods are possible:

  • Go to " Settings»Tablet, click on the item" Maintenance", Next, go to" About device"And in -" Cell data number" Here you will see the number of your phone from the SIM card, which is currently installed in the tablet.
  • You can also simply remove the SIM card from the tablet and install it in the phone, using the adapter for this SIM card (SIM card for iPad is presented in Nano format). And further find out the SIM number of the methods specified in the previous subsection. Of course, this method is less convenient.
  • Using the application " MTS-Servis»You can also find out what the numbers of your number look like" MTS" In addition, you will familiarize yourself with your tariff plan, balance on the account, you can activate or deactivate tariffs and services.
  • With the help of such a browser like " Safari." The bottom line is that thanks to this browser you can go to your " Personal Area" Online " MTS"And, accordingly, watch what your number you have.

Now let's talk about what options there are to recognize your number " MTS»On the tablet running the operating system" Android»:

If you have the opportunity to carry out calls on your model, you can call 0887 or dial USSD request - * 111 * 0887 # Challenge. That is, this method is absolutely similar to the method known to us.

  • Again, you will have to rearrange the SIM card into the phone, as was specified in the case of the iPad and recognize the number using a call or USSD request.
  • Using the application " MTS-Servis»
  • With the help of a regular browser, go to your " Personal Area" Online "MTS."And find out all the necessary information.

How to find out your phone number "MTS" on the modem?


How to find out your MTS number on the tablet and modem?

In the case of modems from " MTS"There are practically the same principles that we have described above. You can find out the SIM card number built into the modem in such ways:

  • Using the program " MTS Connect.", Which will be installed when activated modem, deposit SMS" 0887"(Without quotes) on 111. Wait for messages with information on your number.
  • Remove the SIM card from the modem to the phone and use the team * 111 * 0887 # Challengeor a call to 0887.
  • As the modem is intended to enter the Internet, take advantage of this case. Go to " Personal Area" Online " MTS"And find out your number there.

Video: How to find out your number [MTS]?

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