How to distribute the Internet with a Yota modem? Modem Yota 4G LTE: How to distribute Wi-Fi?

Published by B. Yota.
21 Aug 2016.

Many people when purchasing a modem with a built-in Wi-Fi module are wondering - how to distribute the Internet? We answered this question.

Many Yota customers are wondering - how to distribute Wi-Fi with the Yota modem? We will analyze this question in this article.

general information

How to distribute Wi-Fi with a modem Yota?

How to distribute Wi-Fi with a modem Yota?

To begin with, it is worth saying that there are Wi-Fi routers that have the ability to connect to them a USB modem. Thus, they can distribute the Internet from the modem. This option is the most acceptable in all senses. The router consumes less electricity and thanks to this solution do not have to keep the computer all the time on.

But not everyone has the opportunity to purchase a router that has a port for connecting a modem. In this situation, distribute the Internet you will be through a computer or tablet. If you have a tablet with the android system, then everything is simple - connect the USB modem and turn on the distribution of Wi-Fi in the settings. But such an operation is possible not with each device, as it must support OTG technology and work with external modems.

How to organize distribution?

Distribution of the Internet with modem Yota

Distribution of the Internet with modem Yota

First you need to configure the virtual wireless network. There are two ways to do this:

  • Configure via the command line
  • Using Virtual Router Plus

Looking a little forward, it is worth saying that this is essentially one method, since the second configures the command line, only in this case it will work on the machine. That is, you will not have to attribute commands and configure sharing. The program will do everything herself. You can set only parameters.

Setting the distribution via the command line

How to distribute Wi-Fi through the Yota modem?

How to distribute Wi-Fi through the Yota modem?

To launch a desolate row with administrator rights:

  • Go to the "Start" menu
  • In the search line and enter in it CMD
  • In the carved results of the CMD left mouse button
  • Select Run on the administrator

Next, enter the following commands:

  • netsh WLAN Set HostedNetwork Mode \u003d ALLOW SSID \u003d MY_VIRTUAL_WIFI KEY \u003d 12345678 KEYUSAGE \u003d Persistent - The command sets the driver and creates a virtual Wi-Fi adapter. Here SSID is the name of your network, Key - access password. These parameters can be introduced as you like, but they should consist of Latin letters and numbers. In other words, instead of " My_Virtual_Wi-Fi.You need to write any name you like. And instead "12345678.»Enter any numbers
  • Netsh Wlan Start HostedNetwork - With this command you enable the network. If instead of the word START, enter the word STOP, the network will stop its work

Customize overall access

Setting up Wi-Fi through the Yota modem

Setting up Wi-Fi through the Yota modem

  • After setting up and first turn on the network, you can configure sharing:
  • In the tray with the programs, find the Wi-Fi icon and click on it. You need a line setting up networks and shared access
  • When the window starts, then click on changing additional shared options. Here, mark all the items to include them, except for password protection. It must be turned off
  • Return to the main page of the management of your networks and go back to the change section of the adapter parameters.
  • Here you will see one active connection. It will call Yota or local network. Depending on the configuration of your computer, it may have another name.
  • Click on the right mouse button and select "Properties"
  • Now you need to find the "Access" tab
  • Next, give permission to and other users can use the network.
  • In the Home Network Connection tab, click on the desired connection.
  • Now save the entered parameters, and you will get a full distribution of Yota by Wi-Fi

Setup via Virtual Router Plus

Yota 4G LTE - Wi-Fi distribution setting

Yota 4G LTE - Wi-Fi distribution setting

Download this program and install it. Here you need to set the following parameters:

  • Name Name
  • Password
  • And also specify which connection will be active

Basically the last parameter is determined automatically. That is, when connecting to the Yota network using a USB modem, the program will see this connection and starts to apply it as active. By the way, it does not always do it. This situation will help update firmware

Video: How to distribute Yota on Wi-Fi with Windows 7?

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  • make a better video review how to do it on Windows 8-10 ... And how it is written I do not understand

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