How to increase the speed of 3G modem MTS?

The article will tell about ways to increase the speed on the Internet.

This article will tell you about ways that allow you to increase the speed of your 3G modem.

Many users are asked how to increase the speed of the Internet on their 3G modem, and this question is absolutely adequate on their part, since there are many speeds of speed, and they will actually enable it.

3G modem in laptop

3G modem in laptop

Programs to accelerate speed on 3G modem

Programs to increase speed

Programs to increase speed

On the Internet, if you enter a search phrase "How to speed up the Internet" It will break out a huge list of various programs whose developers claim that the use of these programs will be positively affected by the speed of your Internet connection.

Of course, in fact, everything is wrong, because the speed initially depends on the signal and the provider, which provides you with these services. The essence of such programs consists only in establishing optimal parameters for data transmission protocols, and in the conclusion also compress the incoming data flow from the Internet.

How does the Internet speed occur?

As is known, the speed of the Internet also depends on the operating system, since if it has factory settings, the Internet speed will be reduced at least 20%, which can serve as a shortage of the data transmission required for you.

If we speak frankly, then the service is to blame for such a decrease QoS.. By the way, if you want to solve problems at speed, the simple shutdown of the service will not help you. It is possible to solve it only with the help of the service. gpedit.msc.through which you actually need to disable this service QoS..

Internet services, as a compression of page traffic.

Internet services to increase the velocity of the Internet

Internet services to increase the velocity of the Internet

These services allow you to significantly increase the Internet speed, but not by increasing the data stream, and by compressing the contents of the page, the process of which only visually changes the appearance of the page. If we talk about what Internet services are used at all, you can find a completely ordinary answer to it, in order to save traffic, if you have restrictions on incoming traffic.

There are services, the work of which does increase the speed of the Internet compound, and the principle of their work is to redirect the specified request from the user to the installed service. Of course, such a service is not free, but still on the Internet there are pretty large quantity, therefore the service prices and the provision of this service are different.

One of these Internet services should be considered WebWarperIt is impressive to the fact that you are in addition to controlling the number of incoming and outgoing traffic, you can speed up the Internet connection, but it is worth it only if necessary, it also has the ability to protect your computer from extraneous programs and viruses whose penetration will adversely affect Work your computer.

The huge plus of this service is that it is absolutely free, which means you don't need to pay for it at all. This service is recommended to be used on a mobile phone, since Internet traffic has practically all mobile operators has a limit, and by activating the traffic compression mode, you and forget about the constraints!

Hardware methods for accelerating 3G.

Of course, we will talk now about the USB cable known for all the USB, which is the main assistant for the ability to enter the Internet. By the way, this method is the most effective of all listed methods in this article.

After all, most USB modems are used on stationary computers, and as you know, the walls, furniture and other interference are able to make it difficult to submit a full data transfer stream that it will very much to reduce the speed of your Internet, and using USB extension, you can put a modem on the windowsill, where the signal will be much stronger as the speed.

For the purchase of such a USB extension, it is better worth upset than to save on it, because the prices of them are not so more, but to spend their nerves and search for the following source of the problem at speed will then have to you. Therefore, for these things it is better to pay more, as they may be useful in another sphere.

Using wifi repeater

WiFi Repeaters Home

WiFi Repeaters Home

WiFi repeaters Also themselves are very convenient and have quite a component structure, while they allow you to transmit a signal at a distance of 1 km, which is an excellent distance.

Unfortunately, their minus lies in the high cost, and in connection with this, not everyone will allow you to purchase such a miracle thing. By the way, the prices of these devices vary very much, and they begin with thousands of rubles to five. But if you acquire it, you can forget about the quality and problems with the signal.

The remaining methods for accelerating the speed of the modem:

  1. If you understand these devices, you can independently dispersed the signal, but be careful, since after these actions, the modem warranty is immediately removed
  2. Increase the speed of the Internet, you can also use the MTS or Megaphone access to the salons, depending on your mobile operator. Maybe he will offer you a more speed rate, but money will have to pay for him.
  3. Internet speed can also increase if you disable applications that are liquefied by your Internet traffic, these are messengers, clients, loaders, torrent programs
  4. The placement of the modem also plays a huge role in the velocity of the Internet, since if the signal is bad, then the speed will be according to less

Try to use each way that was described in this article may turn out to be. Good luck!

Video: How to increase the speed of the Internet?


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